Re-living last Monday... A 1st Timer's Story of Fulfillment (Long)


Brain Dead Shill
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One week ago I received several phone calls from my sister which I had decide to ignore for the night. If I hadn't checked my messages I may have missed out on one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life to date.

I've been a Dallas Cowboy's fan since I was four years old, the result of my father having shared time with Roger Staubach at the Naval Academy, and having him sign my first pair of cleats by the Dodger during the 1980 Navy vs. Army football game. I've retained my love for the Cowboys despite being surrounded by fans of our most hated rivals for the majority of my life. I've been to eight NFL games over the years, but sadly, until this past Monday night, only two of them involved my beloved Cowboys.

So, when I decided to check my messages Friday night, I found myself nothing short of euphoric when my sister told me she had scored tickets to the Monday night matchup against the Eagles. This was the type of thing that I'll remember for my lifetime, and, at least in my eyes, will never be able to repay my sister for....for this game was going to be least for me.

I flew into DFW sunday afternoon sporting a grin, a backpack, and a chip on my shoulder that would only be truly removed by a win against the Eagles in what would likely be my first, and last, visit to a Dallas Cowboys home game. I would later learn that our tickets...while on the first row, and at the 45 yard line, were on the opposing team's sideline. I would also learn that my nephew's high school team lost badly last week, and that the monday practice would run late...seriously endangering my timeline and my ability to take full advantage of my opportunities. These would prove to be of minor consequence, however, for reasons most of you are fully capable of assuming.

Watching those last few sprints at their high school, eagerly awaiting the final whistle was nearly as unbearable as nails on a chalkboard though.

So the time had come....

6:30 pm: Having just picked up my nephews from football practice, we raced down 635 to my sister's friends house to get them showered up for the game. Anything to save time.

6:55 pm: Hit game traffic with only precious minutes until kickoff. I'm going ape****. Thank god we have a blue parking pass.

7:30 pm: Pull into our parking space and run madly for gate 4...obviously forgetting to make a mental note of where we parked.

7:40 pm: Huge sigh of relief when we get to the top of section 10 and realize the game hadn't started yet. Witten is running out of the huge inflatable helmet as we take our first steps down to the front row. I had hoped to get some good pictures of this stuff, but those thoughts fly out of the window as the entirety of what was happening hits me. I had been in Texas Stadium for a tour before, but walking into that place, already packed full of blue and white jerseys was an entirely different experience...I paused.

7:45 pm: Takes note of extremely hot moms in the temp. seats in front of us.

Kickoff time: I'm unbelievably amped...I've started yelling at Eagles fans already, much to the Horror of my sister and my nephews. I'm suddenly saddened by the realization that I won't be able to get close enough to Deon Anderson to talk him into doing the Crazed Chicken act on special teams. Then become elated that I won't have to hear Cornhieser and Co.

*Shakes head at Nick Folks kickoff sailing out of bounds*

1st Quarter

13:37 - Loves me some Zack Thomas..and love seeing Newman jog out onto the field.

12:45 - Decide that McNabb will feel my wrath if he dares come near my section of the sideline.

11:33 - Loves me some Demarcus Ware. Chris Canty is enormous. I don't remember him being that big at UVA.

10:48 - Thankful that they aren't reviewing Jackson's drop. We'll take the 3 points given the starting field position. Realize that by quitting smoking two days earlier, my voice is going to hurt like hell after the game.

10:35 - Assessed our second penalty of the game before our first offensive snap. Felix Jones nice return annulled.

9:55 - The crowd explodes with me as Owens makes a huge leaping catch on 3rd and 9. (on a side note, immediately following this play you briefly catch me on the televised broadcast...apparently yelling loud enough to warrant a look of bewilderment/embarrassment from my nephew at my side.)

8:35 - Frustrated by the lack of effectiveness of our early running game.

7:48 - Owens breaks a 72 yarder. The crowd absolutely erupts. I'm positive this is as loud as this stadium can possibly get.

2:45 - I was wrong. Felix Jones returns a kickoff 98 yards...and the crowd let's him hear it. I'm suddenly in awe. Eagles fans around me aren't happy. This game can't get any better at this point.

