"Finally".... The Rock Returns.

RoyTheHammer;3870406 said:
You make it too personal. What are you then? A WWE fanboy?

lol who cares. If you like guys like Del Rio and Miz, cool. I think they're an embarassment to the profession though. They don't bring anything interesting to the table at all imo. Especially Miz.. everytime i see him trying to act intimidating i can only laugh. I could kick his ***. He must be the scrawniest world champion ever other than Mysterio. At least Rey has muscle definition though.

Anyway, neither brand is doing much of anything interesting nowadays. Wrestling has gone way downhill. I don't see it getting better anytime soon with the young guys there are now and the horrible writing going on in both promotions.
AJ Styles is a body?

I don't like Miz, but he's more entertaining than Styles. He just bores the hell out of me.

I don't want Orton to become a face. Great heel. I miss Chris Jericho. Great heel. I even like John Cena and a lot of people can't stand him.

I heard Sting might be coming to WWE. Anyone know if that is true? I remember when he and the Ultimate Warrior were a tag team. That is how far I go back in wrestling. I forget their names right now though. It'll come to me.
RoyTheHammer;3870406 said:
You make it too personal.

No I do not.

RoyTheHammer;3870406 said:
If you like guys like Del Rio and Miz, cool. I think they're an embarassment to the profession though. They don't bring anything interesting to the table at all imo. Especially Miz.. everytime i see him trying to act intimidating i can only laugh. I could kick his ***. He must be the scrawniest world champion ever other than Mysterio. At least Rey has muscle definition though.

Well that is your opinion. Mine is that there is a lot of young talent that is being groomed the right way and are just waiting for all the old guard thats left (HHH,Taker,Mysterio) to move on.
Hostile;3870418 said:
AJ Styles is a body?

I don't like Miz, but he's more entertaining than Styles. He just bores the hell out of me.

I don't want Orton to become a face. Great heel. I miss Chris Jericho. Great heel. I even like John Cena and a lot of people can't stand him.

I heard Sting might be coming to WWE. Anyone know if that is true? I remember when he and the Ultimate Warrior were a tag team. That is how far I go back in wrestling. I forget their names right now though. It'll come to me.

He resigned with TNA.
Hostile;3870418 said:
AJ Styles is a body?

I don't like Miz, but he's more entertaining than Styles. He just bores the hell out of me.

I heard Sting might be coming to WWE. Anyone know if that is true?

IMO, Miz isn't more entertaining than anyone. He's a nobody wrongly pushed. I'll take Styles anyday.

WWE wanted Sting. He turned them down. Just resigned with TNA.
RoyTheHammer;3870435 said:
IMO, Miz isn't more entertaining than anyone. He's a nobody wrongly pushed. I'll take Styles anyday.

WWE wanted Sting. He turned them down. Just resigned with TNA.

Truth, he wanted to continue actively wrestling and in WWE he would've just got a wrestlemania program vs Taker and put into the hall of fame most likely w/ a few appearances per year like WWE does with most of the retired legends.
zrinkill;3870302 said:
He has a pedigree like few others when it comes to wrestling history. His family includes Mexican wrestlers Dos Caras and Mil Mascaras.

Guy is one of the best heels going on right now ...... TNA would cream themselves for a chance to get him.

I heard him on a Houston radio station yest AM because they were all there for Smackdown last night...engaging guy...did not know he had such a wrestling pedigree but he did mention it. I actually read it on here first. He said he loves being a major heel as do most of the guys. I think he's been written for exactly right. I like watching him.
Hostile;3870418 said:
AJ Styles is a body?

I don't like Miz, but he's more entertaining than Styles. He just bores the hell out of me.

I don't want Orton to become a face. Great heel. I miss Chris Jericho. Great heel. I even like John Cena and a lot of people can't stand him.

I heard Sting might be coming to WWE. Anyone know if that is true? I remember when he and the Ultimate Warrior were a tag team. That is how far I go back in wrestling. I forget their names right now though. It'll come to me.

Orton's alot of fun to watch...he's not really a heel but he's not really a babyface either. To his credit he manages to pull it all off. Of course he had all those years of watching his old man...

Jericho is going to be on "Dancing With the Stars" this year. Yikes.
RoyTheHammer;3870435 said:
IMO, Miz isn't more entertaining than anyone. He's a nobody wrongly pushed. I'll take Styles anyday.

