Roethlisberger as valuable as Romo?

DWhite Fan

It ain't over 'til it's over
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nyc;1747383 said:
No he isn't. In no specific order
  • Brady
  • Peyton Manning
  • Farve
  • Romo
  • Brees
  • Palmer
  • McNabb
  • Bulger
  • Garcia
Thats 9 QBs that are better than Crapfilledburger. Everyone one of those guys are proven playmakers. Ben is nothing more than a game manager. He is in no way a playmaker as a QB.

What has Palmer or the Bungles done that is worth squat? Every year, ESPN has a drool fest over Cincinatti, and every year the look like crap. Ben is a better QB than Palmer, Bulger, Brees, and McNabb ever will be. I corrected some mistakes you made on your list:

1. Manning
2. Brady
3. Romo
4. Farve
5. Garcia
6. Roethlisberger
7. Rivers
8. Hasselbeck (when healthy)
9. Anderson
10. Brees

Always glad to help:D


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Roth is simply not the player Romo is but Ben has a SB ring (played poorly in SB) but in the current poor QB situation in the NFL the Steelers will give him good money. Besides, don't forget how generous Jerry can be to his prized QB, & if Romo brings home a SB in next few years be assured Jerry will happily revisit this contract.

Also I've always believed Romo would give the Cowboys a discount cause he's smart enough and competitive enough to want to ensure Cowboys remain a consistent SB contender throughout his career.


Intramural Legend
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Most quarterbacks really suck...that's the most important thing I have been able to take out of this thread.


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That's exactly the point. There is a dearth of talent at the QB position in the NFL right now. Why do you think Testeverde is back and Bledsoe has been getting numerous calls to return. If a team has a QB who helps them win on a fairly consistent basis, that team will make sure to keep him happy with a good contract. On the other hand, I thought in the past that the Steelers were rather tight with their money and didn't usually give out big contracts. But again when it comes to their fairly young QB, they'll find a way to pay him.


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nyc;1747383 said:
No he isn't. In no specific order
  • Brady
  • Peyton Manning
  • Farve
  • Romo
  • Brees
  • Palmer
  • McNabb
  • Bulger
  • Garcia
Thats 9 QBs that are better than Crapfilledburger. Everyone one of those guys are proven playmakers. Ben is nothing more than a game manager. He is in no way a playmaker as a QB.

Agree, this guy is just a STEAL superbowl ring.

Billy Bullocks

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adamknite;1746517 said:
I don't think you're being homer. Roethlisberger does have a SuperBowl ring, that's the only argument I could see for him being a better QB.

So Dilfer is a better QB now.


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Joe Rod;1746510 said:
Got this little tidbit from ESPN about Big Ben and a possible extension:

"Few people in the league were happier about Tony Romo's new contract extension than Ben Roethlisberger. The Steelers are expected to begin negotiations with Roethlisberger on an extension after this season. And the Romo numbers figure to be just a starting point for Roethlisberger and his representatives."

Maybe I'm just biased here, but I don't see Roethisberger anywhere near in the same league as Romo right now. He has won a Superbowl, but his performance in that game was putrid. Good QB, but I don't see him as "great".

Am I being a Homer?

Yes,total homer;). Lets give credit where its due. Other than last year which was an injury year and a team in flux he has been as good if not better than Romo, IMO. He is playing better now. Not as flashy. But better. More TDs, his QB rating is 10 points higher, higher completion %, 4 less picks. All that with 60 less pass attempts (thats like 2 games)! His team is excellent, and not as talented as ours, with a new coaching staff.

He is also 2 years younger at only 25.

His play in the SB as a youngster on a vet team is no way to define him. He went like 13-1 as a ROOKIE.. Romo went 6-4 at 26 and 4 years under his belt. To date, he has beaten 3 winning teams in 2 years. Only once did he perform well in those games, (gints this year).

After peaking and turning the talent over they are back. Very impressive if you ask me. And you dont have to ask the question 'can he win the big one", he has. Huge. Stolen? LMAO!

I would definitely not say he was no where near Romo.


just trying to get better
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Roethlisberger is clearly further along in his development than Romo was at age 25.

