Fact is, the Cowboys are at game 3 and are subject to that level scrutiny on a fully functional level. Not the scorn biased by historically being torched. Reasons.
What is actually on the cutting table, this team status here and now.
Up to here, the team did a respectable job game one against Cleveland. That doesn't disappear...you are biased.
The drive of the team for game two was on it's heels.
Game 3 is a tough one. A very good team has lost 2 games. Why? Because they are Dallas? No, there were correctibles involved and the team didn't over come that specific game's short comings. Differing stumbling blocks develop each and every game. Sometimes those are defeated. Sometimes not. Football.
Ravens, now...are extremely dangerous. Dallas on offense and defense can not be half stepping. The Ravens are actually good on both sides of the ball and couldn't be more motivated than this week to win.
Now, Dallas must beat them now. Dallas does have enough team strength to do just that, but must now do it. Not on none game reasons.