Ramsey to Dallas?


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What makes all of this Patrick Ramsey BS even funnier...
the SKINS of all teams, not exactly credited with a decent stable of QBs, are about to cut him...
after desperately trading a bundle of picks to move up into the 1st round to grab a QB that had been slated as a 2nd round prospect.



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kartr said:
Qb ratings mean little without the win. Look how many qb's had good ratings,yet didn't get their teams into the playoffs, Trent Green,Drew Bledsoe,Drew Bledsoe,Steve McNair, while the two qb's in the superbowl didn't play well at all.

kartr, what you just said is one of the most insanely, idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even remotely close to anything that can be considered a rational though. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


But seriously though...

1) A QB is one player. Teams need more than one good player to get to the superbowl, or we'd be watching teams like Indy and San Diego play. Teams need a strong defense, a good offensive and defensive line, a running game, a good kicker... Any of those guys you listed could have gone with the right circumstance... If Bledsoe had an O-Line and running game, if Green had a Defense, McNair a healthy season and all of the above.

2) As for the actual super bowl teams.. both only made it to the superbowl on the exceptional play of their QBs. The only poor game the QB's played was the superbowl.

3) QB ranking is the best stat out there for measuring the skill of your QB. Using something stupid like wins would make Kyle Orton one of the best QBs in the league. Personally... I'll stick with Bledsoe.


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Unfortunately Ramsey is damaged goods thanks to The Spurrier fun and gun. I like the guy and wish him well but just not here in Dallas


What's it going to be then, eh?
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dbair1967 said:
so playing poorly is ok as long as you've played?

sorry, he has shown nothing so far either except a propensity for turning the ball over, throwing w/o accuracy and being sacked alot...its why Gibbs doesnt want him


Think Chad Hutchinson, except he cost them a first round choice.:)


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cowheel said:
Man, this is ridiculous. Patrick Ramsey is horrible.

The last few times he's played he's been horrible.

The last few times he's played against US, he's been horrible.

What in the world are you guys watching? :lmao:
I'd definietly stick with what we've got over a guy like that.

Well point it out then... he wasn't horrible in 2005. As for 2004, he played better than Brunell... they just had a reall bad supporting cast. With an upgrade of the players around him Brunell had a very good year in 2005. I think Ramsey would have as well. For some reason that has never really been explained, Gibbs does not like Ramsey. Even Skin's fans are perplexed by this. I don't know what the reason is either... but I don't think it's because he can't play the position.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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kartr said:
he outplayed pro bowl qb Jeff Garcia as a rookie and outplayed him while with the Jets, beating Garcia on the road and has a 2-1 winning record over former first round qb Kerry Collins.

I think I fell asleep and woke up in a strange world where outperforming mediocre talents like Garcia and Collins meant something.


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cowheel said:
What makes all of this Patrick Ramsey BS even funnier...
the SKINS of all teams, not exactly credited with a decent stable of QBs, are about to cut him...
after desperately trading a bundle of picks to move up into the 1st round to grab a QB that had been slated as a 2nd round prospect.


Not many teams keep two first round draft picks backing up your starter. The Skins are trading him now because it's the last chance to get any kind of value for him and they need the cap room. It doesn't mean he's bad... He was drafted to play in another system, and Gibbs wanted to bring in his own guy. It happens all the time.

Thick 'N Hearty

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Skeptic said:
You know, I hate every Commander that has ever played the game.

There are some that border on respect, like Darrell Green or Riggins, but I still can't stand them.

I hated Patrick Ramsey when he was drafted. Made fun of all the weaknesses that the scouts had pointed out and clowned on the selection.

But I can remember about two, maybe three years ago a game they played against us in Texas Stadium where the kid really showed me something.

I remember we were up by at least two scores, their running game was going nowhere and Zim was opening up the blitz.

Ramsey was getting hit on nearly every passing play, and had to have been sacked five times in the game. I remember incrediously watching as his own OL weren't even helping him up, but he pulled himself off the turf and went back at it.

We won.

But I remember watching that performance and realizing that the Skins actually had a QB with a little moxie and ability.

I respected him as a QB then, and I respect him now.

That doesn't mean he's ever a starter in the league again, but you have to consider the good seasons he did have on a TERRIBLE Washington team, his pedigree and his age.

If he'd come here to back up Drew and give us an insurance policy against Romo/Henson busting, I'd be all for it. You know he's got something to prove and it would be great in terms of dissecting the Washington Offense/Defense.

For a low contract with escalators for playing time and performance incentives, I would really have no problem with bringing him in for a look-see.

Am I alone on this?

I remember that same game and had the same thoughts. I don't want to give up a lot to get him, but he would be better than the Romo/Henson bench warmers.


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kartr said:
Finally, we agree on something. The guy is a very average backup.

Again, I said I'd take a chance on him as a backup QB for the right price.


Intramural Legend
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what you just said is one of the most insanely, idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even remotely close to anything that can be considered a rational though. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

hahahahahhahaha im dying...seroiusly