"Finally".... The Rock Returns.

RoyTheHammer;3869989 said:
but from your ramblings in this thread it seems to me you haven't watched a whole lot of TNA to be able to make a reasonable comparison.

Bull ....

I watched when Sting arrived

I watched when Angle was feuding with Samoa Joe with John Cena's cousin trademark in his corner.

I watched the Abyss (killed my daddy) prison crap.

Watched A.J Styles fall in love with Karen Angle.

Watched them turn a good young wrestler into a Macho man clone.

Watched the fallen angel pretend to be Curry man.

Saw Christian arrive

Saw Kennedy Arrive

Saw Hardy Arrive

Saw RVD Arrive

watched Dudley boys vs Nasty boys

Watched the reformation of the New Age Outlaws

Watched the formation of the ME Mafia

Watched them rehash every WWF and WCW gimmick from the 90's .....

Then they got desperate enough to turn to Bischoff and Hogan,

So are they going to be able to get him into a match or what?

Id imagine you could protect him from injury if it were tag or something but he might have some contract w/ Disney
I'll take rehashed ideas from the attitude era over anything the WWE is doing right now.

Again, where are the new big draws? The controversial storylines? Who are the big names other than Orten and HHH?

They are crap man.
RoyTheHammer;3870020 said:
I'll take rehashed ideas from the attitude era over anything the WWE is doing right now.

Again, where are the new big draws? The controversial storylines? Who are the big names other than Orten and HHH?

They are crap man.

Big Show
Are all established super stars that TNA would fire half their roster for.

Young guys like

Alberto Del Rio
Drew McIntyre

Are still proving themselves ..... but if they went to TNA they would be thrust into the main event instantly,

As far as the Miz ....... that guy has slowly worked his way up the ladder in the company.

He has earned his spot and is as good on the mic as a heel as anyone in the business today (and much better than anyone on TNA)

The guy has earned respect in the WWE lockerroom ...... he was put through hell for being on MTV bye guys like Bradshaw and Bob Holley.
zrinkill;3870027 said:
Big Show
Are all established super stars that TNA would fire half their roster for.

Young guys like

Alberto Del Rio
Drew McIntyre

Are still proving themselves ..... but if they went to TNA they would be thrust into the main event instantly,

As far as the Miz ....... that guy has slowly worked his way up the ladder in the company.

He has earned his spot and is as good on the mic as a heel as anyone in the business today (and much better than anyone on TNA)

The guy has earned respect in the WWE lockerroom ...... he was put through hell for being on MTV bye guys like Bradshaw and Bob Holley.

Del Rio?
The Miz?

Please..these guys are jokes. They would have been nothing more than jobbers in the attitude era. Cena is eh.

Orten, Edge, HHH, Kane, Taker, Big Show.. i like all those guys. But they are being misused in uninteresting storylines. The WWE has gone too PG. There's no edge, no controversy anymore.

Sheamus is the only new guy i like, and Swagger, and Reks looks like he could be decent. Unfortunately, they will all be misused and doofuses like The Miz will continue to be pushed. Wrestling has lost its intensity, its brutality. The Attitude Era was the pinnacle of wrestling. Everything since has gone downhill.

TNA is closer right now to producing a product that was more like what the attitude era was all about, that's why i prefer it over the G rated WWE right now.
MarionBarberThe4th;3870018 said:
So are they going to be able to get him into a match or what?

Id imagine you could protect him from injury if it were tag or something but he might have some contract w/ Disney

I think Rock may wrestle a bit for WM...whatever he's gonna do will involve Cena for sure and I guess Miz now. Neither one of them can compare to the Rock....although I think Cena believes he does. His mic work is just silly and really bad these days.

Rock's making a movie now but I'm not sure it's Disney. He does do more than the Disney family type movie.
DallasGirl50;3870036 said:
I think Rock may wrestle a bit for WM...whatever he's gonna do will involve Cena for sure and I guess Miz now. Neither one of them can compare to the Rock....although I think Cena believes he does. His mic work is just silly and really bad these days.

Rock's making a movie now but I'm not sure it's Disney. He does do more than the Disney family type movie.

Imagine some of the guys who left had stayed with the WWE. Angle, Brock, Rock, Nash, Hall, XPac, Nathan Jones, etc..

