Regarding the team's "Attitude"


Zone Scribe
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Bradie James plays strongside and often has to take on the lead blocker so Zach can run free. It's apples and oranges to compare them. If Zach had to play that role he would be a grease stain on the turf.


Kane Ala
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CowboyFan74;2313480 said:
Maturity or the lack thereof is the problem. Maybe another crushing loss in the post season will piss off Jerry.;)

Bradie James is an average LB at best.

Romo is still a gunslinger and that's also why he has 8 consecutive games with a pick. I blame Garrett and his play calling for this. We need to do more short passes and bring back the screen.

I missed the interview but maybe that's best.

TO is a ball of emotion and that is a good thing. We need somebody who cares if we win or lose.

Got to go. Should be some interesting reads here and there later.

All in all our overall talent keeps us in the games but without discipline and maturity it will cost us when it really counts. We still have a lot of games left to play and get it right, perhaps a few more embarrassing losses will wake us up. Yes we won mijo but it's time to dominate the field like the talent and potential you possess, don't waste it...

Don't think the staff or the players would agree about Bradie. I was a huge critic of him but he's turned it around.

I agree maturity as a team is a problem but growing up is generally going to be full of ups and downs. I think this team did some growing up from last weeks lost and yesterdays win. I saw a lot of maturity on defense.

Yeah, Romo is a gunslinger. And I've been saying he needs to protect the ball better. You can't separate the player who threads the needle to those 20 yard seam passes to Witten and the QB who gets picked by an athletic LB like yesterday. I still think as he matures as a QB he will learn to cut some of them out. And he can certainly carry the ball better than he does. If a hardheaded rookie TE can learn so can he.

TO is TO. Just pat him on the butt and tell him he's the man and let him get his one or four TDs a game. He's 'highstrung' and you put up with highstrung fast thoroughbreds.

I see the discipline getting better. We are making less mistakes.

I have said this could be a dominating team. But if you think you are going to go out there every week and roll over other professional teams that have their backs to the wall as well as their jobs on the line then you're mistaken.


Federal Agent
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CATCH17;2313511 said:
Ratliff is one of the 5 best players on the team right now.

He has one foot in the door to Hawaii imo.

No arguments from me on that one.

ANd people, I'm not just talking about their play on the field (although anyone that says Brady James is a "Good" LB is freakin' clueless, that includes any NFL coaches).

I'm talking about how they deal with our (fans) expectations. Talking about "I don't know why your standards are higher than that of other teams", well... welcome to the Dallas Cowboys. That's the way it is. Deal with it, or go away.


Junior College Transfer
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Hostile;2313406 said:
Rack, I really like this thread. This isn't whining. This is righteous indignation that is focused on performance instead of panic. I don't agree with some of the takes but I respect the hell out of the way you are saying what you think.

Best thread I've read in a long time.

And I respect your tolerance.

That is what we need more of: tolerance.

Apollo Creed

Stackin and Processin, Well
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I remember a period, a long long long time ago when a player for Dallas would run their mouthes; then follow it up with a big time game.

Thats how respect was earned - if you were a weak link you felt accountable and worked your butt off. Those were the days. The Crayton's, James', Spears', Canty's, of the world run rampid.


the older I get the better I was
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Rack;2313948 said:
No arguments from me on that one.

ANd people, I'm not just talking about their play on the field (although anyone that says Brady James is a "Good" LB is freakin' clueless, that includes any NFL coaches).

I'm talking about how they deal with our (fans) expectations. Talking about "I don't know why your standards are higher than that of other teams", well... welcome to the Dallas Cowboys. That's the way it is. Deal with it, or go away.

its okay if you dont like a player but do you really think a player can fool
NFL coaches but not you ??
opinions are made to be voiced but get real.


Well-Known Member
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Great thread. You are dead on the Tony Romo and Wade Phillips issue especially. I think James is playing better than you give him credit for but still deserves a slap. Wish someone would show this to Tony and get him to act like a man.


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I think the entire front 7 has sucked honestly, and Ware is not being dominant, and it's not easy being hard on our Super Stars but if they need to get better, then so be it.

Romo, to me something is wrong with him. His throws just aren't like I'm used to seeing them, I can't quite put my finger on it.

Owens, I didn't see him crying personally so I'm not going to comment on that, but Owens does get opened even being double teamed, but you don't have time to wait on it.


Mick Green 58
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Rack gets it as usual.

I disagreed with several posters last year when they talked about trying to get Ray Lewis.

I am totally convinced that this type of player is a must for us to win a championship.

Most will disagree, but I would actually take Ray Lewis over Roy Williams at this point. I think his attitude and leadership is that valuable.


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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VegasMalone;2313384 said:
Did TO really cry? I just heard that for the first time during the Monday presser...anyone have a pic or video?

