Rapoport would not be surprised if Dak gets a shorter deal


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Such a stupid statement.
How is it stupid?

Many teams use void years now. You may not like it but the reality is it's a tool many teams use to manage/manipulate their cap. Philly, for example, has really leveraged void years to manage their cap.

Just because you have a bug up your butt about Z Martin and have for years, doesn't make my statement any less factual.


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The Eagles have 2 or 300 million in dead cap void years already spent, and seem to be able to maneuver pretty well. (I honestly can't remember if it 2 or 300, either way it's a ton)

I would think the bill would come due eventually, but with an ever increasing cap who knows?

I do agree it's crap for Dak to leverage himself into yet ANOTHER shorter deal. He already took 4 when everyone else was getting 5. It's enough hardball already. While it's difficult to blame a player for getting his money, the team has taken care of him. Just sign a regular deal at market price and concentrate on actually winning something.
I couldn't have said better myself...
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My knee jerk reaction to this is if we pay Dak 160 for 2 years or 180 for 3 years we would not only cripple the team in ‘24 and 25 but also several years after. Considering we already owe 40 some million on the salary cap credit card that has to be paid eventually, and given he would be the highest paid player with 60 APY and a good junk of that would be put on the salary cap credit card, adding to the dept. That’s salary cap suicide.

If that scenario plays out then probably for the first time in my life I would actively root against the Cowboys with Dak under center. That would be really selfish and while he’s playing I would hope for a loss every game he plays in.

Now if he wants 60 million APY but accepted a 6 or 7 year deal to allow us to spread out the salary cap credit card I wouldn’t be thrilled with the extension but it would be doable. But 2 or 3 years?!? No. That would kill us and I would hope for the best in his personal life but on the field that much selfishness would cause me to actively hope he loses and the crowds/fans/media/teammates turn against him.
I'm already where you say you're headed. Come on in...the water's fine. No Diddy...lol...


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I do agree it's crap for Dak to leverage himself into yet ANOTHER shorter deal. He already took 4 when everyone else was getting 5. It's enough hardball already. While it's difficult to blame a player for getting his money, the team has taken care of him. Just sign a regular deal at market price and concentrate on actually winning something.
Agree, I’m not against a player wanting to get paid but playing hardball every negotiation is selfish. First off I don’t believe Dak’s talent and performance equates to being the highest paid player in the league. Secondly him structuring his contracts so he can be a FA to reset the market every 3 years is unrealistic for someone at his talent grade. He’s acting like a team can’t go on without him and he’s invaluable so we pay pony up every couple years to make him happy. We’ll make us happy first by winning in the playoffs.

If we sign Dak to a 60 million APY contract then we’re going to lose a lot of talent that will need contracts such as : Tyler, Bland, Ferguson, Micah. We’ll be trotting out a less talented team and we’ll be watching the highest paid player in NFL history play behind the likes of Edoga, Hofman and having Vaughn as a featured back.

No, Dak has got to think of the team a little bit here or get rid of him. I’d rather go 5-12 with a rookie draft pick than 5-12 with Dak making 60 APY.


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Agree, I’m not against a player wanting to get paid but playing hardball every negotiation is selfish. First off I don’t believe Dak’s talent and performance equates to being the highest paid player in the league. Secondly him structuring his contracts so he can be a FA to reset the market every 3 years is unrealistic for someone at his talent grade. He’s acting like a team can’t go on without him and he’s invaluable so we pay pony up every couple years to make him happy. We’ll make us happy first by winning in the playoffs.

If we sign Dak to a 60 million APY contract then we’re going to lose a lot of talent that will need contracts such as : Tyler, Bland, Ferguson, Micah. We’ll be trotting out a less talented team and we’ll be watching the highest paid player in NFL history play behind the likes of Edoga, Hofman and having Vaughn as a featured back.

No, Dak has got to think of the team a little bit here or get rid of him. I’d rather go 5-12 with a rookie draft pick than 5-12 with Dak making 60 APY.
Ask the people on here if we can go on without him lol who are we going to replace him with!!!????? Lol


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I know right. It makes no sense. Unfortunately given the state of our management team it is pretty much accurate. This team is in desperate need of a complete overhaul from top to bottom. Just like when Landry was ousted.
I'm pretty sure Cousins had the same leverage. All fully guaranteed deal.


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The Eagles have 2 or 300 million in dead cap void years already spent, and seem to be able to maneuver pretty well. (I honestly can't remember if it 2 or 300, either way it's a ton)

I would think the bill would come due eventually, but with an ever increasing cap who knows?

I do agree it's crap for Dak to leverage himself into yet ANOTHER shorter deal. He already took 4 when everyone else was getting 5. It's enough hardball already. While it's difficult to blame a player for getting his money, the team has taken care of him. Just sign a regular deal at market price and concentrate on actually winning something.
GM Jethro made Dak play 2 years back to back on a franchise tag. Dak owes GM Jethro nothing.


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GM Jethro made Dak play 2 years back to back on a franchise tag. Dak owes GM Jethro nothing.
I don't care about GM Jethro or Dak, or who really owes who.

What I care about is the FO using his contract as an excuse to turn in more half @&$ free agencies.

You do make a good point with the two franchise tags. I'd say they've both been beneficial for each other.


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I don't care about GM Jethro or Dak, or who really owes who.

What I care about is the FO using his contract as an excuse to turn in more half @&$ free agencies.

You do make a good point with the two franchise tags. I'd say they've both been beneficial for each other.
If not extended this will be the 3rd time playing on a 1 year deal. Dak should understand what that means.
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My point is that with a 2 year deal you won't be able to minimize the cap hit and avoid dead money. You could possibly do one or the other, but certainly not both. That's the advantage that longer deals give franchises when a player resets the market like Dak will potentially do.

The Jets can sort of get away with it on Rodgers because he signed a restructured deal and is only making $37M average per season. Despite just a $37M aav he still has over $65M in dead money after his contract is over in 2025. The Bucs got away with it on Brady because he signed for just $25M per year.

Even the last Dak deal I believe was too short for it to really make sense for the Cowboys to do. Most of these star QBs are giving teams 7-10 year deals which gives so much more ability to manipulate the salary cap, and will eventually see that players annual average salary move to the middle of the pack instead of constantly sitting at the top of the league.

A two year deal is horrible for the Cowboys in almost every way imaginable unless he takes a discounted rate.
This was my mindset regarding a shorter deal. Not that it changes anything cap-wise but my reasoning


A shorter deal would conceivably appease many as it would allow the Cowboys to get away from Dak sooner rather than later if they deemed his performance to be unsatisfactory. The other side of that coin though partly lies in the embedded tweet in that it would give Dak another opportunity to take a swing at NFL contract money for the quarterback position.

Say hypothetically speaking that Dak ultimately signs to a three-year deal. This would make him south of 35 when time was up to do this whole song and dance once again. Presuming he continues to play at a high level he could cash in another time which would put him among the highest earners in NFL history as far as contract money is concerned. History is literally only full of proof that he is willing to bet on himself so this all lines up in that respect


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This is stupid... I am not a Dak fan but the options are:

1.) let him walk
2.) sign him to a long term deal

A short term deal makes zero sense in terms of the cap hits that will come along with that.


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LOL at “unprecedented leverage”. Only QBs like Brady or Maholmes have that.
I heard that and the first thought was - based on what? Hell I'd get it if this was a guy who has won SB's and MVP's. What the hell has Dak Prescott won? Man struggles in the playoffs against WC teams.


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So they are going to sign him to a short term deal and then what? Trade CeeDee and Parsons? I doubt they are going to be able to field anything around Prescott with a short deal.