Would have been a much better product than the crap i've seen now and then the past few years. Cena's mic skills have never been that great, and he's nothing compared to The Rock, you're right.

I don't know why Rock would say he was back for good and he'd never leave again though.. makes no sense.
RoyTheHammer;3870034 said:
Del Rio?
The Miz?

Please..these guys are jokes. They would have been nothing more than jobbers in the attitude era. Cena is eh.

Orten, Edge, HHH, Kane, Taker, Big Show.. i like all those guys. But they are being misused in uninteresting storylines. The WWE has gone too PG. There's no edge, no controversy anymore.

Sheamus is the only new guy i like, and Swagger, and Reks looks like he could be decent. Unfortunately, they will all be misused and doofuses like The Miz will continue to be pushed. Wrestling has lost its intensity, its brutality. The Attitude Era was the pinnacle of wrestling. Everything since has gone downhill.

TNA is closer right now to producing a product that was more like what the attitude era was all about, that's why i prefer it over the G rated WWE right now.

I tried to watch TNA last week cause I knew Sting was going to return..this is what I saw.

Angle reduced to "giving" away his ex wife to Jarrett..yea that's some really cool "wrestling" story. One of the best workers in the business and that's his storyline right now.

Eric Young and some black guy (Pace?) as part of the wedding party...are they gay? Is that the story? It was unwatchable.

Ric Flair slobbering and looking like he needs to have his blood pressure checked pronto ...great story there. NOT.

Decent match with Matt Morgan who I do like...Beer Money doing their best Austin impersonations. Same ole, same ole.

Jeff Hardy with possibly the worse face makeup ever..and then guess what? Right when Sting is coming out the program is over. They didn't even show the match I wanted to see because of all the other crap.
RoyTheHammer;3870038 said:
Imagine some of the guys who left had stayed with the WWE. Angle, Brock, Rock, Nash, Hall, XPac, Nathan Jones, etc..

Would have been a much better product than the crap i've seen now and then the past few years. Cena's mic skills have never been that great, and he's nothing compared to The Rock, you're right.

I don't know why Rock would say he was back for good and he'd never leave again though.. makes no sense.

Nash is back with WWE although I'm wondering when DIESEL is going to make his next appearance? WM maybe..they are saving him for some reason. He got a huge pop at the RR PPV he did...and he's doing interviews saying it was for the money he came back. No money to be made in TNA and he can cash in with WWE before he retires. Can't blame him.

I've never ever liked Cena although my teenage nephews love the guy. Generation gap I guess..I'm too old and I just don't care for the guy. He just flat out bores me. Too much Cena on RAW. But you play to your audience and he rings those cash registers for them.
DallasGirl50;3870040 said:
I tried to watch TNA last week cause I knew Sting was going to return..this is what I saw.

Angle reduced to "giving" away his ex wife to Jarrett..yea that's some really cool "wrestling" story. One of the best workers in the business and that's his storyline right now.

Eric Young and some black guy (Pace?) as part of the wedding party...are they gay? Is that the story? It was unwatchable.

Ric Flair slobbering and looking like he needs to have his blood pressure checked pronto ...great story there. NOT.

Decent match with Matt Morgan who I do like...Beer Money doing their best Austin impersonations. Same ole, same ole.

Jeff Hardy with possibly the worse face makeup ever..and then guess what? Right when Sting is coming out the program is over. They didn't even show the match I wanted to see because of all the other crap.

Steiner and Rob Terry had a good match. Beer Money vs. Gunner and Murphey was pretty good. But the show last week was pretty bad. As i said, the talent is there, but the booking is terrible. Its hit and miss with the storylines alot of times. They kind of took a hit because they wanted to reunite the Main Event Mafia, which they still may do but without Nash or Booker, but they're pushing the 4 horseman storyline right now vs immortal.
DallasGirl50;3870047 said:
Nash is back with WWE although I'm wondering when DIESEL is going to make his next appearance? WM maybe..they are saving him for some reason. He got a huge pop at the RR PPV he did...and he's doing interviews saying it was for the money he came back. No money to be made in TNA and he can cash in with WWE before he retires. Can't blame him.

