Article: Report: Marvel Wants James Gunn Back for ‘Guardians 3’

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No, it is heresay. Show me proof of anything done that breaks the law. Answer then I'll join the real outrage, rather than getting upset about what somebody says on Twitter.

Have you read the tweets from his verified account?
I have. No hearsay here.
He posted those horrific things.
If I post screenshots of those tweets here I get banned and reported to police in no time.
Obviously you have not seen the tweets.
Have you read the tweets from his verified account?
I have. No hearsay here.
He posted those horrific things.
If I post screenshots of those tweets here I get banned and reported to police in no time.
Obviously you have not seen the tweets.

You go on and be “outraged” about tweets.
You go on and be “outraged” about tweets.
Well stash it is a done deal, disney makes billions off of family movies, and they love that money, so to maintain
their image they have to fire the guy, although they are going to use the script for # 3.

This guy is or was pretty messed up and very stupid to post that stuff on twitter.
I bet him and Rosanne both will still keep posting on twitter, but try to be more careful.
people get addicted to it, and it is just stupid. if you post the wrong thing, it could get you fired.
Email and phone text are also records that can be dug up.

Anything you say online even here, can be used against you, but some people think it is private or something.

I liked the guardian movies,so I hate to see the writer / director fired, but no way they can keep this idiot on their
payroll. At least 3 was already written.

This is similar to what the NFL is doing with players that have bad conduct, or something that isnt PC.
If someone dug up tweets like this on a star NFL player , he would be fired and banned.
If this guy was smart , he could have said someone else had his password, and posted all those tweets, or the account was hacked etc.
At least that would give him some denialbility.
He just admitted it was him , that was stupid too.
Well stash it is a done deal, disney makes billions off of family movies, and they love that money, so to maintain their image they have to fire the guy, although they are going to use the script for # 3.
It is never that cut-and-dried.

Disney took the correct approach from a public relations standpoint but there are monetary consequences that may occur as a result. Guardians Of The Galaxy is not only a widely successful franchise for Disney. The title is a vital component of Disney’s entire Marvel Cinematic Universe series of films that has netted the studio billions.

On-screen chemistry has been the primary strength of MCU’s success in my opinion. Each film, from Iron Man to Black Panther, has benefitted from darn good casting and (what few are voicing about this topic anywhere in society) directing. Directors are storytellers and are not usually cookie cutter items that can be subtracted and added without damaging good working formulas.

That is the central issue. Cast members have voiced their dislike about Gunn’s dismissal in varying degrees. All will do their jobs when called upon because they are professionals but there may be a lesser quality in their work as a result. Additionally, Dave Bautista may take a real stand and boycott the third installment. I doubt it seriously but it is a possibility. He is not the strongest cast member BUT he has played his character extremely well. Drax is essential to GOTG. Getting another actor to play the role or exorcising it from the next movie would potentially diminish its final product too.

Damaging one part of the MCU affects the entire machine. Important questions are not being asked during this latest Twitter outcry. For example, how will post Avengers Infinity War 2 be impacted by what is currently happening to GOTG 3? Disney is considering that ramification for certain.

All-in-all, Disney has made the ‘safe move’ cutting Gunn but doing so move its near future profitability bottom line for its MCU closer to the edge of the cliff than away from it.
I haven't seen his tweets but if what's reported is true then count me out I don't care what the cost is
It is never that cut-and-dried.

Disney took the correct approach from a public relations standpoint but there are monetary consequences that may occur as a result. Guardians Of The Galaxy is not only a widely successful franchise for Disney. The title is a vital component of Disney’s entire Marvel Cinematic Universe series of films that has netted the studio billions.

On-screen chemistry has been the primary strength of MCU’s success in my opinion. Each film, from Iron Man to Black Panther, has benefitted from darn good casting and (what few are voicing about this topic anywhere in society) directing. Directors are storytellers and are not usually cookie cutter items that can be subtracted and added without damaging good working formulas.

That is the central issue. Cast members have voiced their dislike about Gunn’s dismissal in varying degrees. All will do their jobs when called upon because they are professionals but there may be a lesser quality in their work as a result. Additionally, Dave Bautista may take a real stand and boycott the third installment. I doubt it seriously but it is a possibility. He is not the strongest cast member BUT he has played his character extremely well. Drax is essential to GOTG. Getting another actor to play the role or exorcising it from the next movie would potentially diminish its final product too.

