Rex Ryan let's do it

But don't forget, he had Pittsburgh beaten throughout the second half in that AFC title game and almost won it! :lmao:

Please note, it seems to be a requirement that you have to be a blowhard, empty suit moron to be a NFL commentator. HAVE to keep the entertaining don't you know?
One game that he “almost” didn’t fail doesn’t change the reality that he was a massive failure with a below 500 winning percentage between 2 teams and that no one has even sniffed in his direction in 8 seasons!

No! There’s plenty of people giving rational and reasonably intelligent analysis.
His blowhard trying to bully the air technique isn’t even reasonably “stoopid”!

I already voted no on Rex. But I gotta say....lets pretend my 4 choices are: Zim, Kellen Moore, bringing MM back or Rex....I might be able to be sold on Rex.
Yeah but that's like saying you have dog poop, cat poop, horse poop and rabbit poop in front of you and you choose the rabbit poo to eat.
I think we tried last year but he wanted more money than our cheap-- owner was willing to pay.
Ryan is one of the most overrated coaches of all time along with his brother, oh and his dad was a horrible head coach! The entire Ryan clan can stay on that side of the tv and it's a big fat NO when it comes to being the head coach of the Cowboys.
Yeah but that's like saying you have dog poop, cat poop, horse poop and rabbit poop in front of you and you choose the rabbit poo to eat.

BUT, I'm guessing rabbit poop would at least be the smallest per physical S H * T size to eat;)

We are on the same page.

Here is the thing though with the Cowboys... With the current ownership, we can throw common sense and reasoning out the window, because as far fetched as any decision goes, with the Jones, anything is possible.

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