adamknite;1494343 said:
Geez...... does he not understand the concept of drug testing or does he just not have enough money to try and mask it?
More like maybe the Dolphins just don't feel like masking it for him anymore. Or perhaps the league is just not ignoring it anymore. Imagine Irvin without Dallas' front office to cover his *** or the ratings his
FLASH brought to the NFL. I mean just look at him since both those things have ended, since he's retired. Nearly cost him a what should have been a shue-in HOF induction.
League-wide drug use is much more common than just a Ricky Williams there, a Michael Irvin here, or a Merriman, it's really bad and for the most part ignored by the league, but more specifically by the team actually dealing with it in their own city. Maybe not so apparent in the larger cities, but personally living in the smallest NFL community, Green Bay, I see it all the time. If you're cool enough and mix enough in the right crowds, chances are you're going to be smoking dope with a Green Bay Packer at one time or another. And for the record, I'm not talking lower-tier second-rate no-names here - but NFL Stars. You also can't tell me the Packer Organization is completely blind to this matter. Half of their team is running around town smoking weed and not one failed drug test that I can recall..
Ricky Williams obviously pissed off the wrong people, because his *** is just not being covered anymore. Not an individual issue at hand, but a league wide one if you ask me. No more guilty than atleast 50% of the currently playing league, I'd guess. If he just would have "kept the course" instead of trying to go off and do his own thing- and that's basically what it is in a nutshell. He quit paying the "corporate dues" and the "company" quit bailing him out.
Remember people, this is a big business and little things like failing a drug test due to marijuana or lower level steroids is just not a big concern towards the bottom-dollar. Well, like with anything, unless of course they get caught. Then it's front page news and everyone is voicing their opposal to it, even those who were in the know. I can only imagine the shady things Jerry Jones has to deal with and cover up on a daily basis, just regarding his players alone. And with the Dallas Cowboys we are talking a Hitler-size Propaganda Machine. As far as we know, TO could have very well been up to everything he's ever been up to last year, and just not publically being caught wind of due to Jerry. And if you say TO is too big of a name to fly under any radars, was Irvin too big, too? No, not in the least. They should have called him "made" when it was all said and done- I mean he sure was protected like one. Only a handful of times were his shinanigans made public. Just think, ESPN & NFLN are talking constanly- it can't all be out of there a-holes- usually always an ounce of truth. Maybe TO did personally orchastrate the Bledsoe canning? Maybe TO did throw a dart at Parcells? Maybe? Maybe? Maybe? Kinda sounds like him..

ESPN couldn't be that ********....right?