Red Zone Offense- what's different?


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When the te core has 1 td all year it's pretty obvious where the problem on offense is. Lol. It wasn't 82 because he was just a four td subpar red zone threat for years. He'd get a TD against our division rivals 1 game a year usually.

50% is not having Dez and 50% is having 2-3 tes with no real skillsets as receivers. Our Te core has been allergic to scoring for years and putting up subpar scoring %s for years but instead of cutting bait w all the scrubs they still play these losers everydown as if they were superstars.

There is nothing more predictable than what the Cowboys are gonna do because the everydown te scheme and 1 back formation spells all of our plays. In 2016 Dak was still surprising teams by running. 2 years later they know that it's one of the main plays.

These tes are keeping better Scoring threats off the field. They have no deep threat capabilities, no rac abilities, or scoring abilities but they are put in situations where they have no business being on the field as a receiver.

There's only 1 td between any of these tes out of 1000 snaps but no substitution for down and distance or lack of skillsets mentioned. Sure there are some culda wulda shuldas but it's apparent that these tes are only good at taking what the Defense gives them which is about 6 turnovers and 1 td and a bunch of targets before the chains where they have plenty of separation. Most of the coverage goes to the skilled guys who can score and the tes roam free until they get close to the first down marker where there is zero separation at that point.

Their defense will force Dak to beat them with these scrub Tes and they will catch a few gimme passes but when the game or season is on the line these tes are batting 0

One less pass to a true Scoring threat that is insignificant to the outcome of the game but sure looks good as a completion %. It's the same Baloney as 82 put up for 4-5 years
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These tes will probably have another 1000 snaps before they catch TD #2 . In the meantime somebody else Will have to make up for their lack of yards, first downs and scoring and turnovers and penalties they create. These tes aren't worthy of playing passing downs unless we have an insurmountable lead and how are we supposed to make that happen with a bunch of scoreless receivers we call starting Tes Manning the skilled positions.

The snap to target to scoring ratio is as subpar as statistically possible but you can't tell that to anybody in this forum.
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They will dare us to throw it to the non tackle breaking, no racs, and non Scoring tes as indicated by their Zeros in the TD column. Those Zeros are indicative of our offensive potency. When the game is on the line we got too many zeros in the skilled positions roaming the field who are nothing but a diversion instead of a winner who can score and get the job done. They just continually man the field with a personnel group the defenses can predict and beat and that's not a knock on the Qbs that's on the coach.

It's called getting caught with a personel group that is defeated from the start based upon the defenses abilities to predict the play call. Not having the personnel that can straight up beat ya when the predictable BLITZ play happens.

And of course all those blunderous interceptions and fumbles to go with them from Dak or Tony. Aaron Rogers had some deep ball tes who could make plays 30 yards up the field with their hands and our guys don't have those skillsets at the te position.

They are good at taking what the defense is giving them but the defense is giving nothing to the Home depot practice squad level tes in the end zone. Lol Here comes that Blitz again for another 8-8 season
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OL. Our system requires that we have one of the best OL in order to be successful.

Here is a little write up on the Air Coryell offense.

"Given that the QB is targeting downfield receivers and the running game uses a power scheme against a numbers advantage, it's important that the offensive line is among the best in the league. The WCO can operate with smaller players and mask their deficiencies with movement and speed. The Coryell offense cannot and requires significant investment in the OL in order to produce consistent results.

"The main flaw in the Coryell system is that it requires everything to go right in order to succeed. If one element of the system fails, it can drag the whole team down"

"If you don't have a dominant set of blockers up front, then your star QB could get mauled and your advantage in the running game is obsolete. If you're simply having an off-day against an excellent defense, then you better hope your own defense can hold up because Coryell offenses have been known to totally vanish for long periods of time."


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Some will blame the loss of Witten and Dez but I think there's more to this than that.

I think OL injuries have been a factor. I think the play calling has been suspect at times. I think the QB has made mistakes in the RZ as well.

And then there is just generally bad luck crap like a FB dropping a wide open TD.
agreed, usually when there is that much drop in production its not a single issue and its a combination of factors. with Fredrick and Martin, there was enough power and beef up front to simply execute a short run play and force our way in. that's not the case any more. and the executions have been bad on pass plays, with Ints, fumbles and dropped balls. and there is defintley lack of creativity in that area. and not having Witten who had a knack for getting open in short area, although he had lost speed, he was savvy veteran.


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I want to understand this:

You think that Dak Prescott can't throw to a spot in the end zone from inside the 20? You did see the dime he dropped to Amari from the 30 to the end zone in the Eagles game, right?

In fact, any NFL QB not named Watson can throw the fade. Watson may be able to as well...idk.
Watson can make any throw wat


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Cowboys RZO

2016 #5
2017 #7
2018 #31

What is different about the offense? True we are missing our all-pro center but Looney has filled in admirably (up until this last game). Did Dez and Witten draw that much attention that it opened up other scoring opportunities in the RZ?

Last season Dez was #10 and Witten #38 in RZ targets. We need somebody to step up in the RZ. Who will it be? The TEs have steadily improved, in fact Jarwin and Schultz were both open on the Olawale drop. Rico? More Dak run options? We can only pound Zeke into 11 man fronts so many times before we need something different...

We don't use Beasley as well as we did last year in goal line.

We don't have a WR fade target like Dez anymore

We don't scheme TE's open in RZ

We don't block well in short yardage

Zeke is great, but is hobbled a bit so he's missing some short distance explosion

We don't use, or seem to have forgotten how to use Read/Option in red zone.

O-Line is horrific

QB can't pass well

That about covers it.