WWE wanted Sting. He turned them down. Just resigned with TNA.
I'll agree to disagree on Miz. He and John Morrison (whom they should have pushed instead) had some very compelling theatrics.

I see a lot of commentary about Del Rio. I personally have never enjoyed the "I'm rich so I'm better than you" gimmicks. The only guy who ever pulled it off was Dibiase. His son couldn't even pull it off.

They should have wanted Sting. Not surprised they didn't get him though. I've watched TNA a few times and I just have never been all that entertained. I keep hearing TNA fans say Styles is the best, but if he's the best then they are in sad shape. They tried to pimp Pacman Jones as a tag team champion while he was suspended from the NFL. Talk about a horrible gimmick.

WWEs worst gimmick is Santino Marella's cobra strike. I can't help but laugh at the idiot though. He's genuinely funny. My biggest gripe with TNA is Hogan whom I simply cannot stand and never could. He has to be the worst wrestler ever to be Champion.
DezBRomo9;3870316 said:
That being said, I try to catch whatever I can with Raw but avoid Smackdown unless Undertaker was on, and forget about TNA, it looks like stuff thought of in a basement by some 13 year olds.
Hostile;3870459 said:
I'll agree to disagree on Miz. He and John Morrison (whom they should have pushed instead) had some very compelling theatrics.

I see a lot of commentary about Del Rio. I personally have never enjoyed the "I'm rich so I'm better than you" gimmicks. The only guy who ever pulled it off was Dibiase. His son couldn't even pull it off.

They should have wanted Sting. Not surprised they didn't get him though. I've watched TNA a few times and I just have never been all that entertained. I keep hearing TNA fans say Styles is the best, but if he's the best then they are in sad shape. They tried to pimp Pacman Jones as a tag team champion while he was suspended from the NFL. Talk about a horrible gimmick.

WWEs worst gimmick is Santino Marella's cobra strike. I can't help but laugh at the idiot though. He's genuinely funny. My biggest gripe with TNA is Hogan whom I simply cannot stand and never could. He has to be the worst wrestler ever to be Champion.

Ric Flair has been using the bit of being rich and therefore better than everybody else to great success for many years. He still does that stuff on TNA..I think in many ways he did that better than DeBiase ever did. I can remember when DeBiase brought Taker to WWE/WWF. The good old days.
DallasGirl50;3870467 said:
Ric Flair has been using the bit of being rich and therefore better than everybody else to great success for many years. He still does that stuff on TNA..I think in many ways he did that better than DeBiase ever did. I can remember when DeBiase brought Taker to WWE/WWF. The good old days.
That was never Flair's only gimmick though. He had hundreds of them. One of my all time favorites was when he called himself "Space Mountain" and said this other wrestler who was calling himself "Nature Boy" (I think his name was Buddy Landell) was like riding the "Wild Mouse."
Hostile;3870478 said:
That was never Flair's only gimmick though. He had hundreds of them. On eof my all time favorites was when he called himself "Space Mountain" and said this other wrestler who was calling himself "Nature Boy" (I think his name was Buddy Landell) was like riding the "Wild Mouse."

Ric was great..one of the top 5 wrestlers of all time in my book easily. A ton of guys copied pieces of Flair here and there.
TNA's ppv main event between Sting and Jeff Hardy lasted 30 seconds because Jeff Hardy was obviously high. Pathetic.
windward;3875513 said:
TNA's ppv main event between Sting and Jeff Hardy lasted 30 seconds because Jeff Hardy was obviously high. Pathetic.

Hardy doesn't impress me in TNA. Honestly his brother Matt is in better shape then he is right now, and that's pretty damn bad. Guys like Samoa Joe and Styles and Matt Morgan and Angle, Anderson, etc.. should be getting a much bigger push. Angle needs to be involved in every main event match because he is the face and by far the best personality and character in that company.
RoyTheHammer;3875522 said:
Angle needs to be involved in every main event match because he is the face and by far the best personality and character in that company.
He would probably get a huge pop if he returned to the WWE.
Never liked Angle always thought his gimmicks were even cornier than Hogans.

His mic work improved over the years, but I always recall the stiff that started out.
SkinsandTerps;3875647 said:
Never liked Angle always thought his gimmicks were even cornier than Hogans.

His mic work improved over the years, but I always recall the stiff that started out.

He'sthe best overall performaner in wrestling regardless of age since michaels retires