Ricky Henderson vs. Pete Rose

trickblue said:
ABQ... with all due respect... you don't believe that do you?

Yeah, I think you gotta go with what you have proof of on something like this. I don't have any that he bet on baseball other then when he was a manager.
StanleySpadowski said:
There aren't two sets of rules, heck there isn't even one "set" of rules. There is one rule -- Bet on baseball and you're banned for life --. Everything else about the HOF is simply a guideline, witness the waiving of the "5 year rule" on occasion.

I don't agree with this Stan. If the only holy grail of Baseball is betting, then that, in itself, is hypocritical. There's far worse that goes on and Rose is not as bad as some already in. That is a factual statement. Say what you like but Rose played well enough. He should be in IMO.
I don't agree with this Stan. If the only holy grail of Baseball is betting, then that, in itself, is hypocritical. There's far worse that goes on and Rose is not as bad as some already in. That is a factual statement. Say what you like but Rose played well enough. He should be in IMO.

I don't think you realize how close MLB was to basically going under due to the Black Sox scandal.

Judge Landis was decades ahead of his time when his saw that a public with even a hint of skepticism regarding the honest outcome of the game would quickly abandon the sport.

Baseball has been notrorious for its anti-gambling stance since.

They poo-poo'd the idea of Vegas getting a team, giving Peter Angelos and the Orioles ludicrous concessions to move Montreal to DC, they even suspended Steinbrenner for a period of time for simply associating with a known gambler.

Mark my words, someday we'll see a point-shaving scandal in a major professional sport similar to the ongoing soccer scandal be it officials or players. When that sport spends decades recovering you'll understand why a little weasel like Rose has no place in baseball or the HOF.
StanleySpadowski said:
I don't think you realize how close MLB was to basically going under due to the Black Sox scandal.

Judge Landis was decades ahead of his time when his saw that a public with even a hint of skepticism regarding the honest outcome of the game would quickly abandon the sport.

Baseball has been notrorious for its anti-gambling stance since.

They poo-poo'd the idea of Vegas getting a team, giving Peter Angelos and the Orioles ludicrous concessions to move Montreal to DC, they even suspended Steinbrenner for a period of time for simply associating with a known gambler.

Mark my words, someday we'll see a point-shaving scandal in a major professional sport similar to the ongoing soccer scandal be it officials or players. When that sport spends decades recovering you'll understand why a little weasel like Rose has no place in baseball or the HOF.

Perhaps, however, I am well aware of Baseball and it's history. I would also say that of all the major Pro Sports leagues, Baseball has enjoyed the most success and stability, long term. You want to talk about folding? The NFL was much closer then baseball ever was. In the early 70s, the NBA was closer to folding. Today, I'd say that the NHL is as close as baseball ever was.

If the question is, will baseball let Rose into the Hall of Fame, I think my answer is no.

If the question is, does Rose deserve to be in the Hall of Fame, my answer is an unequivical yes. He deserves it. That's really the long and the short of it.
joseephuss said:
Nolan threw another no hitter?
Ding, ding, we have a winner. What a great day, that jackass Henderson running his mouth and no one cared.

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