2:40 - The crowd is still hot. Burnett's tackle on special team's elicits a huge roar of approval. I'm standing on the railing in front of me, turned around and waving my arms to get even more out of an already pumped audience. My sister is starting to remember how insane I am when it comes to the Cowboys...she may regret this.

1:05 - Mike Jenkins makes a tremendous play on the ball to save a touchdown and force a 3 and out...I'm now suprememely confident we win this one going away...

0:06 - Well that was a fleeting emotion....Adams loses containment on the DE and the pressure on Romo forces his first mistake of the game.

0:00 - Super pissed at the PI call on Henry. The jumbotron clearly shows the offensive PI. Penalties are bringing me down. The roller coaster ride of emotion begins.

2nd Quarter

14:47 - I'm not a fan of least not after his muffed kickoff return. Not what we needed after a Romo INT. A penalty on 1st down further irritates me.

14:41 - My heart sinks. I feel nauseous. Romo's fumble in the end zone hurts bad.

14:33 - Another big return by the rookie...he's doing everything he can to keep this crowd pumped's working.

14:48 - Witten comes up big on 3rd down and long, as usual, but his extended stay on the ground worries me...looks like he got dinged.

10:02 - TO catches a TD, helping me out in FF...that would be the last time I think about that, though. The team responded like good teams do, they marched it down the field after letting their opponent back in the game... reminding the Eagles that they won't be able to rely on gimme points. Much of the confidence I had lost is now returned. Trash talk is heating up in section 10...

7:46 - I see #38 trailing #10 for a big TD, and I'm thinkful I'm not on The crowd hiccups for the first time since the game started. There is some real worry, despite the knucklehead dropping the ball before he crossed the line. The Eagles did what good teams do too...they came to play ball.

7:27 - Proctor is a goat. Another huge play erased by a penalty...I have to remind the Eagles fans around me that there can only be so many penalties in a game...and when we stop getting them...the Eagles are screwed. The ensuing 3 and out hurts.

3:06 - After watching two consecutive plays where we use decidedly different approaches...the first nets a sack by Ellis, and the second (aimed at containing McNabb) produces five seconds in the pocket and a long completetion....I can't help but think about the moronic posts being created dubbed 'Where's the pass rush', 'Our defense sucks', 'our DB's are pathetic', and the like. If you are at the game, you can clearly see the difference when we actually go after McNabb, and when we're just trying to keep him contained.

1:50 - A perfect example...we rush 5 and get a ton of pressure on McNabb, barely letting him out of our grasp, only to watch it turn into a 10 yard gain and a first down. As much as I've joked this guy over the years, he's a difficult QB to gameplan for. He can hurt you in too many ways...and he's hot right now.

:10 - Jason Witten is clutch. So is Folk. Being within 6 points makes me feel better. I'm still pissed about penalties, and I'm letting PA residents nearby know it. My nephews are slightly uncomfortable...but I attribute that to attending private school.

Halftime - We're down 6, but I feel as if we outplayed them outside of our own stupidity. Without those penalties we're up bigtime. My head is racing, but I slow down to watch 5 or 6 seconds of a pretty pathetic halftime show. I take this time to drink a beer in hopes that my throat would feel doesn't, but that's ok. This is one hell of a game so far.

3rd Quarter

14:53 - Felix makes another big return...this guy is way better than I thought he'd be.

14:45 - Barber finally gets some room to run. I like the way we're coming out.

14:02 - ....and then there are penalties. A holding call on Adams ruins another drive, and what looks like a big momentum change. The big hit on Bennett right in front of me reinforces my suspicions. Time for the defense to step up.

12:40 - Ratliff is certainly doing his part.

11:47 - They do step up. A 3 and out by the Defense wakes up the crowd and fuels me up. They're playing better than the score suggests.

7:53 - Cole's personal foul against Curtis gets me agro. My nephews hear a slew of obscenities that make my sister cover my mouth. may have over-reacted a bit.

5:08 - I remember the crowd getting freakishly loud before an offensive play, and sure enough, the result was a 17 yard Romo to Barber strike. My confidence, as well as the crowd's, is fully restored. It wouldn't waver again the rest of the least you wouldn't be able to tell from the deafening levels at the stadium.

