"hot" chicks that you don't find attractive

jimmy40;2814453 said:
Shia Lebeouf is the only person on that list I ever heard of.

They are the younger generation of stars at the moment. I wouldn't know any of them either if it weren't for the gossip sites.
Bob Sacamano;2814470 said:
Annapolis, MD

she's just a regular, run-of-the-mill hot chick

There's no such thing as a "regular, run-of-the-mill hot chick" in my book.

I consider myself a connoisseur rubber-necker when it comes to hot chicks, like most every guy on the planet. And in my experiences, over some 50 years, the ratio is a lot closer to 1 in every 100 than it is to "regular, run of the mill".

Megan Fox hit the lottery by coming out of the womb and being born pert'near perfect. Most girls gotta' pony up to the war-paint to look half as good as she does exiting the shower! Just the luck of the draw for her it seems............

Raquel Welch hit the same lottery, as did Jaclyn Smith (Charlies Angels). Just pure perfection in the face. Girls like THAT are one per 1,000.
lewpac;2814477 said:
There's no such thing as a "regular, run-of-the-mill hot chick" in my book.

I consider myself a connoisseur rubber-necker when it comes to hot chicks, like most every guy on the planet. And in my experiences, over some 50 years, the ratio is a lot closer to 1 in every 100 than it is to "regular, run of the mill".

Megan Fox hit the lottery by coming out of the womb and being born pert'near perfect. Most girls gotta' pony up to the war-paint to look half as good as she does exiting the shower! Just the luck of the draw for her it seems............

Raquel Welch hit the same lottery, as did Jaclyn Smith (Charlies Angels). Just pure perfection in the face. Girls like THAT are one per 1,000.

Have you seen her thumbs?
lewpac;2814477 said:
There's no such thing as a "regular, run-of-the-mill hot chick" in my book.

I consider myself a connoisseur rubber-necker when it comes to hot chicks, like most every guy on the planet. And in my experiences, over some 50 years, the ratio is a lot closer to 1 in every 100 than it is to "regular, run of the mill".

Megan Fox hit the lottery by coming out of the womb and being born pert'near perfect. Most girls gotta' pony up to the war-paint to look half as good as she does exiting the shower! Just the luck of the draw for her it seems............

Raquel Welch hit the same lottery, as did Jaclyn Smith (Charlies Angels). Just pure perfection in the face. Girls like THAT are one per 1,000.

again, Fox is hot, but she's not classic beautiful

you just like her alot because you could probably bang her
Bob Sacamano;2814482 said:
again, Fox is hot, but she's not classic beautiful

you just like her alot because you could probably bang her

Awright..................just to get a frame of reference here, what is "classic beautiful" in your world? Just so I know who and what I'm dealing with here. Because if YOU don't think that this chick is hands-down, drop-dead, world-wide foxy.............then tell us all who is?

BTW, my wife, if I may say so myself................Megan Fox has nothing on my wife. You put Japanese and Filipino together and it's a "can't miss". Thankfully my kids look like her................
classic beautiful to me is like Elizabeth Taylor back in the day
or Audrey Hepburn


then there's hot

Filipino chicks are beautiful though, kudos on your catch mate
Bob Sacamano;2814490 said:
classic beautiful to me is like Elizabeth Taylor back in the day
or Audrey Hepburn


then there's hot

Filipino chicks are beautiful though, kudos on your catch mate

Liz Taylor................by all means. In her prime, narry a more perfect specimen. Hepburn? Yeah, alright. But a matter of taste.

OK, fair enough. Maybe the term "classic" has us at odds, so we're both right. When I say "classic", I'm thinking in terms of "universally", in any age, in any theater, on any stage, that as soon as this gal appears that everyone just gasps at the spectre and the beauty. Thus, Megan Fox.

And yeah, not just Filipino, but Filipino/Japanese, born and raised in Hawaii, college in California......................AND IT'S ALL MINE!!! MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lewpac;2814494 said:
Liz Taylor................by all means. In her prime, narry a more perfect specimen. Hepburn? Yeah, alright. But a matter of taste.

OK, fair enough. Maybe the term "classic" has us at odds, so we're both right. When I say "classic", I'm thinking in terms of "universally", in any age, in any theater, on any stage, that as soon as this gal appears that everyone just gasps at the spectre and the beauty. Thus, Megan Fox.

And yeah, not just Filipino, but Filipino/Japanese, born and raised in Hawaii, college in California......................AND IT'S ALL MINE!!! MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I used to live in Hawaii, so I know exactly what you're talking about

alot of cute shorties running around out there
Bob Sacamano;2814498 said:
I used to live in Hawaii, so I know exactly what you're talking about

alot of cute shorties running around out there

Yeah, I know. I moved here in '85 and was set to leave in around 1990. I went to the airport to pick up some paper-hangers from Oahu (I'm on the Big Island) for some work at the Hilton-Waikaloa, and I saw HER working at the Kona airport. I figured "what the hell" and went up and asked her out.