That said, Roethlisberger has a ways to go to be better than Romo at age 27.


When Jerry, when?
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Baltimore must think Big Ben is pretty good this morning. Five TDs in the first half. not a bad evening's job.


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ZeroClub;1748490 said:
Roethlisberger is clearly further along in his development than Romo was at age 25.

That said, Roethlisberger has a ways to go to be better than Romo at age 27.

I really dont know who's better. I know they are worth at least the same. Ben could make an easy argument for more $. Easy!

So if Roth is playing better today (statistically) and won a SB, and has his team at 6-2, why will he not improve over the next 2 years as well?


This is a house of learned doctors
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All good comments, thanks. Really odd that until this little tidbit came up, I never even considered Big Ben in the list of top five QBs in the game, which is the level most on this board feel Romo is playing at right now.


Mick Green 58
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Ben Roethlisberger is a good quarterback.

Tony Romo is a good quarterback.

To continue being Mr. Obvious, at the end of the day the only thing that really matters is Super Bowl Rings.

That is all.

- Mike G.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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FLcowboy;1748495 said:
Baltimore must think Big Ben is pretty good this morning. Five TDs in the first half. not a bad evening's job.

The Ravens no longer have Thomas and both of their starting safeties were out of last nights game.

Just to let you know, the Ravens have beaten all of the 49ers, Bills, Jets and Rams. They've lost to the Bengals, Cardinals, Browns, Steelers.

They pretty much have played one good team and yet they are still only 4-4.

The Steelers embarrassed a piss poor Ravens team, just like the Cowboys embarrassed a piss poor Eagles team.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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mickgreen58;1748549 said:
Ben Roethlisberger is a good quarterback.

Tony Romo is a good quarterback.

To continue being Mr. Obvious, at the end of the day the only thing that really matters is Super Bowl Rings.

That is all.

- Mike G.

Good QBs perform under pressure. Crapfilledburger has yet to do that.


Mick Green 58
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NYC is correct, this is not the Ravens defense that everyone is use to seeing.

I believe each of the Steeler Touchdown drives started on the Raven's start of the field.

The Steelers were superior to the Ravens in just about every category and did what they had to do.

The Steelers also lost to Arizona and Denver so ESPN needs to digress with all the "Steelers are an Elite Team" talk.

- Mike G.


Mick Green 58
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nyc;1748562 said:
Good QBs perform under pressure. Crapfilledburger has yet to do that.

At the end of the day, who is and isn't a good quarterback is a matter of personal perception.

Me, hypothetically, if Romo would have never joined our team and we draft Roethlisberger, I would be happy with the product. I think he took a few steps back last year because of the motorcycle accident. The main glaring weakness in his game is his mobility, which he showed some last night and his penchant for getting injured.

Just out of curiosity, why do you feel the need to call him "Crapfilledburger"?

I think there alot more avenues to criticize Ben Roethlisberger than this.

- Mike G.


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nyc;1748562 said:
Good QBs perform under pressure. Crapfilledburger has yet to do that.

Yeah, your are right. In 3 play off games leading up to the SB he had like a 70% completion rate 7 TDs and 1 Int. At 22 years old. Then won the SB. No pressure.

Romo did much better on a Monday nite vs. Buffalo.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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dooomsday;1748616 said:
Yeah, your are right. In 3 play off games leading up to the SB he had like a 70% completion rate 7 TDs and 1 Int. At 22 years old. Then won the SB. No pressure.

Romo did much better on a Monday nite vs. Buffalo.
God knows his SuperBowl numbers rocked!
Player                  Att/Comp     Yards      Avg        TDs     INT 
Crapfilledburger:        9/21	      123	5.9	    0	    2

As for the playoffs leading to the game, I mean he laid it on an inept Bengals and inept Colts defense. :rolleyes: Of course, then he faced the Seahawks who applied the pressure to his passing game and he stunk it up for 42% completions, (2) INTs, ZERO TDs, and a mind blowing 22.5 QB rating.

WooHoo! F Romo, lets sign Crapfilledburger!!!