Richard Sherman arrested, denied bail

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Just for legal clarity...burglary is illegally entering a building or other place with the intent to commit a crime. It is commonly thought of in conjunction with theft, however, the charge in this case could merely be RS illegally entering the residence with the intent to commit domestic violence on the alleged victim. The alleged victim could be male or female by the way. It is possible that RS went to an exes home and may have laid hands on her current significant other. We don't know what transpired yet.

I will wait until the facts are discerned before making any judgment. The alleged victim's "statement of fact" given to police, is not the whole story either. That is the alleged victim's version of the facts.


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Hope it was worth it.... I mean if it was unreplaceable maybe? But not much is worth beating someone up for and getting it? Guess we'll get more details.
Naw...nothing is worth that. He's probably ruined his career if this is true....I'm not even talking about playing in the NFL......he's a great football mind and he's charismatic he could literally get any job in media he wanted. You sort of see these guys and can already see what they are destined can see Sean Lee and tell he's going to be a coach somewhere at some point in his life. You can see Richard Sherman and know he will be in front of a camera or microphone post career.


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NFL offseasons are never boring.

This though, is definitely surprising.


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Just for legal clarity...burglary is illegally entering a building or other place with the intent to commit a crime. It is commonly thought of in conjunction with theft, however, the charge in this case could merely be RS illegally entering the residence with the intent to commit domestic violence on the alleged victim. The alleged victim could be male or female by the way. It is possible that RS went to an exes home and may have laid hands on her current significant other. We don't know what transpired yet.

I will wait until the facts are discerned before making any judgment. The alleged victim's "statement of fact" given to police, is not the whole story either. That is the alleged victim's version of the facts.
Good point....but why do you think he got denied bail? Especially on the word of just the victim? Just seems rare.


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65,200 it doesn't.....this guy probably will be out of football if these charges stick........
If Jerry thinks Sherman will be cheap and make headlines he'll make a call.

When are you guys going to learn what really matters? How many years and Greg Hardy signings must it take?


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I agree he's not been proven guilty of anything, yet. I just wanted the fantasies about signing what is left of him to stop.

My brother wasn’t guilty of anything but was slapped with a restraining order immediately, lost all his possessions, lost his house, lost all contact with child, and almost lost his job on a mere accusation and all within days. It took months before the truth came out.

I want to hear his side of the story first. Why should he be punished if he did nothing? I have seen the system and it can be downright unfair and cruel to the innocent.


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If Jerry thinks Sherman will be cheap and make headlines he'll make a call.

When are you guys going to learn what really matters? How many years and Greg Hardy signings must it take?

I don't think you understand what's going on here......if Richard Sherman did what he's being accused of.....there is no "signing" him. He won't even be available to even get signed to begin with.

To put things in perspective.....Greg Hardy got released on 17k bond.......Richard Sherman has no bound to even pay.


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Good point....but why do you think he got denied bail? Especially on the word of just the victim? Just seems rare.

My thought is that it was a very volatile situation and the cops relayed that tempers were boiling to the judge or magistrate. In a number of those instances, the judge or magistrate will deny bail as a means of forcing a cooling down period. The last thing that the judicial system truly wants is for the alleged perpetrator to be released and then go right back to the alleged victim and do it again, or worse.


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My brother wasn’t guilty of anything but was slapped with a restraining order immediately, lost all his possessions, lost his house, lost all contact with child, and almost lost his job on a mere accusation and all within days. It took months before the truth came out.

I want to hear his side of the story first. Why should he be punished if he did nothing? I have seen the system and it can be downright unfair and cruel to the innocent.
Our judicial system can be incredibly ugly to the innocent in this country. All it takes is someone to accuse and it can get ugly. No one should have to lose anything for being innocent.....and in this country you could be pronounced guilty before even going to trial in the court of public opinion.
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