superpunk;1308460 said:
Mine was better. More similarities, more topical. But thanks for the critique.
More simularities? At least mine was on the same side of the ball, even the same position. And which example will be remembered more, Rodgers or Ferotte? Lets ask a non-football fan.
I'm reaching out to you. It is boring. What would be exciting, would be if you weren't just another moron skins fan who's bored in the offseason so he feels he needs to troll around a Cowboys board and recite the same tired lines over and over again. It was a suggestion. You can choose whether you'd like to join the non-mouth-breathing world or not.
Exactly what lines did I repeat over and over again? As you see, I have only posted here like 10 times, so what you are saying doesnt even make sense. And the whole-non mouth breathing comment? I'll let you sit in your own stupidity with that one. At least you don't have to take it so personally. It's only a message board. (Your not that Boy's fan that makes the you-tube videos are you?)
And there it is, the same tired old lines. It feels great to root for a team whose higher-ups have some sense of direction for the team and don't waste their money on phenomenal safety and WR busts, becoming the laughing stock of the entire league and inspiring three-part newspaper articles in their local paper about why they are so incompetent, and lost in today's NFL.
again, the same old lines? BTW, it feels good to root for a team, where at least our players have enough respect for our head coach, and don't scream at them on the sidelines, fall asleep during meetings and act like they wanna be on the Tour-De-France (spelling?). We can go back and forth about stupid **** like this all day if you like. And if I HAVE too, I can pull up some derogatory article written about the Boys by your local papers, too.
Does that make you happy? Is that the response you were looking for with your pathetic trolling attempt?
Like I said - you can be a moron, or not. We've got some good skins fans here, who don't just roll up with antagonism just because they're tired of looking at nudey pictures on the interweb. Give it a shot.
I'm not trying to be a moron dude. just a little good natured antagonism because Im bored of NOT watching the Skins (plus-put the shoe on the other foot, If the Romo play happened to the Skins and the Boys were sitting at home-you would have ate it up too). So show some class and chill out with the personal attacks and at least respond to me with an intelligent statement bashing the Skins- not some childish response talking about me looking at nudity pictures. Be a good Boys fan, as you say.