:laugh2: @ everyone calling women skank.
"SHANK! SHANK! SHANK!" Funny word.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Thandie Newton. She's a very good actress in my opinion, but the appeal stops right there for me.
I never got what other guys saw in Kate Winslet. If it were up to me, I would've thrown her in the water along with Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic (
hated that movie). I found myself watching
The Holiday on HBO the other day for the first time. There I was watching Winslet and Cameron Diaz and thinking to myself... Jude Law's the most attractive person in this movie. Damn.
And mucho gracias for all the mentions of Sarah Jessica Parker!

Now, I can't get that stupid
Sex & The City tune out of my head!!! My wife, who loved the show, asked me to make a DVD of the movie. She knows how much I hated that show, so she used the old marital blackmail to force me to do it.
I really REALLY hate that show, but I wouldn't be completely honest if I said that I didn't have a soft spot for Kim Cattrial (sp?). I'm an old
Porky's fan, so sue me.