"...He Made Me Run Like A Robot..."


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LTN, in another post, you referenced comments Emmitt made on Monday Night Countdown concerning Julius' claim that Bill made him run robotic. You said Emmitt laid it out in such a way as to make sense of Bill's intent.

Could you paraphrase for me what it was that Emmitt said about Parcells trying to make JJ a downhill runner?


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I don't know what LTN said and look forward to her response. To me Bill just tried to emphasize to Julius to make the correct reads. Go to the designed holes and then build from there. Perhaps he thought Julius was a little raw and tried to create something outside of the context of the play design. He needed to run the plays and then start juking defenders. That is why he would say that Julius would leave yards on the field. He would hit the wrong hole or set up his blockers incorrectly. Once you get past the line of scrimmage then the running back is free to do what he wants. Making him a robot was to get him past the LOS. I don't think Julius understood that approach.

It reminds me of Landry and Staubach. It is not that Landry hated Staubach scrambling abilities. He just wanted to see Staubach utilize that scrambling as an extension of the designed plays and not the base. Run the play and if things aren't open, then scrambling is a last option to create a play. Early Staubach bailed and relied on scrambling too much in Landry's opinion.


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parcells made me run like a robot - translation - parcells coached jones to stop freelancing so much and jones was unable to perform well following the designed play


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joseephuss;1620600 said:
I don't know what LTN said and look forward to her response. To me Bill just tried to emphasize to Julius to make the correct reads. Go to the designed holes and then build from there. Perhaps he thought Julius was a little raw and tried to create something outside of the context of the play design. He needed to run the plays and then start juking defenders. That is why he would say that Julius would leave yards on the field. He would hit the wrong hole or set up his blockers incorrectly. Once you get past the line of scrimmage then the running back is free to do what he wants. Making him a robot was to get him past the LOS. I don't think Julius understood that approach.

Haven't heard Emmitt's piece, but I am curious to hear it. Your explanation is as good as any. Parcells wanted Julius to freelance - when he needed to. He said as much in his press conferences. He wanted Julius to know when a 1 yard gain is a victory, and when the play isn't there, to make his own play.

Some backs just can't find that balance. Barry Sanders never could. But Julius is no Barry Sanders, and so the ypc sits at a comfy 4. Even if it goes up this year, and the coaching staff lets him dance (they won't) it may not represent an improvement if he's getting more negative plays and hurting the team for every dazzling left-juke he pulls off.


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LaTunaNostra;1616886 said:
Both KJ and Emmitt "called out" jj the first week of preseason in their first Monday Night Countdown show.

Emmitt, btw, did the absolute best job i have heard or read to date detailing what Bill had been trying to get Jones to do to be a down hill runner and not bounce around...of course, I guess it would take an ES to understand that the attempt was not to turn jj into a 'robot'.

JJ's been pretty vocal about what parcells supposedly did to hurt him, and I think a certain amount of his angst comes from MB III being inserted in the redzone to rack up the points. whether the two tailbacks are buddies or not, it has to suck to have that done that consistently.

But it's time for JJ to put up or shut up. if he can't get Tony the play action options a good runner opens up, there are other studs in the stable.

For the curious, this was her original post.
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From what I've seen in preseason, he's still the same old Julius-missing holes, cutting too late & close to the line of scrimmage so that the player his guy is blocking just has to slide to the side Jones is running on, and nail him.

JJ seemed to have much better vision as a rookie. Much like Barber still has. MBIII sees the field much better, and in doing so, can make decisions earlier in the play. This gives him more space in which to work in once he gets to the LOS. I think MBIII has the speed necessary to be a #1 back. His average per carry is always better than JJ's, whether he's playing when the defense is tired in the forth, or fresh in the first quarter.

If Jones doesn't show any more than he's shown this preseason, my hope is that he is traded before season's end to get further up in the first round next year. I'm sure they could find a team JJ could negotiate with to get a deal done by the draft.

Chocolate Lab

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Emmitt said on an interview that's probably podcasted on 103.3 somewhere that if the coach is making you run to a predetermined hole whether anything's there or not and isn't letting you use your eyes, darn right that's making you run like a robot.

