"Finally".... The Rock Returns.

Wondering why John Morrison hasn't got a big push in the WWE? (Unless I missed it which is entirely possible.)
don't understand the hate for the miz and del rio to be honest. not seen much of del rio admittedly as i don't watch much smackdown but the miz is very entertaining.
Aikmaniac;3886568 said:
Wondering why John Morrison hasn't got a big push in the WWE? (Unless I missed it which is entirely possible.)

Cause Vince finds it funny that the WWE audience accepts whatever he feeds them, so he push's people that lack talent, its the only logical explanation as John Morrison is superior to The Miz & Alberto Del Joke in every single way.
Yeagermeister;3886417 said:
Any match with Slowa Joe can't be one of the best. I saw him try to run the ropes once and I swear the other guy laid on the mat long enough to eat a sandwich and drink a beer.

Joe looks really out of shape. My understatement of the day...
Aikmaniac;3886568 said:
Wondering why John Morrison hasn't got a big push in the WWE? (Unless I missed it which is entirely possible.)

He hurt his ankle not long ago..a legit injury..not storyline related.
daschoo;3886575 said:
don't understand the hate for the miz and del rio to be honest. not seen much of del rio admittedly as i don't watch much smackdown but the miz is very entertaining.

Alberto Del Joke is a joke, that's why. Hes not entertaining in the slightest he has no right to be anywhere above Val Venis level on the card, he's horid.

The Miz is forced, 3 weeks in a row you have someone destroy the face of your company and he's still not accepted as a main eventer, he can't get over, he lacks the it factor and hes a bad in ring worker. The onlything he has is charisma, shouldn't be anything but a tag team wrestler or mid carder.

John Morrison vs Edge would've been 10x the feud that Del Joke vs Edge is, and would've drawn more money.

Ted DiBiase winning the rumble if he wasn't jobbed out for the last year for no reason vs John Cena would've been a 10x better feud than The Miz vs JC.
daschoo;3886575 said:
don't understand the hate for the miz and del rio to be honest. not seen much of del rio admittedly as i don't watch much smackdown but the miz is very entertaining.

Only two guys on here are badmouthing them.

If they were on TNA both of them would be singing their praises.
Aikmaniac;3886568 said:
Wondering why John Morrison hasn't got a big push in the WWE? (Unless I missed it which is entirely possible.)

He is horrible on the Mic.

Great worker but just a bad talker unless he has someone to lead him.
zrinkill;3886597 said:
Only two guys on here are badmouthing them.

If they were on TNA both of them would be singing their praises.

No, Del Joke wouldn't be anything but a jobber in TNA cause he's absolutely horid. The Miz would never have gotten a job in TNA, hell he only got a job in WWE cause of the MTV connection. How can you even say that I only like people in TNA when half my posts over the past few pages have praised John Morrison and Daniel Bryan? That doesn't make sense. Miz & Del Joke are horrible, your just drinking the McMahon koolaid while he is laughing in his office that Del Joke and Miz are main eventers
Romo 2 Austin;3886606 said:
No, Del Joke wouldn't be anything but a jobber in TNA cause he's absolutely horid. The Miz would never have gotten a job in TNA, hell he only got a job in WWE cause of the MTV connection.


TNA would cream themselves to get either guy.
zrinkill;3886611 said:

TNA wuld cream themselves to get either guy.

May sign them because of the publicity of the WWE machine shoving them down peoples throats the past 6 months, but they wouldn't be main eventers in TNA, neither fits the TNA style at all. The matches are much faster paced, Miz wouldn't keep up at all and Del Joke's stupid smiling would piss off the regular TNA fans. He wouldn't get over.

and don't even say "TNA has people over 50 blah blah blah", WWE sings Booker T and Kevin Nash and people say its a good thing TNA does it and its spun as a bad thing, WWE fans just take whatever their fed and that is why the industry has suffered for so long. They can book crap talents as main eventers and WWE's 5 year old audience accepts it.

WWE had Montel Vontavious Porter, he had the it-factor, the ability in the ring and the charisma to be a legit main eventer. Instead they push idiots like Del Joke and The Miz.
Romo 2 Austin;3886613 said:
May sign them because of the publicity of the WWE machine shoving them down peoples throats the past 6 months, but they wouldn't be main eventers in TNA,

You have no clue.

