Sentenced to 15 years today.
Sentenced to 15 years today. That's a long time obviously but still gives you some time to turn his life around when he is out.
Really a shame what prohibition culture does to people.
you don't get off time for good behavior in Federal Prison right? So unless something happens he does the whole 15.
Guess youre right...Im reading you can earn 47 days per year of "good time." Thats not much help...
If he is in a camp, low, or medium I believe he can get a few years shaved off for completing the drug program. That's how it went down in the early 2000's.
Does he also get credit for the year he already served?
Does he also get credit for the year he already served?
Obviously Way better than life, though I do think it's still harsh considering the circumstances.
I'm as liberal as anyone, but he should get the death penalty. Profiting off other people becoming cocaine addicts and ruining their lives is worthy not just of being executed but also of extensive torture prior to being killed. It's only in extremis that sociopaths might regret what they've done. If they're not afraid of dying, then the death penalty isn't an effective deterrent so introduce torture into the equation. Do unto them as they would do to you, only to the extreme. They enjoy other people suffering so they should experience suffering themselves.