He sounds like a wonderful man who will be greatly missed. My condolences on your loss of a great man and friend.
Thank you for sharing the pictures and stories about him. His paintings are gorgeous and the photos are one of a kind. If you know anyone that scrapbooks -- maybe they can put them together for you in a nice acid free album and preserve them for years to come.
I love old black and white photography. My grandpa has been finding some and sharing them with the family. He's even made copies for his kids. My favorite story is of my great great grandpa and when he finished his house (built it himself and mostly brick) got up and did a little jig on the top of the roof for all to see. Not every day you see fat man on the roof dancing away. Ha! That house is still standing to this day.
You mentioned Bill went and visited his wife every day, feeding and reading to her. Will someone still be visiting her?
It makes my heart smile big when I see old couples holding hands and just as in love as they were when they were younger.