I've seen no video...none, and the only thing I've read is that "reportedly" he cried. Well who "reportedly" says or writes anything other than "journalists". Until someone with credibility steps forward or some video is produced, I don't believe it. He sat on the bench with a towel over his head for a minute, but how many players have done that? This is just false "reporting", and it's shameful.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
This thread was needed immediately after the Commanders game.

At this point, I am more frustrated with the defensive play or lack thereof of the the unit. Greg Ellis is our leading interceptor.

There has been zero pass rush this season. Blame Ware, Ellis, Spencer, whatever but the front four and sometimes front seven can't get to the quarterback. Two weeks in a row there have been quarterbacks with cement blocks for feet and the d-line could not get to the backfield, much less the quarterback.

Is Phillips/Stewart that worried about getting beat deep that they refuse to put pressure on the QB's? I what point do you start to blame the players. Ratliff has been the only bright spot on the defensive line. Again, where do you draw the line on who takes the blame? I'd like to think that this defense has the same if not more talent on defense than the Chargers did when Wade was in charge there.

As far as Romo is concerned, he has improved in one area. Turnovers in the red zone. That had become a trend this season and it appears that Tony has taken more care of the ball in that regard. Yes, he is careless with the football, but I still would not trade him for any QB in the league...yes, any QB in the league. The shady play of the O-line in pass protection has caused Romo to be more hurried in the pass plays. Why not roll him out more outside the pocket?

I believe the players know they have to play better. I believe the coaches know they need tweeking as well. The defense will have another test this week. The offense will need to score at least 24-30, I believe, the Cards will score points against the defense. Nothing has shown me that that won't happen.


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Rack;2313340 said:
As most of us know, it takes a special breed of athlete to succeed in Dallas.

Whether they like it or not, it's not "JUST" about wins and losses. It's about championships. And fans know that a negative trend that isn't "fixed" is not the way to win a championship. So us fans WILL point out when something isn't going right (win or lose) cuz we have experienced our team winning championships for many years.

So it's especially important for athletes who play for the cowboys to be able to either ignore the criticisms and concentrate on what they need to do, or deal with the scrutiny directly (like Aikman used to do).

And that goes for the coaches as well.

Tony Romo, Wade Phillips, Terrel Owens, and Brady James, you FAILED yesterday in how you handled questions regarding your SORRY play vs the Bengals.

"I'm pretty sure we won the game". Yes, you did, Romo. I'm pretty sure you've gone half a season's worth of freakin' games turning the ball over. You want to continue to do that and win games? Go for it. But you won't win in the playoffs with that type of play, nor with that type of attitude towards that type of play. Maybe you should have listened closely when Troy Aikman told you how hard it is to play QB for the Dallas Cowboys cuz the fact of the matter is our standards ARE higher for our team then all other fans' standards for their teams. We EXPECT championships here, we don't "hope" for them.

If you don't like it and can't deal with it directly or by ignoring it, then ask to be traded.

Wade Phillips, same thing as above. If you can't handle our standards, step down now. I sure as hell don't want a coach that isn't man enough to get after his team when it is needed. Not to mention you were brought here to make our defense ELITE, and you have failed MISERABLY in that area so far.

Quit your job now if you can't handle our standards.

Brady James, not only do you SUCK as a football player, but you obviously can't handle the standards and scrutiny of cowboys fans (and media). I want you gone anyway, but the fact that you can't deal with our standards makes me hate you that much more. You're sorry butt couldn't cover Larry Allen if he lined up as a FB and ran out in the flat. You're THAT sorry.

TO, time to start acting your age. Yes, I want a WR that WANTS the ball. That's a good thing. No complaints from me on that matter. But crying after you score a TD, as if you went through some incredible hardship and overcame it? Please. Instead of crying on the sideline, how about you work on getting off the jam so teams can't take you out of the game plan so easily?

You guys can win games going about it the way you are now, but you'll never win a championship with that attitude. And for cowboys fans, that's what matters. I sure as hell won't be talking about the Wade Phillips/Tony Romo era 20-30 years from now if you guys don't win a superbowl. Just like I don't talk about the Danny White era. Yeah, he was a good QB, just like you are, Tony. But he's a failure in cowboys history cuz he couldn't win a championship. The same fate awaits you if you don't get your act together and accept the fact that we expect more out of our football team.

Not all fans will agree with this now, but if you don't win a championship then 20-30 years from now, they will.

