Roy did it again!

JDSmith said:
The key point - it was a vicious HIT. Yeah, that was a payback. It was a physical payback in a physical sport. There is no common ground between that and what happened to Calico. I'm sorry if you don't see the difference.

I already addressed the issue with regards to the animated gif I posted:

The avatar is was never made to celebrate a player getting injured. I just felt Roy Williams made a nice play on a reverse and as always, he goes full speed and made a nice play.

But if that makes me a classless individual, then I guess I am guilty!!!

I never mentioned I was happy Calico got injured. The point me and Realist were trying to make was guys like Toomer and Emmitt were both hurt as well, but people still went into a frenzy to get the videos from me and The Hustler!!!!

Like you, I am sorry you dont see the difference.

- Mike G.
Unfortunate injury. Let's put it this way, Butkus said that his intentions were to harm, was he wrong? Not saying Roy's were or are, but that's the way it is in this game.

You guys are seeing blood in the water on this one. :rolleyes:
mickgreen58 said:
I never mentioned I was happy Calico got injured. The point me and Realist were trying to make was guys like Toomer and Emmitt were both hurt as well, but people still went into a frenzy to get the videos from me and The Hustler!!!!

Like you, I am sorry you dont see the difference.

- Mike G.
If you aren't happy that Calico was injured then exactly what is the point of making a gif or thread about it? Because it wasn't a hit, period. I saw 20 better tackles by second and third string players in that game alone. So since you aren't pumped up about the play (completely routine), or the hit (there wasn't one), then what exactly IS exciting about it? The only thing left is the fact that Calico was injured. When I go into a frenzy about Roy hitting someone it's because of the hit or the play he made. It's not about the injury. The fact that Emmitt was injured was unfortunate, but it was a big hit that caused the excitement. The injury wasn't the source of anyone's enjoyment. You honestly don't see that?

If Calico wasn't injured on that play, would you have made a gif of it?
Reality said:
I agree. You shouldn't wish for or even gloat when another player is injured. I want Roy's hitting to scare the other guys into being afraid to catch the ball around him, not cause the player to miss games. Leave the hope for injuries to the Eagles' fans who seem to relish when it happens.

" I want Roy's hitting to scare the other guys into being afraid to catch the ball around him,"

This is the sadest post I've ever seen from a "fan".

I doubt Roy has scared ANY player with his "magical" wonder hits.

This is totally fan based; created for they own ego.
JDSmith said:
If you aren't happy that Calico was injured then exactly what is the point of making a gif or thread about it? Because it wasn't a hit, period. I saw 20 better tackles by second and third string players in that game alone. So since you aren't pumped up about the play (completely routine), or the hit (there wasn't one), then what exactly IS exciting about it? The only thing left is the fact that Calico was injured. When I go into a frenzy about Roy hitting someone it's because of the hit or the play he made. It's not about the injury. The fact that Emmitt was injured was unfortunate, but it was a big hit that caused the excitement. The injury wasn't the source of anyone's enjoyment. You honestly don't see that?

If Calico wasn't injured on that play, would you have made a gif of it?


Perfectly stated - especially the highlighted portion.

The thing that got me was the insinuation that this somehow was Roy's payback for the stiff arm - get real! I can't believe it's even being discussed.
Reef Engineer said:

Perfectly stated - especially the highlighted portion.

The thing that got me was the insinuation that this somehow was Roy's payback for the stiff arm - get real! I can't believe it's even being discussed.
The funny thing is, that wasn't even Roy's best play of the night. I thought he had at least 2 really good tackles on Brown behind or at the LoS and his best play of the night was when he ran down the WR who toasted Dixon. On that play Roy had come up to the LoS and started to blitz, saw it was picked up and backed out - then proceeded to run down the WR who had caught the ball downfield - Roy caught him at the 5 to stop a TD. Now I could see a gif being made of that if you want to talk about a good hustle play...
JDSmith said:
If you aren't happy that Calico was injured then exactly what is the point of making a gif or thread about it? Because it wasn't a hit, period. I saw 20 better tackles by second and third string players in that game alone. So since you aren't pumped up about the play (completely routine), or the hit (there wasn't one), then what exactly IS exciting about it? The only thing left is the fact that Calico was injured. When I go into a frenzy about Roy hitting someone it's because of the hit or the play he made. It's not about the injury. The fact that Emmitt was injured was unfortunate, but it was a big hit that caused the excitement. The injury wasn't the source of anyone's enjoyment. You honestly don't see that?

If Calico wasn't injured on that play, would you have made a gif of it?

I sure would have. Jack D offered to make a small video since Calico wasnt able too. I thought about taking the play where Williams saved a touchdown when Dixon was beat deep up the middle, but I felt the play he made on Calico was a little better.

Was it an ESPN hightlight tackle, probably not, but I think it showed Roy making a nice play and it was only done in tongue-in-cheek to a respond to the Skins and Titans fans. Some people on this board were interested in getting the gif when I made it known yesterday afternoon that I would be making it. I haven't posted here too much lately, so now I understand that a gif like this, even though it was not intended to be malicious is looked down upon.

I know better now!!!!

And 20 other tackles made by 2nd and 3rd string players are totally irrelevant to the topic.

- Mike G.
crazylegs said:
" I want Roy's hitting to scare the other guys into being afraid to catch the ball around him,"

This is the sadest post I've ever seen from a "fan".

I doubt Roy has scared ANY player with his "magical" wonder hits.

This is totally fan based; created for they own ego.

Intimidation is a part of this sport. Trash talking comes to mind. They are trying to break down an opponent on a mental level.

