Rob Petitti

Thanks for the welcome! I will try to follow the play by play here in the future but I spent the day with my mother, Rob's grandmother, who is nearly 90! She is the MOST thrilled of all! She's about 5' 1" tall and Rob towers over her. She does, however, STILL rule the roost! We have Direct TV but she wants to buy the NFL package. My brother, Pittdawg, will have to take care of that for her since I don't know how to arrange that.
RCFLIP said:
Thanks for the welcome! I will try to follow the play by play here in the future but I spent the day with my mother, Rob's grandmother, who is nearly 90! She is the MOST thrilled of all! She's about 5' 1" tall and Rob towers over her. She does, however, STILL rule the roost! We have Direct TV but she wants to buy the NFL package. My brother, Pittdawg, will have to take care of that for her since I don't know how to arrange that.
ya that is going to be a must buy. tell rob to buy it for the whole family, he is gonna get a lot of playing time this year.
RCFLIP said:
The ENTIRE Petitti family is THRILLED and proud of Rob's play. I think Pittdawg got home from SD rather late last night and is probably at work today.

I am Rob's aunt (Pittdawg's sister). Unfortunately, living in NJ, we did not get the game here but surfed the channels looking for ANY highlights. This is all so exciting!
RCFLIP said:
Thanks for the welcome! I will try to follow the play by play here in the future but I spent the day with my mother, Rob's grandmother, who is nearly 90! She is the MOST thrilled of all! She's about 5' 1" tall and Rob towers over her. She does, however, STILL rule the roost! We have Direct TV but she wants to buy the NFL package. My brother, Pittdawg, will have to take care of that for her since I don't know how to arrange that.

Directv also has a new package called NFL Ticket Superfan in which you get all the games in HD :)
Heck, directtv blacked out the second half of the game for me here in chatt,tn!!!!!! Them bas^@^D$ and the nfl. Can't believe they did this again this year.
lockster said:
Heck, directtv blacked out the second half of the game for me here in chatt,tn!!!!!! Them bas^@^D$ and the nfl. Can't believe they did this again this year.

Was it on your local?
RCFLIP said:
The ENTIRE Petitti family is THRILLED and proud of Rob's play. I think Pittdawg got home from SD rather late last night and is probably at work today.

I am Rob's aunt (Pittdawg's sister). Unfortunately, living in NJ, we did not get the game here but surfed the channels looking for ANY highlights. This is all so exciting!
:welcome: to the best :starspin site on the net. The rest don't even compare. Your nephew has a decent following here.

Very pleased to have you around.
Pettiti did as well as could be expected for a rookie lineman starting his first real game in the NFL. He had a few mistakes that were pointed out by Aikman, and a penalty or two, but that may just be jitters. I think he'll be able to fix those things.

Many of us complained about the penalties, including me, but then I tried to put myself in his shoes...starting for the Dallas Cowboys as a rookie on the road while having Bledsoe as my QB and a HOF coach. My head would be spinning, and I would have a hard time concentrating while soaking up the atmosphere. How can it get any better for a young man? I would have a smile from ear to ear in that situation.
Did anyone notice the first play of the game for us?

We ran to the RIGHT!

That's the RIGHT!

for about 13 yards.

Thanks Rob!
Cbz40 said:
Rob is the perfect example of the type of the young men I like seeing us draft.

Keeps his mouth shut, does what he is told, very teachable, plays hurt, tough, and a quick learner. I'll take a kid like Rob on my team anytime and twice on Sunday.
RCFLIP said:
The ENTIRE Petitti family is THRILLED and proud of Rob's play. I think Pittdawg got home from SD rather late last night and is probably at work today.

I am Rob's aunt (Pittdawg's sister). Unfortunately, living in NJ, we did not get the game here but surfed the channels looking for ANY highlights. This is all so exciting!
:welcome: to the board!!!!!!!!!!!
I think we are going to have to live with the rookie mistakes from Pettiti. They should be expected...especially early in the year. Although we can hope he continues to progress and by the second half of the season has enough experience to play at a higher level.
RCFLIP said:
The ENTIRE Petitti family is THRILLED and proud of Rob's play. I think Pittdawg got home from SD rather late last night and is probably at work today.

I am Rob's aunt (Pittdawg's sister). Unfortunately, living in NJ, we did not get the game here but surfed the channels looking for ANY highlights. This is all so exciting!
:) I am in NJ and I got the game on fox :D
Quote: Originally Posted by [b said:
The ENTIRE Petitti family is THRILLED and proud of Rob's play. I think Pittdawg got home from SD rather late last night and is probably at work today.

I am Rob's aunt (Pittdawg's sister). Unfortunately, living in NJ, we did not get the game here but surfed the channels looking for ANY highlights. This is all so exciting!

Get Direct TV!! :)
Here's something you folks might not realize. I was reading an ESPN article yesterday and Rob Petitti is the second lowest draft pick to be starting in week one. The lowest is a 7th rounder and there are two 6th rounders starting, including our own Rob. Way to go Rob! Way to step up and take that job!
We do have Direct TV but live at the Jersey Shore and Fox did not carry the game here (or I failed to find the correct channel). Regardless, we got the NFL package yesterday so it will not happen again. Rob's grandmother refuses to miss watching another game featuring her grandson!

Thanks for the info!
Get Directv with TIVO and the NFL Sunday Ticket. I've had it now for about ten years and I love it. I have two TIVO units and I record 4 games at once and watch them later in the week. TIVO is great. I don't like the local channel blackout restrictions hoverever. I have not missed a Cowboys game since 1986.
TruBlueCowboy said:
Here's something you folks might not realize. I was reading an ESPN article yesterday and Rob Petitti is the second lowest draft pick to be starting in week one. The lowest is a 7th rounder and there are two 6th rounders starting, including our own Rob. Way to go Rob! Way to step up and take that job!

Definitely a steal.
RCFLIP, Pittdawg said he would have to watch his spelling a little more since you are on the board. When we all get excited we don't always watch those things. Cut him some slack will you? Welcome aboard.

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