
^^I am waiting for my truck to be keyed soon...*knocks on wood*
calico said:
I don't care. I am just amazed at how they view the game. I have one Cowboys star sticker on the back of my car that I got with a season tix offer and you would not believe how I get treated. I either get friendly offerings from Cowboys fans or nearly run off the road by Texan fans.

They obsess about the Cowboys here for some strange reason.

I heard this call yesterday on a radio show here. "I am a huge Texan and former Oiler fan...How do you think the Cowboys will do this season. Will they make the playoffs?"

It is like being in a horrid town of stalkers.

I started the thread to get some other people's view on the "Rivalry" and I basically am tired of the same old threads on the main board.
Houston is like this strange place in Texas where everything is different. It is not like any other place in Texas; even though it is Bigger than Dallas they are jealous because Dallas is just such a classy place by comparison.
JackMagist said:
Houston is like this strange place in Texas where everything is different. It is not like any other place in Texas is even though it is Bigger than Dallas they are jealous because Dallas is just such a classy place by comparison.

I have spent most of my life in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and I got transferred once to Houston due to my job. I spent all of 18 months there and asked my boss to send me back to Louisiana.

Reason: The people in Houston. I found that the people in Philadelphia are actually nicer, even with my Cowboys t-shirt on. Besides, I got arrested once for public drunkeness in Houston (just for having a beer outside). Something I would never get arrested for here.

Very, very tight city with very little southern hospitality.
I was here for the Super Bowl a few years ago and the local media was going nuts asking people what they thought of Houston. If a anyone in the media wrote a negative article about Houston saying that there was nothing to do, the Houston media would then do a segment on the article and find something to trash about the city where the writer worked. I could not believe it.

Everytime I get back to Austin from Houston I feel this weight lifted off my shoulders. I grew up in Houston for the most part and did not see the insanity there until I moved to Austin for college.
calico said:
I was here for the Super Bowl a few years ago and the local media was going nuts asking people what they thought of Houston. If a anyone in the media wrote a negative article about Houston saying that there was nothing to do, the Houston media would then do a segment on the article and find something to trash about the city where the writer worked. I could not believe it.

Everytime I get back to Austin from Houston I feel this weight lifted off my shoulders. I grew up in Houston for the most part and did not see the insanity there until I moved to Austin for college.

I've lived in Austin for most of my life and the people are nice, but they ain't that nice.
^^They have good reasons to run people off the road...losing to the sooners does that to us. That is why I am only now accepting Roy as a Cowboy...
Austin is not Houston...I smell aggy on this one... :lmao:
calico said:
So I am stuck in Houston (Kingwood :eek: ) and I am forced to watch the Texans/Raiders game.

They keep advertising the "HUGE rivalry game" next week with the Cowboys. "As long as they wear that uniform." What the hell? Rivalry game? I know that for a franchise that lives in the shadow of the star, playing Dallas is a big deal. But I can't say that I care about playing the texans or arguing with their fans who refuse to accept that Cowboy fans just don't care about their new team. I guess this shows that if everyone considers you a rival and a big game then dallas still must be America's team, sorry to ESPN for ruining their party.

These commercials just keep getting better and better... back to the beer.

Texas is still a Cowboys state. The Texans would have to win a couple of Super Bowls and the Cowboys would have to continue to suck for a long time. With that said, we have never beaten the Texans and the 2002 Opening Day loss was probably one of the LOWEST points in Franchise history along with 1-15 in 89, and the 44 to nill spanking the Bears gave us in 85, but that's JMOT.

- Mike G.
When we lost to the Texans I stayed in bed the entire next day. I felt half dead. That was awful. I had a chance to meet Jerry Jones a year later and he was like, "I don't know how we let that happen. I have no idea." He said it in such a way we both started laughing.

I have a star on my car and no one runs me off the road - but I'm a fairly aggressive driver and usually I'm the one cutting in and out. So ha.

I saw those commercials last night and CRACKED up. They are so funny. And last year at the pre-season game they had their mascot come out on the field and pretend to kill a 'cowboy'. It was really stupid. They need to get over themselves. But I do thank them for Henson and Glenn - hopefully that comes back to bite them in the arse somewhere down the line.

I'm just hoping by the time we face them in the regular season again our defense and QB position is settled.

Meanwhile, I'll be watching the game out with some of my friends - they know to make sure to remove all glass items from the table if we start to lose.......
Dallas vs Houston.

Life or death for Houston fans.

Just another game to the Cowboys and Dallas.

I live close enough to catch Houston sports radio sometimes and almost every day you hear several "Dallas sucks" calls or the announcers go off on the Cowboys. It's an obsession with Houston fans hating on the Cowboys.

And if people are stupid enough to risk hurting somebody in a car over sports they need medical attention and some medication. Geez.
Originally Posted by Reality
I'm sure the two team owners planned this from the beginning. Unfortunately, rivals usually play each other every year, so it is doubtful they will ever become a true rival even if they win a Super Bowl because who wins and losses a pre-season game is irrelevant.

Irrelevant? Not to Texan fans. Or to the team. This is as good as a regular season game for that franchise.

With due respect, "Mr. R" he's got a point (dar-n-it, did I say that out loud). For the sake of debate, I'll concede the point that "some" pre-season games aren't as important as others. Let's take that Arizona pre-season game -- I'd view that as a precurser to the Regular Season game between Dallas and Arizona on October 30th. While I'm sure neither team pulled all the tricks out of the bag, I'm just as sure that both teams will bring their quality games during the regular season version. But you've got to admit that the game was important enough to watch tape and manipulate weaknesses.
If you don't live in Texas then you really do not understand the rivalry of Dallas and Houston, it goes well beyond just football these 2 cities in general have a lot of animosity towards one another.
That is for sure. I was shaken from bed this morning to more brilliant Cowboys analysis on 610 this morning. I don't mind them ragging on the Cowboys because they are just like most other teams in the NFL, but it is their reasoning. They obviously have not seen any training camp practices or anything from the cowboys and they feel they are expert enough to comment on them. I know almost nothing about the Texans, I forget that they even exist because no one cares about them outside of Houston. I don't even pretend that I know enough about them to make predictions and commentary on their team.

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