Damaging one part of the MCU affects the entire machine. Important questions are not being asked during this latest Twitter outcry. For example, how will post Avengers Infinity War 2 be impacted by what is currently happening to GOTG 3? Disney is considering that ramification for certain.

All-in-all, Disney has made the ‘safe move’ cutting Gunn but doing so move its near future profitability bottom line for its MCU closer to the edge of the cliff than away from it.
Well sadly for the guardian movies it is that cut and dried. I hope they use the script he wrote for 3, which I think they will.
But he wont be directing any more Guardian movies, or any movies for disney, and probably not for any other studios.

The thing is firing him doesnt change anything, he is still out there , he will suffer due to this, whether they fire him or not.
Financially he loses out, but he is already a millionaire, and will get residual income from the movies.

The ones that lose out are the fans of the Guardian Movies, and possible the actors and those that made a living making the movies,
Disney profits may go down for Guardian # 4 but not # 3.
Disney will take the loss, a few hundred million is nothing to them. lol that is peanuts to them.

Abc canceled Roseanne , which was a hit show and a show they needed, but they didnt hesitate, it is a PC world now.
What she said wasnt as bad as what this guy said, so no way disney will let him direct another movie for them.

He may be able to ghost write # 4 lol but I doubt it.

I will add that I just saw the 2nd movie for first time last nite, and it was good, I was thinking
the same writers must have written this one, and hope they write the next one.
They I saw this thread and thought oh no is this guy the director ?
They I find out he wrote and directed, and then the tweets, then fired, so it was a bummer
to find all this out after just having seen # 2.

I didnt know who wrote and directed # 1, but I had thought when I saw it that is was
good, different, and one of the better marvel movies. It had good humour and stories,
and character development, which is something the other movies lack.

I liked iron man 1, and 2 was still good, but 3 was awful.
Thor is kinda boring, loki was the fav character for me.
Avengers is just way too complicated. I watch one and then wonder
what it was about lol. I think I like black widow the best.

Antman is another movie that is similar to the guardian movies, good humor
and fun simple movie, but they will screw it up probably. I havent seen the 2nd
one yet.
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For the record I have read all the tweets.

I think that what Gunn said was obviously in poor taste and obviously offensive to some. Very crude jokes about rape, child rape, pedophilia, the 9/11 attacks, the Holocaust, and AIDS don’t fly with most people. And the sheer amount of jokes he made was pretty weird too.

I think his humor is pretty weird. But he was known for shock humor before Disney. His films were gross, disgusting, provocative. Slither and Super. In today's context his tweets are gross, and tasteless, but few years ago they were in line with his job, and his humor. His job was essentially to offend people.

And when was the last offending tweet? How many years ago?

I think that Disney’s best course of action would have been to ignore it and make him apologize instead of firing him for some offensive jokes.
For the record I have read all the tweets.

I think that what Gunn said was obviously in poor taste and obviously offensive to some. Very crude jokes about rape, child rape, pedophilia, the 9/11 attacks, the Holocaust, and AIDS don’t fly with most people. And the sheer amount of jokes he made was pretty weird too.

I think his humor is pretty weird. But he was known for shock humor before Disney. His films were gross, disgusting, provocative. Slither and Super. In today's context his tweets are gross, and tasteless, but few years ago they were in line with his job, and his humor. His job was essentially to offend people.

And when was the last offending tweet? How many years ago?

I think that Disney’s best course of action would have been to ignore it and make him apologize instead of firing him for some offensive jokes.

I doubt Disney will ignore the tweets. Right or wrong, this is the company of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.
For the record I have read all the tweets.

I think that what Gunn said was obviously in poor taste and obviously offensive to some. Very crude jokes about rape, child rape, pedophilia, the 9/11 attacks, the Holocaust, and AIDS don’t fly with most people. And the sheer amount of jokes he made was pretty weird too.

I think his humor is pretty weird. But he was known for shock humor before Disney. His films were gross, disgusting, provocative. Slither and Super. In today's context his tweets are gross, and tasteless, but few years ago they were in line with his job, and his humor. His job was essentially to offend people.

And when was the last offending tweet? How many years ago?