If you are in a poker game and someone is staring you down, do you fold because your hand simply isn't good enough or could there be a tiny shred of your brain thinking that this guy is trying to intimidate my two jacks with his icey glare?

I'm sorry, but I will guarantee you that there have been players that did not want an inside route to be called with Lott patrolling the backfield. Relief pitchers pray that they can strike out the side before Bonds steps into the box. Boxers have witnessed Mike Tyson coming into the ring staring them down as if he killed a love one.

I find it hard to believe that fear is not present on any field.
The Realist said:
Titans | Calico Under the Knife - from
Tue, 31 Aug 2004 17:07:02 -0700

ESPNews reports Tennessee Titans WR Tyrone Calico (knee) underwent arthroscopic knee surgery. As reported, he's expected to miss 2-3 weeks of action.

Pay back for the Chris Brown straight-arm.

OK...I'll take a stab at explaining, since my response was the first one here.

Roy is an intimidator. No problem. In fact, an asset.

Roy's hard hits are not the issue with me...and it is also very difficult to determine if a guy is trying to intentionally hurt another.

Linking the hit on Calico to the straight-arm from Chris Brown is TOTAL fantasy. And as a "hit" it wasn't even in the "Roy Williams Top 40".

The other point is, "Pay back for what?"

A guy makes Roy look like a rag doll on one play (because as very astutely pointed out here, he was out of position and tackled too high) so ROY achieves "pay back" by dragging a WR out of bounds in order to avenge a straight arm from a different player?

Please. Only Oliver Stone would try to link the two.

Even the hit on Toomer, to my way of thinking, wasn't pay back.
The Toomer hit was only "payback" because some people NEED to see it that way. My guess is that Roy would have hit ANY WR with the force that he did on that play, regardless of what had transpired earlier in the game.

Same with the hit on Emmitt. Given that shot, Roy would take it every time, regardless of the RB. It just happened to be Emmitt on that play.

Some people here NEED to attribute old western movie gunslinger grudges to these moments for their own entertainment. A guy who is a true intimidator LOVES to hit. If a pass was thrown to his grandmother, he'd take her out. In fact, most will tell you that when you TRY to take a guy out, you usually miss. Crazy analogy, but it's like hitting a baseball. The harder you try to hit the long ball, the less successful you are at doing it. Big hits just happen. It's instinctive.

Additionally, the thread states that Roy did it again....he got pay back....and the condition of the player 's injury is listed. Don't insult people by backpeddling and trying to say that it wasn't a clear attempt to link the injury as Roy's pay back.

And since it's "pay back" it was done with intent.

Fantasy land indeed.

As a final note, it was a LOUSY hit. It was Deion Sanders-esque.
MikeD17 said:
It wasnt evena good tackle. Williams loves to do that shoulder pad tackle , he tried it on brown and got his *** slammed. He's a great hitter but sometimes he goes to high.

Dont get me wrong hes a great player who plays with more intensity and heart then anyone , but sometimes he goes to high on his tackles.

My brother and I were talking about that very thing Mike. I really don't like to see him pull guys down like that. That's what he was trying to do to Brown. Brown just caught him at the right moment with that stiff arm.

When someone is running away, and you grab them and pull them down like that, it really puts tremendous pressure on their legs. Unless they can get both feet off the ground, they are in danger of a very serious injury. I for one would love to see Williams stop using that technique.

I have never gotten over seeing Bo jackson's career end when he was pulled down like that.
Juke99 said:
OK...I'll take a stab at explaining, since my response was the first one here.

Roy is an intimidator. No problem. In fact, an asset.

Roy's hard hits are not the issue with me...and it is also very difficult to determine if a guy is trying to intentionally hurt another.

Linking the hit on Calico to the straight-arm from Chris Brown is TOTAL fantasy. And as a "hit" it wasn't even in the "Roy Williams Top 40".

The other point is, "Pay back for what?"

A guy makes Roy look like a rag doll on one play (because as very astutely pointed out here, he was out of position and tackled too high) so ROY achieves "pay back" by dragging a WR out of bounds in order to avenge a straight arm from a different player?

Please. Only Oliver Stone would try to link the two.

Even the hit on Toomer, to my way of thinking, wasn't pay back.
The Toomer hit was only "payback" because some people NEED to see it that way. My guess is that Roy would have hit ANY WR with the force that he did on that play, regardless of what had transpired earlier in the game.

Same with the hit on Emmitt. Given that shot, Roy would take it every time, regardless of the RB. It just happened to be Emmitt on that play.

Some people here NEED to attribute old western movie gunslinger grudges to these moments for their own entertainment. A guy who is a true intimidator LOVES to hit. If a pass was thrown to his grandmother, he'd take her out. In fact, most will tell you that when you TRY to take a guy out, you usually miss. Crazy analogy, but it's like hitting a baseball. The harder you try to hit the long ball, the less successful you are at doing it. Big hits just happen. It's instinctive.

Additionally, the thread states that Roy did it again....he got pay back....and the condition of the player 's injury is listed. Don't insult people by backpeddling and trying to say that it wasn't a clear attempt to link the injury as Roy's pay back.

And since it's "pay back" it was done with intent.

Fantasy land indeed.

As a final note, it was a LOUSY hit. It was Deion Sanders-esque.

You did a fine job with that Juke.....I don't know of anyone that could have said it better.
Thanks for saying what I'm sure most people are thinking Juke.

Maybe I'd expect this on a Philly board, but not on a Boys board.
I'm surprised the thread is still here. It should have been moved to the Smack Talk area.

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