That was 20-some years ago and I'm still here. YOU know what I'm talking about, so that's that.

Anyway, Julia Roberts, Sarah Jessica Parker, and that other red-head from "Sex and the City".................wouldn't do them. All bone-ugly dogs. I like the "dark meat" if you know what I mean.
Reese Witherspoon
Gyneth Paltrow (sp?)
Sandra Bullock
Anne Hathaway
Kate Hudson
Cate Blanchett
Renee Zellweger
Gisele(seriously she isn't that hot. She has ZERO assets)
lewpac;2814487 said:
Awright..................just to get a frame of reference here, what is "classic beautiful" in your world? Just so I know who and what I'm dealing with here. Because if YOU don't think that this chick is hands-down, drop-dead, world-wide foxy.............then tell us all who is?

BTW, my wife, if I may say so myself................Megan Fox has nothing on my wife. You put Japanese and Filipino together and it's a "can't miss". Thankfully my kids look like her................

The Tattoos kill it for me sorry they just take away from her
SLATEmosphere;2814509 said:
Reese Witherspoon
Gyneth Paltrow (sp?)
Sandra Bullock
Anne Hathaway
Kate Hudson
Cate Blanchett
Renee Zellweger
Gisele(seriously she isn't that hot. She has ZERO assets)

Gisele(seriously she isn't that hot. She has ZERO assets) of course she does she is a perfect coat hangar for some fashion designer so if you need to keep your jacket wrinkle free putting it on her is the same as putting it on a hangar

Reese Witherspoon I always thought she was cute

Sandra Bullock another one that i always thought was cute and she comes off as having a nice personality on screen

Gyneth Paltrow good looking the best looking on your list here

Anne Hathaway another stick figure

Kate Hudson another stick figure

Cate Blanchett coat hangar

Renee Zellweger never understood this either she has a cute face and dimpled cheeks but

I will admit I am bias and like women with large chest probably why I always thought Mimi Rodgers was hot and still do
Julia Roberts just doesnt do it for me. I really enjoyed Oceans 11 but always find it amusing when they show the scene of her coming down the stairs in that red dress. Just doesnt do anything for me.

Have to agree with Hostile, tats and smoking are huge turnoffs. Unless your name is Megan Fox then I think I can ignore them.

Girls with muscles is another turn off. It always cracks me up when I hear people say youre just intimidated by them. Uhh no, I just like my women to be, I dont know, feminine. :)
theogt;2814464 said:
Where the hell do you live?

LMAO, no doubt I am definitely hanging out in the wrong parts of town. I cant ever remember seeing anyone who looked like Megan Fox walking down any of the streets Ive been on.
SLATEmosphere;2814509 said:
Reese Witherspoon
Gyneth Paltrow (sp?)
Sandra Bullock
Anne Hathaway
Kate Hudson
Cate Blanchett
Renee Zellweger
Gisele(seriously she isn't that hot. She has ZERO assets)

I'll disagree on Reese.


I'd punch my own mom in the face for a piece of that. And if she wanted to eat crackers in bed, I wouldn't mind one bit. :wink3: :wink3:
I can't stand Cameron Diaz. Something about her just turns my stomach.
Kirsten Dunst
Britney Spears

kmp77;2814574 said:
I'll disagree on Reese.


I'd punch my own mom in the face for a piece of that. And if she wanted to eat crackers in bed, I wouldn't mind one bit. :wink3: :wink3:

To me, that pic proves his point. I don't find her in the least bit attactive.
Keira Knightley...UGH. Has the body of a 12 year old boy and looks like a second rate Natalie Portman...Which is funny because Portman isn't all that either.

Jessica Simpson. Sorry Tony but she looks like she has Down Syndrome.

Cameron Diaz looks like the Joker's daughter.

Rose McGowan...Fish face.

Also, Penelope Cruz looks like a rat.
This thread reminds me of a joke. Plane goes down in the ocean and this guy ends up on an island all alone with Cindy Crawford. They are having sex all the time. One day Cindy wakes up and sees him sitting alone on the beach. She sits down beside him and rubs his arm affectionately. The guy says, "don't."

She asks, "is something wrong?"

"Sort of."

"Can I help?"

"I don't know. Yeah, maybe you can." He hands her his baseball cap and asks her to put it on with her hair up underneath the cap. She does it. He hands her his long sleeve shirt and asks her to put it on. She does it. Finally he asks her, "can you talk to me in kind of a deep voice?"

"Oh I get it, you just need to talk to one of the guys."

"Yeah, I do."

Cindy musters up her best deep voice. "So how're things going man?"

"Dude you will never guess who I've been screwing."
Anyone who doesn't know who Shia is hasn't watched The Transformers. He's the main actor....Sam.

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