Ratliff was on


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Rampage;2400476 said:
save it. heard it before


Exactly. They've said this many times before. If they dont know what they're doing wrong, how are they going to fix it and improve?

After hearing that comment, just kinda put a little doom and gloom feel on the team. Not that there isn't enough already.


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cowboyjoe;2400465 said:
ratliff was on and basically said, this was a humbling experience, and he just didnt know what they needed to do to fix this, but they the cowboy players know basically that they need to win all of their games now

they dont need this rah rah type speech or like your back is against the wall, they just need to go out and do it

i caught the tail end of the talk so thought youd like to know joe

If Ratliff and the rest of the team don't know how to fix things we are in serious trouble.

I would like to provide a little advice. Sit down and talk to your team mates. Wondering will get you no where. Spending time watching film with your team and discussing how other teams are beating you is a little more valuable.

Our guys represent the the true meaning of IDIOTS!


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CrazyCowboy;2400792 said:
it is about time to play

Yea, now they are going to get serious and play their butts off eh? Too bad the season is more than halfway over already....


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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cowboyjoe;2400571 said:
i totally agree DC, till jerry jones makes the players accountable, nothing will ever change

I agree. $500 a penalty and the price doubles for each penalty a single player gets during a game. $500->$1,000->$2,000->$4,000

Same for not knowing where you are supposed to be on each play. If you are supposed to fill a gap, but your busy somewhere you aren't supposed to be you're FINED. Obviously there are exceptions if something prevented you from being their.

If you make a "business decision" while on the field or just half-*** a play, $2,000 fine to start and double from there.

This is probably not allowed by the CBA, but that can go away very soon.