Man. I was determined to not take the bait, but when you come out with this garbage I just can't help myself.
You, of all people, have the nerve to suggest someone else has some "weird tactics" in debating. Imply that you never get personal. Suggest people hide behind the anonymity. Delusional is the kindest way I can come up with to describe that.
This attitude, and unwillingness and/or inability to self reflect is exactly why you get the feedback you do. From far more people than you would ever admit. Most just have a back and forth and let it go. They don't bother with you because.... why bother. There are 2 or 3, me being one of them, that do call out your BS on a more regular basis. Of course you ignore all the incidental cases involving others and accuse us of stalking or some other deflection tactic once again avoiding self reflection. You are the common denominator.
RWB has his opinion based on his experience and that's fine. That doesn't negate the experiences and observations of the many here who have a different opinion.
I still can't believe you accuse others of making it personal and hiding in anonymity. lol