Report: Dallas PD likely suspending assault case involving Ezekiel Elliott

Since this is a criminal case I wouldn't talk to the police or to the NFL.

I would like to know how the NFL could compel someone to talk or write about criminal cases?

Do CBAs have the power to compel employees to waive their 5th rights?

Great question. You cannot be compelled to waive your 5th amendment rights and incriminate yourself by speaking. But the employer (NFL) likely can punish you for not speaking and cooperating with their investigation. Complete catch 22, but it happens all the time when people get sued in civil court and still have potential criminal charges hanging over their head.
Still think there should be some liability for anyone reporting he was involved. This has done measurable damage to his name, and for all we know he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
I 100% agree, but good luck with that.
It baffles me what the media is allowed to "report", with seemingly no accountability or liability - even if their story proves to be pure BS.
With the checkbook.....
Nah just the goons.

I would like to believe Zeke did not do this, but it is clear to me that he did.

1. He fled the scene of the crime in an instant (before the victim even got off the floor, as per the video). Why run away if you didn't do anything? Just stay and tell the police you had nothing to do with it. 2. The fact that the victim gave an old address and wrong phone number, and no other witnesses are coming forward, reeks of a payoff (or worse, intimidation). 3. The lone "witness" who has come forward (the bouncer from Witchita) tells an incredible story. An unknown person behind Zeke threw a punch over Zeke's shoulder that was so accurate and forceful that it shattered the victim's nose?

I hate to tell you, Goodell and his goons are not believing any of this. And Zeke will get his punishment for this too, IMO.
All that sounds good for a fictional novel. There should be a non fictional version coming soon too, yes?
hmm.....well this is interesting.......

Rebecca Lopez of WFAA reports that the investigation will likely be suspendedbecause the police have not been able to find the alleged victim in the case. Per Lopez, the victim gave officers an old address and an incorrect phone number at the time. Other witnesses are reportedly also not cooperating with law enforcement attempts to look into the case.
He's probably in the war room with his lawyers mapping their next move, or maybe on the party bus with Jerry getting his brain washed.
That isn't "simple", that's you speculating, mon frere. Even with evidence out there pointing in the direction he had some sort of roll, let's wait for all the facts to emerge, mmkay.

And from the excerpt @sunbum posted in his OP, it sounds like there is a chance few facts will emerge. Good.

I use my old common sense, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, even Zeke or his agent doesn't deny he was there.....if Zeke didn't do anything, then why did he bolt out of there before Police arrived, and now the victim can't be found and witnesses aren't cooperating and the so called bouncers story who's job is to make sure fights don't happen was too busy trying to get a selfie instead of stopping the assaulter before or even after the event....yeah, nothing going on there alright..........I guess he wasn't speeding either, there's always something with this guy.. Zeke needs to grow's a pattern of behavior and subject to the NFL code of conduct policy so if he's suspended, he has nobody to blame but himself.....
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Interesting. Normally, I am not prone to premature speculation. In this case, though, I just can't wondering whether someone in the Zeke camp influenced this chain of events? I truly hope that is not the case. More than likely, the alleged victim had his own reasons for avoiding the police... that's my happy thought

Zeke: "Hey, man. If you don't press charges, you'll have access to all the Cowboys games and first choice as DJ at all the Cowboys after-game parties next season. Deal?"

DJ: "Uh, what punch?"
I use my old common sense, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, even Zeke or his agent doesn't deny he was there.....if Zeke didn't do anything, then why did he bolt out of there before Police arrived, and now the victim can't be found and witnesses aren't cooperating and the so called bouncers story who's job is to make sure fights don't happen was too busy trying to get a selfie instead of stopping the assaulter before or even after the event....yeah, nothing going on there alright..........I guess he wasn't speeding either, there's always something with this guy.. Zeke needs to grow's a pattern of behavior and subject to the NFL code of conduct policy so if he's suspended, he has nobody to blame but himself.....
Because Zeke is a superstar, shrouded and scrutinized on by every move he makes, and doesn't want to be part of the fray? This sort of incident (clearly; whether he did it or not) proves it further. As if he/we needed the proof.

Zeke "growing up" is neither here nor there in this singular incident, as we don't know the facts, yet.

Look, I already said it looks like he had something to do with it. Just trying to get you to slow your roll for everything to come to light. As the OP states, maybe very few info will, indeed, come to light. And that would be phenomenal.

Or don't. Whatevs, you usually panic and post. 'S'all good.
Because Zeke is a superstar, shrouded and scrutinized on by every move he makes, and doesn't want to be part of the fray? This sort of incident (clearly; whether he did it or not) proves it further. As if he/we needed the proof.

Zeke "growing up" is neither here nor there in this singular incident, as we don't know the facts, yet.

Look, I already said it looks like he had something to do with it. Just trying to get you to slow your roll for everything to come to light. As the OP states, maybe very few info will, indeed, come to light. And that would be phenomenal.

Or don't. Whatevs, you usually panic and post. 'S'all good.

So because he's a Dallas Cowboy, not a superstar, he's a one year player, we should ignore common sense......if he doesn't want to be part of the fray, stop going to bars or night clubs where problems find you....And it's not a singular incident, there were reports on him at Ohio state, there were numerous calls to police of domestic abuse, not one, there was a speeding ticket, there was exposing a woman's breast, there is now this incident at a bar.......didn't panic and post, just pointing out common sense and incidents that have been reported already, he needs to grow up, this is the NFL, time to start acting like a professional, it's not a baby sitting league..
So because he's a Dallas Cowboy, not a superstar, he's a one year player, we should ignore common sense......if he doesn't want to be part of the fray, stop going to bars or night clubs where problems find you....And it's not a singular incident, there were reports on him at Ohio state, there were numerous calls to police of domestic abuse, not one, there was a speeding ticket, there was exposing a woman's breast, there is now this incident at a bar.......didn't panic and post, just pointing out common sense and incidents that have been reported already, he needs to grow up, this is the NFL, time to start acting like a professional, it's not a baby sitting league..
I didn't say this was a singular incident of Zeke displaying questionable behavior (if Zeke even did so in this case). I said "in this singular incident" meaning, on its own merits, and that was in relation to my whole post.

The rest of your post is for another thread. This thread, and my responses to it, are based on this singular incident, again -- and a so far lack of a coherent timeline/evidence either way. As well as lack of witnesses or people willing or wanting to come forward. Or perhaps people that saw nothing, who knows.

That's my point: who knows, yet. We sure as hell don't.
This DJ probably has outstanding warrants, and by the look of that crowd no one is going to help out the police

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