5:00 - McNabb and Reid are floundering about the sidelines too close. I let 'em have it for a good four or five minutes before play ensues...but my head is starting to hurt and I'm not thinking very clearly. I suddenly wish that I had Superpunk there to think of something witty. Whatever...they heard me regardless.

3:22 - We're getting pressure constantly...but not getting to McNabb. Frustrating.

2:44 - The defense is as energetic as the crowd (it's extremely loud from here on out), but they can't force a 3 and out.....Zack Thomas makes a huge play downfield moments later. I love that guy.

:55 - McNabb bails out the defense by fumbling a handoff to Westbrook...but responds with a huge play after (yet again) escaping pressure and flipping it upfield for a huge gain. Watkins gives them a first down where it would have been 3rd and 4 with another penalty. I bang my head on the railing in front of me prompting some ish from one of the keystone cops behind me. I tell him its not time for McNabb to choke yet...he has to be patient.

4th Quarter

14:17 - Westbrook is too hard to stop after giving them short yardage. I'm guessing at this point that every one of their points can be attributed to either a turnover or a penalty. I could be wrong, but that's how it feels. Their drives, while effective, don't have the same dominating...'there's absolutely nothing the defense can do' feel to them. I'm still confident.

14:04 - Witten is held along the sideline. The television broadcast doesn't show it.

13:53 - Barber turns up the heat with a big screen play. I remember people claiming that the Cowboys crowds don't know what they're doing....but this one does. It's loud as hell up until right before the snap...then shhhh. It's great. We're moving the ball.

12:00 - Witten just misses a deep ball. I think he should have had it, but I think he's earned a pass on this one. We settle for 3.

8:52 - Westbrook or McNabb miss the exchange again...a huge sigh of relief falls over the crowd. It's getting even louder in Texas Stadium. The game is unreal...urgency becomes anticipation.

6:39 - Miles' big catch on 3rd and 3 quiets the nervousness building inside of me.

6:05 - Witten mutes the nervousness completely. A huge grab for 32 yards on the exact same route he missed on the previous drive...did he deserve a pass. Hell yes. That guy is unreal.

5:19 - I'm shocked that we get a call our way. TO drws a PI putting it on the 1, and as inevitable as it is for Westbrook to find a way in short yardage, we have a guy that's pretty good at it too...

4:37 - Guess who...Barber puts us back on top. I shake my 16 year old nephew profusely.

4:25 - The crowd is the loudest I've heard it all night (one of the loudest i've heard anywhere), and the defense responds with a 3 and out...but there is a ton of time left. Newman nearly ends the game with an INT.

3:09 - My head is racing, and it hurts like hell from yelling. It seems like we've been here so many times over the course of the last 3-4 seasons. How will we respond? Will we be conservative? We throw at will...but do we have the balls to throw it now?Can we ice it in the air? We need two first downs. We run.

2:48 - We call the right play on an Eagles blitz...Romo overthrows Barber on the screen. He'd have run for an eternity. Here we go again? It's time for the defense to prove it's not the same story as the last few years....

2:36 - We've forced the Eagles to burn two timouts, but they still have way too much time....holy ****! We rush 5 on 1st down! Nice.

1:59 - Ratliff grabs a facemask giving them a huge play on third down...I'm freaking out again. Same ol' same ol'.

1:51 - Nope. Ellis gets a huge sack. That wouldn't have happened in years passed.

1:14 - Ware comes up huge. Outracing McNabb to the sideline, Ware makes his biggest play of the night. Pure hustle. This isn't last year's defense. They make plays when it matters. Sadly, they won't get enough credit.

1:03 - Jenkins pushes Westbrook out of bounds right in front of me. Game.

Final thoughts:

That was a good Eagles team we faced. We didn't play our best football. We made mistakes...penalties and turnovers....and we overcame them to beat a good football team. I'm not condoning these mistake, but rather pointing out that we can overcome them...something we haven't done very often in the past.

Felix Jones is the real deal. I wasn't high on the pick, but I'm glad I was wrong. I doubt that's his only TD return this year...highly doubt it.