Dos Caras Jr was pursued by TNA in 2007 He decided to remain in Mexico.

If he or Miz came to TNA they would be Champion in less than a month.

Just like Christian and Jeff and anyone else WWE lets go.

As far as Booker and Nash ...... are either guys Main eventing the shows like Hogan and Sting? Nope ...... they are being used backstage and as announcers.

Try again.

zrinkill;3886625 said:
You have no clue.

Dos Caras Jr was pursued by TNA in 2007 He decided to remain in Mexico.

If he or Miz came to TNA they would be Champion in less than a month.

Just like Christian and Jeff and anyone else WWE lets go.

As far as Booker and Nash ...... are either guys Main eventing the shows like Hogan and Sting? Nope ...... they are being used backstage and as announcers.

Try again.


Never heard TNA tried to sign him, and a quick google search shows nothing of the sort.

Miz or Del Joke in TNA would be nothing but a quick month long publicity stunt, cause there crap.

Hogan isn't main eventing nothing, he's a personality. Sting is getting a few month run before he hangs it up, most likely at BFG this year. WWE putting a major focus on Jerry Lawler is praised, showing him "respect", TNA does it with Sting and its looked down upon. Same thing, different scale, Lawler was nothing but a mid-carder in WWE and Sting was one of the biggest draws and names in the industry's history, hes still in great shape and still looks good in the ring. No problem with him being a main eventer, only flaw is his age.
Romo 2 Austin;3886633 said:
WWE putting a major focus on Jerry Lawler

Lawler is fighting another announcer ..... and its all an angle to bring back Jim Ross.

Lawler is not the WWE Champ.

Sting is the TNA champ.
zrinkill;3886639 said:
Lawler is fighting another announcer ..... and its all an angle to bring back Jim Ross.

Lawler is not the WWE Champ.

Sting is the TNA champ.

He had a title shot at No Way Out, didn't he?

He's 61, Stings 52. Sting wears face paint and his body doesn't look near 52, Lawler's body looks pretty darn close to his age, his face is botox'ed up so he doesn't look 62 in that regard.
zrinkill;3886625 said:
You have no clue.

Dos Caras Jr was pursued by TNA in 2007 He decided to remain in Mexico.

If he or Miz came to TNA they would be Champion in less than a month.

Just like Christian and Jeff and anyone else WWE lets go.

As far as Booker and Nash ...... are either guys Main eventing the shows like Hogan and Sting? Nope ...... they are being used backstage and as announcers.

Try again.


Nah they would have to go thru the geezer squad first (Sting, Hogan, Flair....)
Romo 2 Austin;3886633 said:
Never heard TNA tried to sign him

What a surprise.

It was while the LAX was breaking up ..... they wanted him to join but also wanted him to change his mask and name (rumors was to the failed gimmick suicide) so he stayed in Mexico.

Of course when WWE came calling he changed his name and dropped the mask.
zrinkill;3886650 said:
What a surprise.

It was while the LAX was breaking up ..... they wanted him to join but also wanted him to change his mask and name (rumors was to the failed gimmick suicide) so he stayed in Mexico.

Of course when WWE came calling he changed his name and dropped the mask.

I'm going to ask Dave Scherer about this, because I don't know if its true or not so won't further comment. But had he signed to TNA, he never would've been anything but a mid-carder/jobber. Hes crap, and the fact that you blindly defend him holds back progress in the wrestling industry, WWE shouldn't be able to have people like Del Joke or Miz accepted as main eventers.
Romo 2 Austin;3886643 said:
He had a title shot at No Way Out, didn't he?

It was the setup to the return of JR angle against Cole ...... and used to add some extra heat to the Miz.

He was never gonna get the belt ..... Like Sting and soon Hogan again.

Of course you do not understand any of that.

Mark my words Hogan will be TNA champ before its all said and done.
Romo 2 Austin;3886653 said:
Hes crap, and the fact that you blindly defend him holds back progress in the wrestling industry

He is more talented in the ring than anyone in TNA except Angle.

You are clueless.

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