I've never ever liked Cena although my teenage nephews love the guy. Generation gap I guess..I'm too old and I just don't care for the guy. He just flat out bores me. Too much Cena on RAW. But you play to your audience and he rings those cash registers for them.

I don't think Nash is going to be doing much wrestling for the WWE unfortunately. Had a huge pop.. why they chose to bring back the "Diesel" personality was questionable, but Nash is still an intimidating persona even in his old age. I really hoped he was going to stay with TNA, because at least then i'd see him on TV and in the ring.. two things i doubt we'll see much of with him in the WWE.
RoyTheHammer;3870050 said:
I don't think Nash is going to be doing much wrestling for the WWE unfortunately. Had a huge pop.. why they chose to bring back the "Diesel" personality was questionable, but Nash is still an intimidating persona even in his old age. I really hoped he was going to stay with TNA, because at least then i'd see him on TV and in the ring.. two things i doubt we'll see much of with him in the WWE.

Nash is probably the same age as Taker...44 or 45ish...looks to be in good shape but wrestling shape I do not know. They are 2 different things. I don't remember him ever being anybody but DIESEL in WWE...I've always liked the guy. He's equally good as a babyface or heel.
DallasGirl50;3870053 said:
Nash is probably the same age as Taker...44 or 45ish...looks to be in good shape but wrestling shape I do not know. They are 2 different things. I don't remember him ever being anybody but DIESEL in WWE...I've always liked the guy. He's equally good as a babyface or heel.

Diesel was like his first persona in the WWF, when he was Shawn Michaels bodyguard i believe. He returned after the WCW invasion angle with the NWO as Kevin Nash.

Nash is 51 right now. I've always liked him too. The Outsiders angle with Hall was one of the greatest ever, and the NWO was my favorite faction ever with Nash, Hall and Pac.

DX was great as well.
RoyTheHammer;3870048 said:
Steiner and Rob Terry had a good match. Beer Money vs. Gunner and Murphey was pretty good. But the show last week was pretty bad. As i said, the talent is there, but the booking is terrible. Its hit and miss with the storylines alot of times. They kind of took a hit because they wanted to reunite the Main Event Mafia, which they still may do but without Nash or Booker, but they're pushing the 4 horseman storyline right now vs immortal.

I cannot stomach Steiner..one of the grossiest men I've ever seen and he talks like he has an IQ of 2. I was hoping he'd stay gone for good....

Flair is just flat out embarrassing. Shame too. One of the all time greats. Too many ex-wives and kids must force him to make money however he can. He's just awful on there.

Do like Anderson. Forgot about him. He's good.

Angle is wasted on TNA. They should be ***** slapped for making him do what he's doing on there right now.

I'll keep watching (or fast forwarding) as long as Sting is on there. He's the only reason for me to watch.

I've been watching wrestling for decades. I use to go to the Sportatorium to watch the Von Ericks and I remember all those old guys...I remember seeing Steve Austin when he first came up..he wrestled there. Chris Adams...the Freebirds. I've always liked wrestling. It's silly..it's insanely bad most of the time but I've always liked it.
RoyTheHammer;3869538 said:
Just my two cents into the argument.

Growing up i loved the attitude era of the WWF/WWE. DX, the Nation, Austin, Rock, XPac, etc..

I also loved WCW and during the Monday Night Wars i was usually watching both promotions, although i usually spent more time watching Nitro and Goldberg and the NWO. Hall and Nash were two of my favorite guys of all time and WCW was actually beating out the WWE in the ratings for a time. They had a very good product, as did the WWE.

As for now, I absolutely can not stand the WWE anymore. Its like Vince has lost all ability to create new and exciting personalities. Its complete garbage. The only new personalities i can even watch are Shameus and Jack Swagger. All the old draws like HHH and Orten are surrounded by garbage. I mean the Miz as Champion? Embarassing to say the least. Its been a terrible promotion for years, keeping itself afloat by mainstream marketing, special guest appearences, and little else.

TNA is a brand i got into after hearing that Hall and Nash were going to reform the NWO there. I had been watching it a little now and then before that when the New Age Outlaws and some other old WWE guys were on there, and the Main Event Mafia angle was another i enjoyed. They have some good talent there with Angle, Steiner, Samoa Joe, Styles, etc..