I think that Disney’s best course of action would have been to ignore it and make him apologize instead of firing him for some offensive jokes.
Agreed, except that he has apologized and accepts whatever action will be taken. I know plenty of people who tell rape and pedophilia jokes, and that's all they are...jokes. So they're in poor taste, I know that nobody is going to start raping or molesting children because of bad jokes.
People need to stop pointing fingers, just to look like they're on moral high ground.
Agreed, except that he has apologized and accepts whatever action will be taken. I know plenty of people who tell rape and pedophilia jokes, and that's all they are...jokes. So they're in poor taste, I know that nobody is going to start raping or molesting children because of bad jokes.
People need to stop pointing fingers, just to look like they're on moral high ground.

Yeah it's like that with buddies and coworkers... But it's just an odd time nowadays, nothing is safe or private anymore. Not saying what Gunn posted was right.
Yeah it's like that with buddies and coworkers... But it's just an odd time nowadays, nothing is safe or private anymore. Not saying what Gunn posted was right.
Oh absolutely. If you plan to be in the public eye, don't post things you know will offend half the people who read it, and make the rest pretend to be offended. That's just stupid, but apparently that was his schtick back then, just trying to be noticed.
Disney is gonna turn out to be like Bill Cosby....all moral and cuddly, in their ugly sweater......then we'll find out what they were doing to Snow White and Sleeping Beauty before they woke up.
Oh absolutely. If you plan to be in the public eye, don't post things you know will offend half the people who read it, and make the rest pretend to be offended. That's just stupid, but apparently that was his schtick back then, just trying to be noticed.
Disney is gonna turn out to be like Bill Cosby....all moral and cuddly, in their ugly sweater......then we'll find out what they were doing to Snow White and Sleeping Beauty before they woke up.

yeah Archie Bunker, Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor... etc. I wonder if they would have made it these days ... seems we've become more closed minded.
yeah Archie Bunker, Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor... etc. I wonder if they would have made it these days ... seems we've become more closed minded.
I actually heard a comedian telling pedophilia jokes on Sirius/XM last week. Audience groaned, but laughed, and I haven't heard any backlash from it. Granted, I haven't read any of the tweets in question, but expressing one's displeasure and disagreement with those tweets seems like more than enough, without stripping the man of his job.
Well sadly for the guardian movies it is that cut and dried. I hope they use the script he wrote for 3, which I think they will.
But he wont be directing any more Guardian movies, or any movies for disney, and probably not for any other studios.

The thing is firing him doesnt change anything, he is still out there , he will suffer due to this, whether they fire him or not.
Financially he loses out, but he is already a millionaire, and will get residual income from the movies.

The ones that lose out are the fans of the Guardian Movies, and possible the actors and those that made a living making the movies,
Disney profits may go down for Guardian # 4 but not # 3.
Disney will take the loss, a few hundred million is nothing to them. lol that is peanuts to them.

Abc canceled Roseanne , which was a hit show and a show they needed, but they didnt hesitate, it is a PC world now.
What she said wasnt as bad as what this guy said, so no way disney will let him direct another movie for them.

He may be able to ghost write # 4 lol but I doubt it.

I will add that I just saw the 2nd movie for first time last nite, and it was good, I was thinking
the same writers must have written this one, and hope they write the next one.
They I saw this thread and thought oh no is this guy the director ?
They I find out he wrote and directed, and then the tweets, then fired, so it was a bummer
to find all this out after just having seen # 2.

I didnt know who wrote and directed # 1, but I had thought when I saw it that is was
good, different, and one of the better marvel movies. It had good humour and stories,
and character development, which is something the other movies lack.

I liked iron man 1, and 2 was still good, but 3 was awful.
Thor is kinda boring, loki was the fav character for me.
Avengers is just way too complicated. I watch one and then wonder
what it was about lol. I think I like black widow the best.

Antman is another movie that is similar to the guardian movies, good humor
and fun simple movie, but they will screw it up probably. I havent seen the 2nd
one yet.

lol at Dave Bautista. Think it is more than safe saying he was dead serious about his stance concerning James Gunn's removal from Guardians Of The Galaxy. Here is a link containing a latest tweet of his on the matter:

It will not be posted here since it relates to and could spark political commentary prohibited by site rule #7 - You will not post political discussions or comments but it does show that he has a good sense of humor.
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