"The Cowboys didn't respect us"


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Shut up Brian!

The Eagles have been handing it to us for years and now that the Cowboys have the better record and the division title torch has been passed he's whining about them getting no respect.:banghead:

The Cowboys got beat because they played poorly. It had nothing to do with lack of respect. Geez.


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Clove;1841525 said:
Philadelphia is really lucky that this just wasn't our night. Opened guys in the endzone consistantly missed. Opened receivers the ball sails over their head, the opened deep bomb to TO over his head, twice.

On the other hand, we had several fumbles that went the other way and an interception turned into a fumble to give us the ball back, so it could've been worse for us.

That Witten sig is one of the best I've ever seen..:cool:


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Zimmy Lives;1839677 said:
The way I see it, this game showed the team's lack of maturity. Championship teams do not lose home games in December.

Philly may be a team on the decline but they have the grit Dallas needs to find if they want to compete in the playoffs.

I'd have to "Google" it to be sure, but I believe a 14-2 season may be THE best, or tied for best Cowboy record ever. Or close, but I'm to tired now to Google it.
Anyway, throw a dart and pick ANY loss beside that Patriot game. Whoever that loss is to, and at WHATEVER TIME (critical), it would have been JUST as "bummer" and disappointing as this one, when it ACTUALLY DID HAPPEN.
C'mon, who amongst us REALLY thought in July or August that 14-2 would be the probable record? In October, when this thing was looking like the real deal, I had another loss in there somewhere. I figured it would be either the Lions or the Panthers, since we usually have dark days against both those guys, and they're both on the road. It turned out to be a team we whipped on the road earlier this year. Whatever. Who cares.
If we didn't have the Pats on the schedule, we'd be UNDEFEATED going into that Eagle game. Think about that. UNDEFEATED!! If the Patriots happen to lose to Miami or the Giants, do you think all the "chicken/little, sky-is-falling" talk would start? Doubt it. Do you think you'd hear any "told you so, they're really not that good" bull**** from pundits and talking heads on FOX and ESPN? Doubt it.
With the anti-Cowboy crowd, you know you we're going to hear the "this is the end" anyway, due to their historic bias and "glass half empty" when it comes to anything "Dallas".
With the "Cowboy crowd", meaning US, we're hearing it due to being "left at the alter" so many times the last decade or so, and "visions of ALMOST" enter out brains again.............AND, because nothing less than Ring will do if your a Cowboy fan. We're not the Saints. We don't have a parade if we make the playoffs. If your a true Cowboy fan, your so used to Championships that nothing less will do.
I myself was "banned" from another "Jr." Cowboy site last spring, because I wanted Rivera as coach. After Wade and Garrett et.al. got the gig, I predicted "Doom and Gloom", had nothing good to say about this season, and figured us for a bad three years until Phillips got the boot. Seriously. I was looking toward 2010-2011 before I saw any "light at the end of the tunnel". Most, if not all the other guys and admins on this other site thought otherwise. THEY were ecstatic about the hirings and predicted EXACTLY what is happening. The arguing got so heated that they actually banned me because I predicted a sub-.500 season (and a lot of personal insults and name calling).
Point being, is that a LOT of folks had no fricken idea that 14-2 would be eminent. And they'd be lying if they said "I knew this as soon as Wade Phillips and Garret were hired". Bald-faced lying. So, I for one am thankful I was wrong. And I'm certainly not prepared to dismiss this entire seasons body of work due to one flat game against the Eagirls.
They struggled against the Lions. Lost to the Beagles. If they lose to the Panthers Saturday, I'm gonna' start worrying a little. But even if Dallas loses the last two games of this season, I'm STILL going into the playoffs believing that the two weeks off and some tweaking will STILL get it done. AND, if Dallas goes to the SB and plays EVEN THE PATRIOTS, I'm bettin' on Dallas.
I'm "all in" this year...........................sorry for the rant.


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HogsRLegends;1841093 said:
If we beat Minnesota next week and need to win at home to clinch a playoff spot, don't think that "taking care of business" is going to be easy in the finale.

C'mon... it's Joe "Double Timeout" Gibbs, fercryinoutloud!
