Rate the last movie you saw

John Carter

I have no idea. I tried for about a year now to watch this film, and fell asleep by the first 30 minutes every. single. time.

Maybe it picked up later. I'll never know. I finally downloaded it to oblivion.

1 out of 10
Zodiac (2007) Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr

Ultra-long movie based on the book written by the cartoonist at the SF newspaper who became obsessed with the unsolved case of the Zodiac killer in the late 60s, early 70s in California. Centered almost entirely around real world facts of the case. They cut some stuff, and of course made up some stuff for the film. What amazed me was to learn that this case apparently had been closed when this film released, and this film caused them to reopen the case. How does that happen? Favorite line in the movie was when the character played by Gyllenhaal is trying to talk to a police detective and says he is from the newspaper, and the detective says that he can't talk to writers from the paper about an open case, he replies "I'm NOT a writer. I'm a cartoonist." And the detective just stares at him like he's crazy, then is like, oh okay. Ha!

Very well done film, especially for being (1) real-world based, (2) really, really long, and (3) mostly dialog-driven, not action. On a side note, the DVD I saw was the blue-ray extended Director's Cut that was longer than the theatrical release. Solid acting performances all around. And I never really was bored during the film. Recommended viewing!

8.5 out of 10

I saw this too a long time ago. Really good film and great acting.
Zodiac (2007) Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr

Ultra-long movie based on the book written by the cartoonist at the SF newspaper who became obsessed with the unsolved case of the Zodiac killer in the late 60s, early 70s in California. Centered almost entirely around real world facts of the case. They cut some stuff, and of course made up some stuff for the film. What amazed me was to learn that this case apparently had been closed when this film released, and this film caused them to reopen the case. How does that happen? Favorite line in the movie was when the character played by Gyllenhaal is trying to talk to a police detective and says he is from the newspaper, and the detective says that he can't talk to writers from the paper about an open case, he replies "I'm NOT a writer. I'm a cartoonist." And the detective just stares at him like he's crazy, then is like, oh okay. Ha!

Very well done film, especially for being (1) real-world based, (2) really, really long, and (3) mostly dialog-driven, not action. On a side note, the DVD I saw was the blue-ray extended Director's Cut that was longer than the theatrical release. Solid acting performances all around. And I never really was bored during the film. Recommended viewing!

8.5 out of 10

I really enjoyed it too. May watch it again since it's been awhile.

I always wondered how they could do a film like that without an ending per se.
I really enjoyed it too. May watch it again since it's been awhile.

I always wondered how they could do a film like that without an ending per se.

Oh yeah, now that you mention it, that's actually another thing it had going against it - a solid definitive ending. And still such a good film!
"Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones" = 7/10. I've seen all the other ones and this one is just ok compared to them. Scary in parts, boring in others.

Want to see "Banshee Chapter". That looks scary.

I thought it had more funnier parts than scary. I was disappointed. Lone Survivor is next :)
PA: The Marked Ones - 2/10. Really tired of this series. It would go a long way if they could find a way to have characters that aren't complete idiots every single time. And if they could change things up a bit so they don't all follow the same pattern. The last 2 have been especially bad.

Lone Survivor - 7/10. Pretty brutal telling of a true story. Makes you really appreciate what those guys do, but not really something to watch for enjoyment.

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - 7/10. Pretty generic but well made with some decent action. I hope they can continue this series with the same cast this time. Still hoping for Without Remorse and Rainbow Six one of these days...Maybe HBO should do proper adaptations of Clancy books and do a book per season like Game of Thrones.
Lone Survivor- just saw it today.


This movie had it all and it's definitely a must see. This movie brought back memories when I was deployed in 04.
Watched the movie "Truth or Dare" on Chiller.

A decent flick. It wasn't as predictable as I thought it was going to be.

If you're a fan of horror/revenge killer kind of thing you'll enjoy this.

"The Innkeepers".

Another one of those movies that was rated higher on IMdB that what I would have rated it.

Had potential as a good "haunted building" kind of flick but the build up was very slow and the payoff at the end was pretty weak IMO.

"Hobo with a Shotgun" is a dark comedy about a drifter who is confronted with an especially heinous town controlled by a sadistic crime family. It's a Canadian Independent Film. Very bizarre atmosphere that takes place in a surreal representation of the US/Canadian culture and the desensitized affiliation with gratuitous violence. Psychedelic imagery and insane premise but good independent comedy with good underlying social commentary accompanied with extreme "cartoonish" violence. Ricky from Trailer Park Boys makes a brief appearance as well.

