Romo was an amazing quarterback

I can’t believe there are Cowboys “fans” who not only trash Aikman but Romo too. Tony Romo was a legend and a man. Yeah we never won a Super Bowl with him but that was a man I could respect. I’m getting really tired of all these people who come on here to prop up Dak and in the process are trying to tarnish Troy’s legacy and Romo’s heroics. Not trying to make another Dak thread but enough with trolling these boards! Tony Romo was talented and we wish we could have a man like that again running this football team
Romo was trash and a turn over machine.
Romo will be remembered more as a sports caster than a DAL QB.
Dak is C-3PO: An immobile, whiny robot who blames everyone but himself, when things go wrong.
I know a ton about Star Wars from movies and television--even several animated series.

I read your comparison and wanted to post an alternative character but will simply reply with a 'no comment'. :laugh:

Wait! Darn it. Just popped into my head. Dak Prescott is Kanan Jarrus from Star Wars: Rebels in my opinion. A padawan who survived the Jedi purge.

Jarrus was a Rebel hero. A very conservative group leader who never completed his Jedi training. Jarrus lost his eyesight in a fight versus Darth Maul but continued to lead despite the setback.

Okay. Star Wars nerd out. :)
You are the only one limiting it to one season, actually only one play. You're also entirely ignoring the context and only focusing on the end result.

Perfect example of the type of logic and reason you bring to the table.
Consider the source, the answer is obvious.
Where was all this love for Romo when he was playing lol
Hidden in the closet. :muttley:

Actually, I think a lot of people expressed this opinion, when he had great games, but as fans tend to do, when he had a bad game, they turned. In retrospect, many realize how hard he fought and the obstacles he had to overcome.

Also, as I'm sure you suspect, there are some who exaggerate his abilities in their minds, as a way to unfavorably compare Dak...and the opposite is also true...IMO.
This pro-Romo thread was created for 1 reason only...

To throw it in the face of Dak supporters.

You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it.

You're lucky I'm not a mod.
You took the bait, a long time TR hater posting about mods from the guy posting daily about elite Dak, it’s pretty funny
I can’t believe there are Cowboys “fans” who not only trash Aikman but Romo too. Tony Romo was a legend and a man. Yeah we never won a Super Bowl with him but that was a man I could respect. I’m getting really tired of all these people who come on here to prop up Dak and in the process are trying to tarnish Troy’s legacy and Romo’s heroics. Not trying to make another Dak thread but enough with trolling these boards! Tony Romo was talented and we wish we could have a man like that again running this football team
Sorry….I loved him when he beat up on some teams, but he frustrated me as another QB who couldn’t w8n the big games. I had a hard time of letting both him and Witten off the hook for CABO and their poor performances in the playoff game as the NFCs #1 seed. I especially get annoyed when some fans say he never played with a great team when he had more pro bowlers and HOF guys at TE, RB, WR, OL, and defense than any QB since Aikman.

I certainly don’t put him behind Dak because Dak hasn’t done it either. To me, they are basically the same guy.
Hidden in the closet. :muttley:

Actually, I think a lot of people expressed this opinion, when he had great games, but as fans tend to do, when he had a bad game, they turned. In retrospect, many realize how hard he fought and the obstacles he had to overcome.

Also, as I'm sure you suspect, there are some who exaggerate his abilities in their minds, as a way to unfavorably compare Dak...and the opposite is also true...IMO.
I remember majority treating Romo like they treating Dak. I will always root for any player wearing the star. And I was a big Romo fan.
No. I did read the relevant posts and can clearly see both the intention and the cherry picking obfuscation evident in your reply. Talk about talking in circles.

Not sure if you noticed but you're getting called out on this from multiple directions. Couldn't be you who is the fool and should move on, though. Must be everyone else.

On a side note. Your attempt to use semantics as a deflection technique is fascinating. "Elusive" isn't the right word for you. Some synonym, which you can't think of, meaning exactly the same thing is the only description you will accept.
The other person who said something bowed out. Its only you because you're stubborn so its not "multiple directions". But even i ti was we know you guys are sheep and hold grudges. I can say water is wet and you guys will disagree. Its the same tired rhetoric from the same 3 or 4 people. So I have to laugh at you feeling validated because one other poster also who jumps into my posts ALSO missed who I was responding to and his comment.