Now u youngins put away ur stats this is a Cowboy fan gettin to the heart of the matter. In the 90s the Dallas media feasted on the Cowboys so much I remember Jimmy saying how everyone was concernd about his young team dealing with the Super Bowl media (and as I type this I'm getting chills my props to the original poster who laid down the law) the Cowboys got to the Super Bowl media day and to a man were "is this it?" That's Dallas Cowboys football Tom landry created it Jimmy put his own twist on it! Now we want a team who can carry the torch! I still have chills finally a Cowboy fan who sees the problem 4 what it is and not some fantasy football guy lookin to win his fifty dollar entry fee back!


Federal Agent
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lane;2314480 said:
his name is bradie james..

not brady james.

Thanks for your useful contribution to the thread.

I will now refer to him as "Brady" from now to eternity.

LandryFan;2314578 said:
I've seen no video...none, and the only thing I've read is that "reportedly" he cried. Well who "reportedly" says or writes anything other than "journalists". Until someone with credibility steps forward or some video is produced, I don't believe it. He sat on the bench with a towel over his head for a minute, but how many players have done that? This is just false "reporting", and it's shameful.

So because you didn't see it, it's false reporting?

Not saying it is or isn't, but you claiming it's "False reporting" w/o knowing the facts is no better than when a reporter does it.

Mr Cowboy

Well-Known Member
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Great post Rack, kudos to you. Not much to disagree with in any of it.

I think that many on here watch a game and then turn to the stats to justify what they saw. They may see a LB or DB make 10 tackles and think they had a great game, but fail to see that the reason they made these tackles is that a receiver they were covering made catches all day on them.

I also believe that many on here have no idea about the history of the Cowboys. They know nothing about the days when the Cowboys were expected to win every game, and usually did. They blew out the teams they were supposed to, and fought hard to win games they weren't suppose to. There were no moral victories, and looking at stats to know how the team was playing.

Again, kudos to you Rack.


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Mr Cowboy;2315972 said:
Great post Rack, kudos to you. Not much to disagree with in any of it.

I think that many on here watch a game and then turn to the stats to justify what they saw. They may see a LB or DB make 10 tackles and think they had a great game, but fail to see that the reason they made these tackles is that a receiver they were covering made catches all day on them.

I also believe that many on here have no idea about the history of the Cowboys. They know nothing about the days when the Cowboys were expected to win every game, and usually did. They blew out the teams they were supposed to, and fought hard to win games they weren't suppose to. There were no moral victories, and looking at stats to know how the team was playing.

Again, kudos to you Rack.

What are you talking about? I have been watching the Cowboys since 65 and have seen many Cowboy teams play down to the level of the opponet on many occations even SB teams of the past. Expectation should be high for this team but this is the NFL where pros line up on the other side of the ball and blowouts do not happen that often. Last season Dallas went 13-3 the best in franchise history. The bottom line is winning and some game will not be pretty but good teams find ways to win games and this is a good team. This constant dogging by some you would think this team is a bottom dweller.


Federal Agent
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Doomsday101;2315991 said:
What are you talking about? I have been watching the Cowboys since 65 and have seen many Cowboy teams play down to the level of the opponet on many occations even SB teams of the past. Expectation should be high for this team but this is the NFL where pros line up on the other side of the ball and blowouts do not happen that often. Last season Dallas went 13-3 the best in franchise history. The bottom line is winning and some game will not be pretty but good teams find ways to win games and this is a good team. This constant dogging by some you would think this team is a bottom dweller.

You're missing the point.

I have no problem with the team playing down to their opponent at times, cuz that's just football. IT's gonna happen.

My problem is the way the players react to the media and fans expectations.

Go ahead and go out there and win ugly, but don't say crap like "The expectations in dallas are too high" or if you're the coach don't tell a media member "you stink" just cuz he pointed out the fact (for once) that the team stunk.

I'm talking about the team's ATTITUDE, not their play on the field, per se.


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Rack;2316060 said:
You're missing the point.

I have no problem with the team playing down to their opponent at times, cuz that's just football. IT's gonna happen.

My problem is the way the players react to the media and fans expectations.

Go ahead and go out there and win ugly, but don't say crap like "The expectations in dallas are too high" or if you're the coach don't tell a media member "you stink" just cuz he pointed out the fact (for once) that the team stunk.

I'm talking about the team's ATTITUDE, not their play on the field, per se.

Their play on the field is all that matters. What you say to the media or the public does not mean jack. These guys know their job and they understand their goal. I expect them to continue to work hard during the week and give their best on Sunday the rest of this garbage is created by fans who think they know what is best, anytime a player says anything you guys nitpick every single word to death. Fans and the media do not have anything on the lline these guys do try supporting them every now and then instead of constantly ripping into them for every single thing.


Federal Agent
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Doomsday101;2316084 said:
Their play on the field is all that matters.

I stopped reading right there.

Obviously you don't get it, and you don't appear to be making an effort to "get it" so I won't waste my time with you.

Don't bother replying.