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12 years a slave

A film I think that should be shown in school to all people who are 15 because it shows you how brutal the slaves were treated I thought it was ok but I didn't enjoy it like it was a thriller I felt more like it was a necessity to watch
Wolf on Wall St.


Proof that greed can get the best of us and you should quit while you're ahead. To all of you ladies on here, if you're with a stock broker leave him NOW lol.
Dallas Buyers Club


Hunger Games II

In a World...

Bad Teacher
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011, Downey, Jr, Law, Rapace, McAdams)

Not a bad film. Ya know, I never saw the original of these, so I can't compare this sequel to the original. This one, though, was pretty enjoyable. There were some plot twists that I think I somehow missed, or became aware of too late to be in on the whole story...it's like, somehow, the film really never even started before Sherlock confronted the Gypsy woman (Noomi Rapace) for the first time. What followed was a rather entertaining few rounds with that acrobat assassin guy. I still never figured out what exactly started this movie, in terms of motive. All I remember is a wall full of strings all leading to the evil nemesis Moriarty guy. And how again did Gypsy woman's-brother get into this? Was he brainwashed? What? I have no idea. But Downey, Jr was his usual self and was pretty entertaining. Emotionally though, this film was next to empty.

And the English Opening (move of the pawn) in the chess game near the end - I had to snicker...I mean, what else could it have been?

7 out of 10
Oh yeah, now that you mention it, that's actually another thing it had going against it - a solid definitive ending. And still such a good film!

Great movie. Story is a hanger and makes you wonder:

Did he just die of old age? Or anything at some point?
Did he end up in jail for some other crime?

Also, I remember watching a documentary I think... Where he sent the cops a letter taunting them that after he killed one night that the cops were driving to the scene and they saw him other street and just looked and drive by. How were they supposed to know or should they have stopped and questioned him? Maybe he would have run? I believe that was the closest they got to him.
Great movie. Story is a hanger and makes you wonder:

Did he just die of old age? Or anything at some point?
Did he end up in jail for some other crime?

Also, I remember watching a documentary I think... Where he sent the cops a letter taunting them that after he killed one night that the cops were driving to the scene and they saw him other street and just looked and drive by. How were they supposed to know or should they have stopped and questioned him? Maybe he would have run? I believe that was the closest they got to him.

Yeah, that was the part in the film, at least, where an early description of the perp had him as a black male. The cops responding to the scene saw the white guy you mentioned but totally ignored him due to color, and the description was changed VERY soon after the initial error to be a white male, apparently...but the cops had not gotten the memo yet, or something...
Agree, best movie in the last 5 years or so, maybe longer.


Seriously? It was ok and told a great story or ultimate survival but other than that the movie itself was ok at best. Shoot at the enemy, they shoot at your, run a few yards, fall down a hill, stop and shoot at each other again. Run again, fall down another hill, shoot, shoot, and shoot some more.

Like I said, told a great story but the movie was typical Mark Wahlberg-nothing special. I think I did like his movie about The Sniper Shooter of the president or some high profile person better than this tho.
Seriously? It was ok and told a great story or ultimate survival but other than that the movie itself was ok at best. Shoot at the enemy, they shoot at your, run a few yards, fall down a hill, stop and shoot at each other again. Run again, fall down another hill, shoot, shoot, and shoot some more.

Like I said, told a great story but the movie was typical Mark Wahlberg-nothing special. I think I did like his movie about The Sniper Shooter of the president or some high profile person better than this tho.

I am a sucker for war movies. The story is what gave it a 10 from me. Are there better movies out there? Sure, all depends on preference though. This movie is a must see IMO and if someone does't watch it, then they are missing out on a good one.
"Varan The Unbelievable"

Made in 1958 by Toho, it's the weak sister of early giant monster movies put out by Toho.

The story is weak & choppy (at least the American version). The special affects aren't nearly as sharp as they were in "Godzilla-King of the Monsters" made in '54. Nor is it in color like "Rodan" made in '56.

About the only thing going for it is the monster itself which has an interesting look.

I'd give the movie a 3/10 but will add a 1.5 points for the monster costume... Final score 4.5/10

It's a worthwhile watch for anyone interested in Kaiju movies and hasn't seen one of the early ones.

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