Anyone that thinks 'we can't get pressure' is not football smart.

Jason Witten may be encroaching on Staubach as my favorite football player ever. He's absolutely amazing. I remember at one point that one corner of the stadium erupted in applause and was Witten returning from a separated shoulder.

Romo is still a gunslinger, and likely will always be a gunslinger...but anyone questioning this guy's mental toughness is a moron. He's as tough as they come.

I've obviously tried to give the crowd props in this write-up, but they deserve some it is. It was awesome.

TO makes plays away from the ball. I used to hate the guy, but I'm glad he's here.

This team is special those of you wasting your time constantly complaining about this and that will end up regretting it. Not many fans get to enjoy teams this good. Take advantage of it. There's no need to be cocky, and I realize they've accomplished nothing yet, but the people sitting around *****ing about it are going to end up missing the ride.

My head hurt. My ears were ringing. My hands were swollen...and I've never been happier in my life. What a night.



Brain Dead Shill
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TD22;2272290 said:
so, you have no pics?

great post...thank you

I had intended to take a bunch, but after learning that I'd be on the visitors sideline, pics became far less important for me. I just don't find John Runyan's backside that appealing. :D ...and I was far to busy yelling to take pictures. My sister took a few, but nothing worth noting with the exception of the one I posted in the original post.


Well-Known Member
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Thank You...that Is The Best Post Ive Ever Read...:bow: GO COWBOYS


1st Round Pick
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It sucks you had to rush in the Stadium.

It seems like everytime I go to a game I have to run in that sucker as well no matter how early I leave.

Im actually impressed you got there in the time you did. You must've been like MB3 in traffic.


the older I get the better I was
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i am glad you made it, enjoyed it and wrote about it.

i had seen your earlier post about all the griping and belly-aching posted
here and how it made you consider not posting about your trip.

never let the negative nancies take away something you enjoy...never.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Meh, what do you know, Tomson? The Texas Stadium crowd sucks. I know, because I watch the games at home on my 19" Symphonic TV.

Just kidding, of course... Great post. One of the best of the year.

Did you read his next-to-last paragraph, Chicken Littles?


Brain Dead Shill
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Thanks everyone. I planned on doing this earlier, but as Poke pointed out, I just didn't want to get involved with the 72 hour freak-out that ensues after every game we don't win 48-0. Plus I was busy. I apologize for not taking pictures, but I wouldn't have done so during the game anyway...far too much going on.

Like I said in another post, I wish every Cowboy fan could have been there...and at some points during the game, it felt like they were.


Brain Dead Shill
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superpunk;2272367 said:
Great story skaterboy.

I'm enjoying the ride for sure.

Lmao...I know you are SP. You going to the game at FedEx this year?


Reaction score
congrats tomson. The game was great and so was the crowd.

I have a bunch of pics of warmups and the players coming in from their cars.

I didnt take as many as I usually do because I was starving and had to go get some food!!

next time you come down you have to go early. I parked my car at 3:35!!!!!!!

Plus you miss mcnabb and the eagles act like complete idiots during warmups. Mcnabb is a complete clown. I cant believe I liked the guy at SU.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Just think, thomson, you were there when History was made!! You were there for the LAST MNF game at Texas Staidum...

;) You will never forget it....


It's Back
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When I go to the Cincy game, I am goning to take pictures of everything even the trash in the isles. It will be my first and only time in Texas stadium so I am going to take as many pictures I need to remember. I will be in section 15, row 18 or so. Either way I am going to photograph everything.
Well at least until I get drunk and drop my camera, hopefully it won't be in the parking lot.


NFL Historian
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theebs;2272424 said:
congrats tomson. The game was great and so was the crowd.

I have a bunch of pics of warmups and the players coming in from their cars.

I didnt take as many as I usually do because I was starving and had to go get some food!!

next time you come down you have to go early. I parked my car at 3:35!!!!!!!

Plus you miss mcnabb and the eagles act like complete idiots during warmups. Mcnabb is a complete clown. I cant believe I liked the guy at SU.
Just curious, what exactly were they doing?