I've never understood why this had to be a Julius/Bill battleground. Bill didn't mean anything sinister, Julius just never quite understood his message.


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Chocolate Lab;1620658 said:
Emmitt said on an interview that's probably podcasted on 103.3 somewhere that if the coach is making you run to a predetermined hole whether anything's there or not and isn't letting you use your eyes, darn right that's making you run like a robot.

No coach in the history of the universe would say that. I wonder why Emmitt would even mention it.


Federal Agent
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Better to run like a robot, then to walk like an egyptian.


Edit, someone needs to photoshop JuJo's head onto that guy's body.


Regular Joe....
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Auhh......... That one guy, on the left there. The guy in sandstone, is quit the speciman. Dang!


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odog422;1620582 said:
LTN, in another post, you referenced comments Emmitt made on Monday Night Countdown concerning Julius' claim that Bill made him run robotic. You said Emmitt laid it out in such a way as to make sense of Bill's intent.

Could you paraphrase for me what it was that Emmitt said about Parcells trying to make JJ a downhill runner?

Message to Julius-"Just SHUT UP and play Football!".


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Jules is in a do or die situation.I think he will prevail.


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TunaFan33;1620718 said:
Message to Julius-"Just SHUT UP and play Football!".

There was a play during the preseason (don't remember which game) where a defender fell forward right in front of JuJo's running lane trying to penetrate the LOS and JuJo, without being touched, fell over the defender.:mad:

i'm not a Jones basher but what i absolutely CAN NOT stand about the guy is that he goes down way way way to easily (i know BP didn't tell him to do that). I guess it is even more obvious when you have another running back on the team that goes down only when there are at least four defenders hitting, grabbing and pulling him to the ground.

i really hope JuJo shows up to play this season and help the team, after this season i don't care or less where he ends up. If he breaks out and the two backs compliment each other then by all means keep him, but i will be ok if the team decides to look else where to replace him.


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ethiostar;1620753 said:
There was a play during the preseason (don't remember which game) where a defender fell forward right in front of JuJo's running lane trying to penetrate the LOS and JuJo, without being touched, fell over the defender.:mad:

i'm not a Jones basher but what i absolutely CAN NOT stand about the guy is that he goes down way way way to easily (i know BP didn't tell him to do that). I guess it is even more obvious when you have another running back on the team that goes down only when there are at least four defenders hitting, grabbing and pulling him to the ground.

i really hope JuJo shows up to play this season and help the team, after this season i don't care or less where he ends up. If he breaks out and the two backs compliment each other then by all means keep him, but i will be ok if the team decides to look else where to replace him.

Assuming Reeves will be starting at CB, I will nonetheless be looking alot more closely at JuJo this Sun than at our secondary.

Really-so much for all this "THE SKY IS FALLING B/C TNEW IS INJURED!" threads. If we lose this game, and, let's say, JuJo only manages to gain some 50 yards, ALOT more heads will be rolling in the DFW media over this than over our secondary.


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Also included in the "Robotic" running style was Parcells wanting JJ to run w/ two hands on the ball until he broke free of the line. JJ fumbled a few times and Bill didn't want to have any of that. Big Bill also complained about Crayton carrying the ball away from his body.


Stephen Peterman's Campaign Manager
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Contract year and all, I would never expect Julius to try his hardest or go hard at all in the preseason. I see that play as being completely precautionary.


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cannonball44;1620767 said:
Contract year and all, I would never expect Julius to try his hardest or go hard at all in the preseason. I see that play as being completely precautionary.

i understand it's the preseason and he is being carefull.......... however, i used that example becasue it is the one that's still fresh on my mind. There were plenty of times in the last couple of years where he just seems to fall down with very little contact. It seems like someone running past him really fast was enough to make him lose his balance. i would like my running back to have a little more strength and determinations that that.


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odog422;1620582 said:
LTN, in another post, you referenced comments Emmitt made on Monday Night Countdown concerning Julius' claim that Bill made him run robotic. You said Emmitt laid it out in such a way as to make sense of Bill's intent.

