Especially after last season was excused due to defensive injuries.
It is time for the defense to man up and win games.
If they can't, it is time for Jones and Co. to man up and fix the talent issues.
I think that Dallas knows and has known what it has as far as its defense, since Washington. The formula was to run the ball, control the clock and execute play-action. The offense is either going to carry this team to the post-season or it won't. The defense is simply not good enough, at least in its current capacity. That
could change, but I just think that Marinelli has gotten about as much as you can out of them, considering the talent. The defense may have had a fighting chance last Thursday if the offense had performed at the 26-28 ppg level it has sustained over the season. The offense simply can't go AWOL and expect to win.
I don't want to be too negative, but the DVOA numbers for the offense has stagnated and the defense has been slowly deteriorating with each game since Washington. The Cowboys have been right around 12 in the (total) rankings, with Philly slightly ahead of them. The real threats to Dallas are Green Bay and Philly, because I think the other NFC contenders have incomplete/inefficient offenses, save New Orleans, who may or may not make the fourth seed. They have got to get more pressure out of that d-line, but how to do it with the talent they have?