Not sure about other fansites but Tony Romo received love here on CowboysZone, while meeting the same amount or greater criticism as Dak Prescott following the 2008 season. And that is accounting for the flak he received following the Seattle Seahawks failed field goal attempt in the wild card game.
I have reflected on the irony since 2017. Prescott 'love' has always been countered with criticism, while being deflected by Romo criticism.
Romo had zero deflection defense. Very few members routinely criticized Romo's predecessors to offset chastisement in critical postings about him. lol. I can testify here, on CowboysZone, very few (if any) members dislike Quincy Carter so much that they regularly mentioned him in posts approving of Romo's abilities as a quarterback.
In summary, Romo frequently caught it on the chin whenever he was praised. That's it. On the other hand, it is a normal reaction for Prescott's praise to be partially shielded by disapproval of Romo.
This is one reason why I have rarely considered Prescott's denunciation will ever reach the level of Romo's. The latter keeps getting dirt thrown on top of him. The former's mound of dirt is never allowed to level up, ironically due to those who praise him the most.