"Finally".... The Rock Returns.

Romo 2 Austin;3886707 said:
He could probably do a no holds barred type match, and they could drag it around 5-6 minutes with a few chair spots and blood then have hogan drop the leg. Im not saying it'll be good at all, it won't, im just saying it'll draw and thats what TNA wants.

A Hogan match would send me running away not draw me in.
zrinkill;3886709 said:

A guy with Knees and a Back as bad as he has cannot keep this look without "Bonds" type help.

Working out is one thing but actual wrestling is something completely different
daschoo;3886575 said:
don't understand the hate for the miz and del rio to be honest. not seen much of del rio admittedly as i don't watch much smackdown but the miz is very entertaining.

They're both awesome

The Miz grows on you
zrinkill;3886663 said:
:lmao2: :lmao: :lmao:

Biggest hack on the web about wrestling.

Made fun of by anyone who knows anything about the business.

This being your mentor explains so much.
I had no idea who this was, so I looked him up. Hulk Hogan tells one radio host he doesn't even know who it is.
Yeagermeister;3886716 said:
Working out is one thing but actual wrestling is something completely different

I'm with you..I can't imagine anybody wanting to watch Hogan wrestle again.

I can't imagine why he would even consider it with all his back trouble.

He's been dropped on his head too much too if he does. Silly.
DallasGirl50;3886738 said:
I'm with you..I can't imagine anybody wanting to watch Hogan wrestle again.

I can't imagine why he would even consider it with all his back trouble.

He's been dropped on his head too much too if he does. Silly.


His ex took him to the cleaners big time
Hostile;3886735 said:
I had no idea who this was, so I looked him up. Hulk Hogan tells one radio host he doesn't even know who it is.

He always makes wrong predictions. He said that Jim Ross had died one time and called him a dear friend.

Jim Ross was obviously not dead and said he had never met the guy before.

He is an old ECW fan so hates everything WWE related.
Romo 2 Austin;3886585 said:
Cause Vince finds it funny that the WWE audience accepts whatever he feeds them, so he push's people that lack talent, its the only logical explanation as John Morrison is superior to The Miz & Alberto Del Joke in every single way.

or it could be his complete lack of personality which would make any storyline involving him a total snooze fest. Del Rio and Miz have more personality in their pinkeys then Morrison will ever have hence why they get the big push, that's just the nature of the business. Want matches purely based on in ring talent watch Mexican wrestling, it's threated much more like a sport there.

Just wait until you see Misitco (sin cara or what ever his name is now) total freak of nature but he can't speak English so he'll probably be out of the WWE again within a year once the novelty wears off cause they won't be able to write a decent storyline for him
Yeagermeister;3886753 said:

His ex took him to the cleaners big time

Yea I read about their divorce..and that dumb son of his has to pay some millions to the friend that he almost killed in that car accident. Deservedly so; he really can't pay enough money for what happened to that guy.
Back to the op:

The Undertaker vs. Triple H (No Holds Barred Match)
WWE Champion The Miz vs. John Cena
World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio
United States Champion Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
John Morrison, Trish Stratus & Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler & Lay-Cool
Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole with Jack Swagger (Special guest referee "Stone Cold" Steve Austin)
Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
I went to WM in Houston some years back and deja vu...Taker vs HHH then.

It was alot of fun. I can see Edge losing..Orton will win...Cena will win...Sheamus will win...something nonsensical will happen and Snooki will win...Lawler will win (I suspect Austin will stun both Cole and Swagger)...Mysterio will win.

I wonder if they will bring out Kevin Nash somehow..Awesome Kong too. Should be a fun show. Taker and Shawn's matches these last few years have been outstanding.

Generally the outcome is somewhat predictable as are most shows. It's hard to shock fans anymore with the internet and such these days. They've already written the scripts!
zrinkill;3886353 said:

Miz , Sheamus, ADR, Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Husky Harris, Evan Borne, Wade Barrett, Jack Swagger, Cody Roads, Ted Dibiase, Joe Hennig, Drew McIntyre, Justin Gabriel.

All very Young superstars who are gonna be the next generation

If that's the case we might as well all stop watching right now. That list makes me want to vomit.
RoyTheHammer;3887277 said:
If that's the case we might as well all stop watching right now. That list makes me want to vomit.

You and the other TNA fan boy can stop watching anytime you want.

The Geriatric club would prefer that anyway.
big dog cowboy;3887164 said:
Back to the op:

The Undertaker vs. Triple H (No Holds Barred Match)
WWE Champion The Miz vs. John Cena
World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio
United States Champion Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
John Morrison, Trish Stratus & Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler & Lay-Cool
Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole with Jack Swagger (Special guest referee "Stone Cold" Steve Austin)
Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Would be great if a TLC or ladder match was scheduled.

Wrestlemania back in 2000 had an epic ladder match. Edge/Christian, Dudley Boyz, Hardy Boys, etc. It was unbelievable.
zrinkill;3887294 said:
You and the other TNA fan boy can stop watching anytime you want.

The Geriatric club would prefer that anyway.

Why am i a TNA fanboy? Because i don't like the product that the WWE is putting out right now?

No, enjoy your PG corny joke of a Champion the Miz.

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