My 24 year old son sprained his ankle doing some crazy dance stuff, and it was really bad. He did it the day before Easter of this year and his whole ankle and foot, toes, everything was deep purple for weeks, and he needed crutches for at least a week. After a week, I made him go get an x-ray to confirm if it was broken or not. It was not broken but the doctor put him in a walking boot for another couple of weeks. To this day, the swelling has gone down and the purple is finally fading from his whole foot and toes, but he still has to wear an ace bandage because he says it hurts a little still when he wakes up for work.
Soaking his foot in hot Epsom Salt water has really helped the healing, but do that only after some of the swelling has gone down after you use ice on it for days.
Good luck with that...I would not wish that on anyone. As a few have said, it would have been better off it you would have broken you ankle instead.