Could you paraphrase for me what it was that Emmitt said about Parcells trying to make JJ a downhill runner?

Sure odog..it was the first MNF game of the preseaon - key and emmitt were there, but not Bill.

ES explained what Bill had been trying to do with JJ. He said Tuna was trying to get him to go with one gut instinct cut, and to stop bouncing around behind the LOS. ES said he BP was trying to impress 'downhill running' on JJ.

I found the comments interesting for several reasons, among them ES's (who was in effect 'not wanted' by Bill) obvious approval of Bill's strategy. The way Emmitt expressed his take radiated approval. I mean, ES and BP are going to share the MNF studio this year, and Emmitt could have just been buttering an absent "teammate' Tuna up. But I think not, because ES has too much integrity, and the man just flat out knows the running game.

Which is the second reason I found ES so compelling that nite. Some folks don't think he will do well in the studio, but I have seen a progression of 'ease' over the past year. And when ES actually gets a running back related question he just shines. Emmitt was articulate and engaging on that segment.

I also smiled because ES's take completely countered the 'run like a robot' notion. What ES said in effect was that Bill was trying to get JJ to show the patience to wait on his blocks, but then make a decision and go with it, run with power and abandon once he decided a path. Emmitt mentioned the 'bounce' factor more than once.

And finally, I saw a little satisfaction in ES re the fact the current Dallas running backs are not in his league. of course, he wants his team to win as much as any ex-player, current broadcaster can display. But my strong sense is that ES doesn't feel JJ is a complete back - I can't give words to back it up with, it was just overall impression. Anyway, Smith didn't throw any props at ALL at JJ..nary a one.

So it was interesting on a variety of levels. Anyone else who saw it, please chime in. Don't tell me Reality missed it - i won't believe it. :)

PS Emmit and Key combined don't equal Mike Irvin's charimsa, imo, but i think we are going to get some smart, sensible takes from them.


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LaTunaNostra;1621097 said:
Sure odog..it was the first MNF game of the preseaon - key and emmitt were there, but not Bill.

ES explained what Bill had been trying to do with JJ. He said Tuna was trying to get him to go with one gut instinct cut, and to stop bouncing around behind the LOS. ES said he BP was trying to impress 'downhill running' on JJ.

I found the comments interesting for several reasons, among them ES's (who was in effect 'not wanted' by Bill) obvious approval of Bill's strategy. The way Emmitt expressed his take radiated approval. I mean, ES and BP are going to share the MNF studio this year, and Emmitt could have just been buttering an absent "teammate' Tuna up. But I think not, because ES has too much integrity, and the man just flat out knows the running game.

Which is the second reason I found ES so compelling that nite. Some folks don't think he will do well in the studio, but I have seen a progression of 'ease' over the past year. And when ES actually gets a running back related question he just shines. Emmitt was articulate and engaging on that segment.

I also smiled because ES's take completely countered the 'run like a robot' notion. What ES said in effect was that Bill was trying to get JJ to show the patience to wait on his blocks, but then make a decision and go with it, run with power and abandon once he decided a path. Emmitt mentioned the 'bounce' factor more than once.

And finally, I saw a little satisfaction in ES re the fact the current Dallas running backs are not in his league. of course, he wants his team to win as much as any ex-player, current broadcaster can display. But my strong sense is that ES doesn't feel JJ is a complete back - I can't give words to back it up with, it was just overall impression. Anyway, Smith didn't throw any props at ALL at JJ..nary a one.

So it was interesting on a variety of levels. Anyone else who saw it, please chime in. Don't tell me Reality missed it - i won't believe it. :)

PS Emmit and Key combined don't equal Mike Irvin's charimsa, imo, but i think we are going to get some smart, sensible takes from them.

Thanks for the clarification. However, I find this interesting because during training camp, Emmitt said something to the effect that he liked JJ over Barber. I can’t remember his exact quote but that was the crux of it. One thing is for sure, we will find out very soon. If Julius ‘R2D2’ Jones returns to his rookie form he might prove that the Emperor was wrong in trying to change his programming. :)