Like I Said just bow out. Let it go. You were wrong. I'm not gonna gloat about you being wrong because I don't care enough to do it but just move on to AC or whoever other poster you disagree with for the sake of disagreement because you don't like what his opinion of Dak is.
Romo was an above average QB that never got the benefit of a supporting cast.
This! And anyone saying otherwise has an agenda! The only reason those teams were even competitive some years was Romo running for his life and creating. Go watch the one 49er game. I was frustrated with his post season issues but appreciate how much he did to keep the team afloat. That’s what frustrates me with the Dak stuff because that kid was blessed with stacked teams and people still don’t think he has enough while hating on Romo
Taking a hit, didn’t Dak get injured when throwing a pass with no one around him. Your hate is pretty deep I wonder why
My hate is deep but you just randomly brought up Dak. In a argument that I never claimed Dak was elusive lol. But i'm the hater?

Romo wasn't elusive at 34 = hater

Dak sucks and isn't a top 20 QB = criticism. Got it. :laugh: Its all good Brax I know your stance on Dak you don't have to consistently remind me lol.
It’s funny though these same rules didn’t apply to Romo. You wouldn’t dare “criticize” Romo lol.

And the only people who go at Aikman are Romo fans who say he would’ve won with those teams. People think Romo was as good as Brady on this site….it’s weird.
The people who went after Aikman were Dak fans from what I remember, calling him an average quarterback. Aikman has what Romo and Dak don't, the rings. Also, I've already said I've criticized Romo in the past. You had me look back and I couldn't find the exact post I wanted to, but here is one example about cabo. I remember another post of me being critical of the cabo thing with me saying I'd much rather have him practicing with TO and Whitten and his backyard before the big game that I couldn't find. The difference back then was people could be critical of the quarterback and not be called a hater and asked to find another team.
My hate is deep but you just randomly brought up Dak. In a argument that I never claimed Dak was elusive lol. But i'm the hater?

Romo wasn't elusive at 34 = hater

Dak sucks and isn't a top 20 QB = criticism. Got it. :laugh: Its all good Brax I know your stance on Dak you don't have to consistently remind me lol.
Dak is an above average Qb and I feel comfortable putting him in the top 12-14.

Romo absolutely deserved criticism for his turnovers.......but the brother could put up points, regardless of talent around him
Where was all this love for Romo when he was playing lol
Not sure about other fansites but Tony Romo received love here on CowboysZone, while meeting the same amount or greater criticism as Dak Prescott following the 2008 season. And that is accounting for the flak he received following the Seattle Seahawks failed field goal attempt in the wild card game.

I have reflected on the irony since 2017. Prescott 'love' has always been countered with criticism, while being deflected by Romo criticism.

Romo had zero deflection defense. Very few members routinely criticized Romo's predecessors to offset chastisement in critical postings about him. lol. I can testify here, on CowboysZone, very few (if any) members dislike Quincy Carter so much that they regularly mentioned him in posts approving of Romo's abilities as a quarterback.

In summary, Romo frequently caught it on the chin whenever he was praised. That's it. On the other hand, it is a normal reaction for Prescott's praise to be partially shielded by disapproval of Romo.

This is one reason why I have rarely considered Prescott's denunciation will ever reach the level of Romo's. The latter keeps getting dirt thrown on top of him. The former's mound of dirt is never allowed to level up, ironically due to those who praise him the most.
This! And anyone saying otherwise has an agenda! The only reason those teams were even competitive some years was Romo running for his life and creating. Go watch the one 49er game. I was frustrated with his post season issues but appreciate how much he did to keep the team afloat. That’s what frustrates me with the Dak stuff because that kid was blessed with stacked teams and people still don’t think he has enough while hating on Romo
I mean the pro-Dak crowd can't seem to defend Dak without trashing Romo. Rather telling that the only way you can possibly defend Dak is to trash Romo's time. Almost like Dak has never been good enough to sell by his own merit.

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