It was definately a better product than the WWE for the past few years, and i still love watching Angle, but the company is plagued with bad booking and not being able to use their talent effectively. I do believe they have more intriguing personalities and better wrestlers than the WWE right now (save for a few guys), but they just don't know how to use them at all.

Consequently, my interest in wrestling has faded to the point where i watch Raw and Impact only on occasion when there's nothing else going on on those nights. I definately can't get into it like i used to though.

Hmm...good post.

I would say you and I have similar thoughts/opinions.

The late 90's was my favorite era of wrestling. WCW began at 8pm EST and WWE at 9pm. I remember when WCW would have a Goldberg match or big NWO tussle right as the clock struck 9pm. WWE would have an opening match of epic proportions or a huge Rock promo/Stone Cold entrance to begin the show.

Good times.
RoyTheHammer;3870057 said:
Diesel was like his first persona in the WWF, when he was Shawn Michaels bodyguard i believe. He returned after the WCW invasion angle with the NWO as Kevin Nash.

Nash is 51 right now.

Goodness..he's older than Taker then. They were running buddies for years....

Too bad Shawn retired. He was a great wrestler...great mic skills...nice to look at for us ladies...and I miss watching him. He has a wrestling school I think in SA.
DallasGirl50;3870058 said:
I cannot stomach Steiner..one of the grossiest men I've ever seen and he talks like he has an IQ of 2. I was hoping he'd stay gone for good....

Flair is just flat out embarrassing. Shame too. One of the all time greats. Too many ex-wives and kids must force him to make money however he can. He's just awful on there.

Do like Anderson. Forgot about him. He's good.

Angle is wasted on TNA. They should be ***** slapped for making him do what he's doing on there right now.

I'll keep watching (or fast forwarding) as long as Sting is on there. He's the only reason for me to watch.

I've been watching wrestling for decades. I use to go to the Sportatorium to watch the Von Ericks and I remember all those old guys...I remember seeing Steve Austin when he first came up..he wrestled there. Chris Adams...the Freebirds. I've always liked wrestling. It's silly..it's insanely bad most of the time but I've always liked it.

Haha, Steiner has never come off as intelligent, but he's always been a brute intimidating force, and he never backed down from anyone and told you he was gonna knock you out. He has some mic skills. I've always liked him, especially in the Main Event Mafia. Angle for sure is wasted, again it goes back to the booking problem. They simple arn't using all the talent that TNA has effectively. They have some great personalities there, just need better writing.
Aikmaniac;3870062 said:
Hmm...good post.

I would say you and I have similar thoughts/opinions.

The late 90's was my favorite era of wrestling. WCW began at 8pm EST and WWE at 9pm. I remember when WCW would have a Goldberg match or big NWO tussle right as the clock struck 9pm. WWE would have an opening match of epic proportions or a huge Rock promo/Stone Cold entrance to begin the show.

Good times.

Good times for sure man. I remember switching back and forth like that alot haha.
RoyTheHammer;3870064 said:
Haha, Steiner has never come off as intelligent, but he's always been a brute intimidating force, and he never backed down from anyone and told you he was gonna knock you out. He has some mic skills. I've always liked him, especially in the Main Event Mafia. Angle for sure is wasted, again it goes back to the booking problem. They simple arn't using all the talent that TNA has effectively. They have some great personalities there, just need better writing.

Do you think the booking problem could be because of age/agility limitations?
Aikmaniac;3870068 said:
Do you think the booking problem could be because of age/agility limitations?

Nah, i think its just Russo. The writing in general is just terrible. They had the freaking NWO there for awhile and still couldn't put the company over. I mean, come on now.

I love the talent they have in TNA, i prefer watching guys like Angle, Anderson, Sting, Steiner, Styles, Joe, Beer Money, Crimson, etc. I really wish Nash hadn't left, but i think they have some strong personalties there.

You don't have to have great "wrestlers" to make a great show, meaning you don't have to have super agile and athletic guys. The attitude era was amazing and it was built mostly around promos and good storylines and great rivalries more than the quality of wrestling that was going on.

I think the main problem in both companies is that they just arn't developing enough new strong personalities and the ones they do have are being misused with crappy writing, and in the WWE's case, trying to push new stars when they just don't have the "it" factor. The Miz and Del Rio are just awful imo.

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