Romo was the GOAT


Go Seahawks!!!
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You, @Aviano90, and @Streetwise are the 3 stooges of anti-Romo idiocy.
LOL. You should start charging me rent with how often I occupy your brain cells. That said, you're a piss ant in my world and have contributed absolutely zero to the message boards...this one or the old one. I even appreciate people with differing opinions, yet you do nothing except whine about people you disagree with. You sure you shouldn't change your profile picture to a Toyota Prius? It matches your online persona better than that truck, unless you're planning on giving it a shiny new pink paint job.


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I believe all Cowboy fans are in a bad mood this season. Who can blame us other than Browns fans?

and not without reason...



Well-Known Member
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Roger Staubach...always be the G.O.A.T. for me.

loved #9...he was this generations Don Meredith....people didn't realize how good they were til they weren't around.


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Hands down make no mistake about it.
1. Romo
2. Brady
3. Montana
After that the argument gets very difficult but at the end of the day that’s the top 3 right there.

For Tony Romo to take this team and constantly win with a mentally challenged front office and absolutely zero coaching was by far the greatest accomplishment in any sport. This man carried Jason Garrett to an 8 year head coaching gig and a coach of the year award on his shoulders. Tom Brady would have quit football at the age of 30 if he was a Cowboy. Joe Montana would’ve been higher than Michael Irvin’s day off after a win if he was stuck with these two JJ & JG.

I salute you Tony Romo the GOAT. Greatest football player eva!

Sounds like the whiskey is flowing early this morning. I wouldn't even put Romo in my Top 10 Cowboys of All Time much less label him the GOAT. Romo is Danny White with less playoff wins.