Rate the last movie you saw

I watched one of my all-time favorites last Sunday afternoon
'Predators' where those aliens snag a bunch of mercs/combat players from around the world and drop them on their own personal 'game preserve' planet and hunt them down,the main character humps an AA12 full auto shotgun, it even got that 70's show kid in it as a psychotic serial killing doctor, Danny Trujillo and Laurence Fishburne too ,it's an 8.5/10 for me
Garbage compared to the original.

Garbage compared to the original.

I'll not dither in your valued assessment, as your probably correct, yet consideration of the vaunted AA12 combat shotgun making it's screen debut elevated it amongst the inner circles of refined aficionados
Have you seen Under the Skin? It's new-age Kubrick Sci-Fi. Amazing film. Amazing. Certain parts of the film were shot where the "actors" didn't know they were being filmed for a movie until after the scene was completed. So good.

Worst movie I have ever seen

I thought it was completely boring. The accents were hard to understand (which I suppose was intentional, but it added to my dissatisfaction). At one point, they just showed the dash board of a car for like ten minutes. Whatever the point it was trying to get across was lost on me. The end--while to most interesting part of the movie--did nothing to bring it together. It basically had less of a plot than it did dialog.

I'll add that I am a fan of Kubrick, Sci-fi, Johansson, & artsy films, but this one was unwatchable.
I thought it was completely boring. The accents were hard to understand (which I suppose was intentional, but it added to my dissatisfaction). At one point, they just showed the dash board of a car for like ten minutes. Whatever the point it was trying to get across was lost on me. The end--while to most interesting part of the movie--did nothing to bring it together. It basically had less of a plot than it did dialog.

I'll add that I am a fan of Kubrick, Sci-fi, Johansson, & artsy films, but this one was unwatchable.
Not even close. The movie is very good but to each's own.
I thought it was completely boring. The accents were hard to understand (which I suppose was intentional, but it added to my dissatisfaction). At one point, they just showed the dash board of a car for like ten minutes. Whatever the point it was trying to get across was lost on me. The end--while to most interesting part of the movie--did nothing to bring it together. It basically had less of a plot than it did dialog.

I'll add that I am a fan of Kubrick, Sci-fi, Johansson, & artsy films, but this one was unwatchable.

Thanks for the response. Yeah, the accents are heavy Scottish. Maybe next time try subtitles (not being a smart arse, Denim). I use it a lot on heavy-accented English/Irish/Scottish films.

Sorry to hear you didn't like it, Denim, I have a completely different view of it.
Allied - 7 - Wouldn't say it was a good movie, but it wasn't bad either
Dr Strange - 7.5 - Fun movie that was done well in my opinion
Bad Santa2 - 6 - Not as funny as the first but was decent
Hacksaw Ridge - 9 - One of the better movies I have seen in a while
Allied - 7 - Wouldn't say it was a good movie, but it wasn't bad either
Dr Strange - 7.5 - Fun movie that was done well in my opinion
Bad Santa2 - 6 - Not as funny as the first but was decent
Hacksaw Ridge - 9 - One of the better movies I have seen in a while

Just rewatched Bad Santa, thought the new one was better.
I saw Dr Strange on an airplane. 6/10. Kind of a lame plot. I feel like it set the foundation for a good sequel though.
In the process of watching all the nominees for Best Picture (Minus LaLa Land lol, I dont do musicals) before the Oscars on Sunday......Manchester by the Sea I thought I would hate but I loved it and is the one Im rooting for so far.Hell or High Water was really good also. Got a couple more to go though......
The Fence - 7.5.
Passangers - 9
Hacksaw ridge - 8
Allied - 6.5

I've watched a lot of recently out movies, free, with the Amazon Fire Box but a lot of them were really bad.
In the process of watching all the nominees for Best Picture (Minus LaLa Land lol, I dont do musicals) before the Oscars on Sunday......Manchester by the Sea I thought I would hate but I loved it and is the one Im rooting for so far.Hell or High Water was really good also. Got a couple more to go though......

Manchester by the Sea was so damn good, 50. So beautiful and tragic.
Knowing - Cage movie where aliens/angels try to help a family through a series of numbers. Meh...could have been much better.

Iboy - Maisie Williams (Aryra Stark) is in this British movie. A boy gets shot in the head right as he has his smart phone by his ear. After the surgery they tell him they could not remove all of the parts of the cell phone from his skull and that they might cause some trouble. Next thing you know he can see electroinic instruments through a visual display, hack into cell phones and other electronic equipment. Maisie is a girl he likes and she was raped by a gang of boys so no he is using his new skills to get rid of them and some other crime in the area. A tweener hero type movie...cheesy yet kind of cool in some areas.

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