For some reason, "impulse throws" don't sound as scary referring to Romo as they did to Q. Or maybe I just have a greater appreciation for 'sandlot' than most fans do.
No one wants to see games lost or drives ruined on impulsive decisions, but learning to throw it away takes many, if not most, quarterbacks a while. (Don't even get into how many years it took Drew.)
"Impulse throws" may be anathema to coaches, but they are also the flip side of a particular style of QB, ie Favre. Sometimes, when those impulses work, you get amazingly instinctual, high light reel plays...the kind more methodical type qbs rarely demonstrate.
I don't want to see Romo's instincts or energy harnessed, because he hasn't had enough game reps to even calculate his odds like a more experienced qb does. That will come in time.
I thought this with Q and am beginning to think it of Tony...while on the learning curve qbs with this 'flair' need to learn/improve discipline, but making something happen on the run, or just sixth sensing an opportunity in the pocket is what makes their games potentially very the straight-jacket needs to be fastened loosely.
Still seeing shades of Kilmer in this one, leadership wise in particular.