Rate the last movie you saw

Wolf of Wall Street

I'm not sure how to rate it. Martin Scorsese definitely captured the excess to which this guy lived on the big screen. I'm not sure if it means it was a good movie or not by others standards. I enjoyed it. Not my favorite movie, but I liked the direction. I could have done without Jonah Hill. DiCaprio was good. Don't watch it if you are sensitive to sex, drugs and more sex and drugs. It is extreme, but I believe that was purposeful.

I think Jonah Hill steals the movie personally. He was fantastic. I'm a little burnt out on DiCaprio and his accents though. He's a very talented actor, but Scorsese is like obsessed with him, and he always just plays the "DiCaprio" character, and yells a lot. Not that he was bad in this movie, he was very good.

Go to it expecting a dark comedy as opposed to drama or pure comedy, as it's a well made mix.
Wolf of Wall Street was an all around great movie. Has Scorsese ever really made a bad one? There are weaker ones.. but all good by movie standards imo.

I think Jonah Hill steals the movie personally. He was fantastic. I'm a little burnt out on DiCaprio and his accents though. He's a very talented actor, but Scorsese is like obsessed with him, and he always just plays the "DiCaprio" character, and yells a lot. Not that he was bad in this movie, he was very good.

Go to it expecting a dark comedy as opposed to drama or pure comedy, as it's a well made mix.
Wolf of Wall Street was an all around great movie. Has Scorsese ever really made a bad one? There are weaker ones.. but all good by movie standards imo.


Shutter Island is one that comes to mind.
Jack Reacher 8/10

Those having Netflix will notice this flick was recently added to the streaming lineup.

Watched it with no expectations and came away very entertained. As much as we all can't stand Cruise, he's very charismatic and his Jack Reacher character was one of his best.

I enjoyed the opening scene the most. Sparse dialogue. Very intense.

I highly recommend it.
Jack Reacher 8/10

Those having Netflix will notice this flick was recently added to the streaming lineup.

Watched it with no expectations and came away very entertained. As much as we all can't stand Cruise, he's very charismatic and his Jack Reacher character was one of his best.

I enjoyed the opening scene the most. Sparse dialogue. Very intense.

I highly recommend it.

Agree. I went to see this to appease a friend and ended up liking it quite a bit.

Normally I would say that the Jack Reacher character is ridiculous, but from what I've heard the source material novels by Lee Child are a bit tongue in cheek. Also, the fact that no one really makes movies like this anymore keeps the character's flaws easy to overlook.

And really, the fact that no one really makes movies like this anymore is kind of why I love it. Takes me back to a "simpler" 90s era action/suspense thriller.

You're right about the first scene. I remember them having to delay the premier or something like that because this movie initially hit theaters around the same time of the Newtown school shooting. But overall, I thought the scene was executed well and probably my favorite scene also.
I think Jonah Hill steals the movie personally. He was fantastic. I'm a little burnt out on DiCaprio and his accents though. He's a very talented actor, but Scorsese is like obsessed with him, and he always just plays the "DiCaprio" character, and yells a lot. Not that he was bad in this movie, he was very good.

Go to it expecting a dark comedy as opposed to drama or pure comedy, as it's a well made mix.
Wolf of Wall Street was an all around great movie. Has Scorsese ever really made a bad one? There are weaker ones.. but all good by movie standards imo.


So I am finding out that there are some people out there that are saying Scorsese is glorifying these guys with his movie. There is some dumb open letter out there from a daughter of a guy or something like that as well complaining about the movie. I don't get that. I don't think he is glorifying the actions of the main character or his crew. I think he does a good job of showing just how out of control they were and how out of touch they were to any repercussions their actions caused.

I disagree about Hill. I think anyone could have played that role. It wasn't a complicated character.
So I am finding out that there are some people out there that are saying Scorsese is glorifying these guys with his movie. There is some dumb open letter out there from a daughter of a guy or something like that as well complaining about the movie. I don't get that. I don't think he is glorifying the actions of the main character or his crew. I think he does a good job of showing just how out of control they were and how out of touch they were to any repercussions their actions caused.

I disagree about Hill. I think anyone could have played that role. It wasn't a complicated character.

Some people don't know the difference between portraying and glorifying.
Jack Reacher 8/10

Those having Netflix will notice this flick was recently added to the streaming lineup.

Watched it with no expectations and came away very entertained. As much as we all can't stand Cruise, he's very charismatic and his Jack Reacher character was one of his best.

I enjoyed the opening scene the most. Sparse dialogue. Very intense.

I highly recommend it.

Thanks, added it to my que-list.
Jack Reacher 8/10

Those having Netflix will notice this flick was recently added to the streaming lineup.

Watched it with no expectations and came away very entertained. As much as we all can't stand Cruise, he's very charismatic and his Jack Reacher character was one of his best.

I enjoyed the opening scene the most. Sparse dialogue. Very intense.

I highly recommend it.

I agree. I am not a Tom Cruise fan at all, but this was an entertaining movie. Nowhere near believable, but what movie is? Hate what they did to that Chevelle though.
You might like "Collateral" as well. It has Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx. It is not the usual Cruise over-the-top movie and I liked it.

Thanks for the suggestion but saw that one; where u the other guy in the theatre :) Actually liked it but felt the Cruise character seemed way too off the cuff for a "seasoned" hit man. Like Jamie Foxx as an actor even though he gets a lot of flack...to start @ in Living Color, top comedian, own sitcom, to serious acting. He has played the game quite well (don't know about that r&b career tho) Agree about Cruise showing "some" range; musta took Xanax throughout shooting to not grind his teeth and be overly intnese (usually the case). Liked Minority Report for the plot/theme.
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I like how Tom puts this guy in his place, funny scene in a dark movie:

Ruby Sparks. 9.5/10. I'm a very tough critic of movies, and this one caught me totally off guard. Starring Paul Dano, the tall, skinny, nerdy kid from The Girl Next Door, Little Miss Sunshine, and There Will Be Blood. He's a young, famous writer who wrote a masterpiece a few years back but kind of fell out of the spotlight. He has women problems. One night he starts writing a story about a girl named Ruby Sparks. She actually comes to life. It's actually a pretty awesome movie. I'd highly recommend it.
Watched a cheap horror flick last night called "Primitive".

The theme was about this guy, who when he was asleep would "create" a monster that killed those against him.

A theme that's been carried by other horror films, the best being "Forbidden Planet".


Barely watchable.
Her...5/10 I know this movie received lots of awards and accolades, but for me it was a big bore. It was so droopy and melancholy that every scene seemed to drag. And when the main character got happy it got real creepy. I also didn't like the voice of Scarlett Johansson as the "girl". She is beautiful and a good actress, but her voice didn't seem to fit with me.

I watched it with my daughter, and she enjoyed it much more than I did. Most people would think watching a movie like this would be uncomfortable for a father/daughter. We've long since moved past that, if we ever were at that point.

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