Rolled Ankle


This is where I'm at after 2 days.

Unbelievably I'm walking pretty much without any significant amount of pain.

Just a little cautious but otherwise getting around just fine.

This is where I'm at after 2 days.

Unbelievably I'm walking pretty much without any significant amount of pain.

Just a little cautious but otherwise getting around just fine.

That's good to hear!

Wasn't quite as bad as what you originally thought!
Was walking in a field and stepped in a hole.

Rolled my ankle about as bad as I ever have. It may be broken. Don't really think it is but at the very least it's a hell of a sprain.

This sucks.

Ice it until the swelling goes down significantly; a whole lot. Generally 48-72 hours but can be more. Stay off it AMAP. An air cushion brace is nice or another brace. It'll heal faster to stay off it completely though as it will have to form scar tissue to repair itself. Elevate whenever possible and with sleep. Motrin is good if you don't have ulcers, low platelets, bleeding tendencies, kidney disease, high BP or allergy. If it's not getting better within 72 hours or bearing weight is well unbearable then get thee to a MD.

This is where I'm at after 2 days.

Unbelievably I'm walking pretty much without any significant amount of pain.

Just a little cautious but otherwise getting around just fine.

That was what my foot looked like after playing ball a few years back and to be honest, I wasn't really the same when I got back on the court so I gave up because every sharp turn I made, I was down on the ground.

I remember that it took me a month for me to walk without any pain. But for a year or two, if I walked in a hole, on a rock, kick anything by accident or just a simple mistep, that pain will come back out of nowhere when I thought it was healed. Hopefully, everything will work out for you.
Just had a major rotator cuff tear repaired last Thursday, .. dominate arm.

Nasty. Have to sleep sitting up.

Start rehab soon.
Was walking in a field and stepped in a hole.

Rolled my ankle about as bad as I ever have. It may be broken. Don't really think it is but at the very least it's a hell of a sprain.

This sucks.

Is your real name Sean Lee?

Just kidding. Get better man.
Yeah. I've rolled them before and this is next level right now.

Last time was probably 10 years ago playing baseball. Slid late and the bag basically grabbed my cleat as I went over the top of the base.

It's got some nice color to it right now and I'm not all that far out from when it happened.

Try and get back on your feet as soon as possible. Do calf raises. Counter-intuitive but true, it will help speed the heing. Movement flushes out the fluid build-up and keeps the muscles from weakening. When you can progress with calf raises, do them with eyes closed for prioperception and re-training balance.

Then you can start calf raises on one foot.

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