LITTLE BALLS OF HATE: Coaching hypocrisy
A 'transfer' should cost coaches a year
Star-Telegram Staff Writer
In terms of lying, hypocritical jerks, nobody comes close to the NCAA and college coaches.
Not all of them, mind you.
Just enough to wipe the sanctimonious smirk from every university president who has ever used "It's all about the student athletes" to justify not having a playoff in college football. Kathie Lee Gifford is more about the kids than the NCAA.
And just in case we had forgotten, we have RichRod of West Virginia to remind us.
Scratch that, Michigan. For now.
Coach Rodriguez swapped jobs because, in his words, Michigan presents "a very special opportunity," which I guess makes his alma mater the just-OK opportunity he used to further his career. My guess is this was not part of his recruiting pitch in living rooms a year ago.
And therein lies my problems with RichRod and his likes.
He is free to go wherever he pleases, to agree to a 70 percent raise and a contract through 2013 and bolt anyway, and to do so again and again and again. What is only fair is that he be subjected to the same NCAA rules as student athletes.
RichRod should have to sit out a year.
I mean once RichRod arrives in Ann Arbor, if a player wants to leave for "a very special opportunity" at, say, Ohio State, he has to sit out a year. Talk about your lying, hypocritical, jerk double standards.
Seems to me a 19-year-old kid deserves a little more leeway to change his mind than a 44-year-old man, especially a man who only a year ago flirted with another "very special opportunity" at 'Bama.
Again, RichRod had every right to bolt on his contract without personal penalty as long as he's willing to give his players freedom to go trolling for special opportunities at Michigan State, Florida and Oklahoma. Or else forfeit a season of eligibility himself.
To do anything else is lying, hypocritical and jerk-ish.
Or, in other words, typically typical for the NCAA and way too many college coaches.
That's an ender: RichRod has etched his name alongside Nick Saban and Bobby Petrino as a coach whose word is a little less than his bond.
Jennifer Floyd Engel, 817-390-7760
[email protected]