
CowboysPrincess said:
so... other than my calling y'all punks, you aren't denying the rest of my post???? hummmm very telling...

~looking at the others to answer~

~shuffling papers~


http://img.***BLOCKED***/albums/v628/cowboyszone/princess.gif :whip:

BrAinPaiNt said:
Not sure if you are joking or not so with that in mind.

Just because you or others did not like eric...does not mean others do not like him.

I have had many a war of words with him but I still liked him.

Still not sure why some could not just take the high road and just be happy he is gone if they do not like him and leave it at that....instead of continuing with cheap shots.
The only people it makes look bad is the ones taking the shots.
And him posting a farewell note consitutes taking the high road and telling those who don't like him that they can "bite me", albeit with a smiley... ok. I admit I could not resist the temptation to post to his diatribe about jumping from the rooftop, in effect pleading for people to post their pleas for him to stay... otherwise he would not have come back 8 hours later like he did.

Maybe if you saw what he posted about this place over on DCC you would think differently about him... No, I don't like him, no, I don't respect him because all he has ever done on here is post the most outlandish crap just so he could get a reaction... and that my friends, is childish.

Like I said before, I don't put anyone on ignore because that is the root word of ignorant, and no one will ever accuse me of being ignorant and be able to back it up.

I for one, am glad he's gone. Don't let the doorknob hit ya where the dog shoulda bit ya.
Irving Cowboy said:
And him posting a farewell note consitutes taking the high road and telling those who don't like him that they can "bite me", albeit with a smiley... ok. I admit I could not resist the temptation to post to his diatribe about jumping from the rooftop, in effect pleading for people to post their pleas for him to stay... otherwise he would not have come back 8 hours later like he did.

Maybe if you saw what he posted about this place over on DCC you would think differently about him... No, I don't like him, no, I don't respect him because all he has ever done on here is post the most outlandish crap just so he could get a reaction... and that my friends, is childish.

Like I said before, I don't put anyone on ignore because that is the root word of ignorant, and no one will ever accuse me of being ignorant and be able to back it up.

I for one, am glad he's gone. Don't let the doorknob hit ya where the dog shoulda bit ya.


What did he write about this place, Irving?

Give us the scoop.

Be good for something besides keeping tabs on your victims.
Irving Cowboy said:
And him posting a farewell note consitutes taking the high road and telling those who don't like him that they can "bite me", albeit with a smiley... ok. I admit I could not resist the temptation to post to his diatribe about jumping from the rooftop, in effect pleading for people to post their pleas for him to stay... otherwise he would not have come back 8 hours later like he did.

Maybe if you saw what he posted about this place over on DCC you would think differently about him... No, I don't like him, no, I don't respect him because all he has ever done on here is post the most outlandish crap just so he could get a reaction... and that my friends, is childish.

Like I said before, I don't put anyone on ignore because that is the root word of ignorant, and no one will ever accuse me of being ignorant and be able to back it up.

I for one, am glad he's gone. Don't let the doorknob hit ya where the dog shoulda bit ya.

I don't care what he posts at another site....why should you?
Furthermore I don't care that he was back on line 8 hours later to look around, why should you?

Seriously...if you don't like him so much then just forget about him.

Here is another saying I came across years ago..
Ignorance is not a bad word...but stupidity is. Ignorance is bliss and stupidity is hell.

If one has never been presented with the information then it is hard for him to know about it...however if one has been presented with the information and still does not learn it is MUCH worse IMO.

It is not like this guy did something to your family, it is not like this guy tried to get you in trouble with an employer, it is not like this guy tried to steal something of yours, it is not like this guy damaged your property....I mean the way some of you guys go on you would think this guy was some devil.

All he did was disagree with your opinions just like you did his.

Sorry...I just do not get some people's inability to let things go and keep harping on things.


Take care and later.
Banned_n_austin said:

What did he write about this place, Irving?

Give us the scoop.

Be good for something besides keeping tabs on your victims.

Go read for yourself...

And just so you know, I have read DCC for a while, and when he first posted I didn't even know it was him... only after I read the replies did I realize who it was.
Irving Cowboy said:
Go read for yourself...

I'm not into gay literature.

And just so you know, I have read DCC for a while, and when he first posted I didn't even know it was him... only after I read the replies did I realize who it was.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. . .
BrAinPaiNt said:
I don't care what he posts at another site....why should you?
Furthermore I don't care that he was back on line 8 hours later to look around, why should you?
I have always had an inclination not to just see what people do, but find out what motivates them to do what they do... I have always been intrigued by that. Why do people join the military... why do they desert the military when told to do what they came in for in the first place... why do people volunteer to do reality TV... the list goes on. Invariably, you will see that the guy who stands in front of the majority of people and announces "Goodbye, cruel world!" is doing it for the attention, pure and simple. He loved it, and he loved having you next to him to keep us at bay.

BrAinPaiNt said:
All he did was disagree with your opinions just like you did his.
Wrong. He posted the most inflammatory articles he could find just to get a rise out of people... you act like I am the only one who felt this way. Far from it, Brain. The guy was posting articles from websites that I could get into trouble visiting from a government computer. He drew all the fire he could while standing next to you, the fire hydrant, because he knew you would cool everyone down. Plain and simple. Let go?? Check his last thread he started and tell me who had the problem letting go...
I don't know why, but I have this sudden urge to watch Caddyshack now...

Even though it's a turtle, thanks Ben, for sticking me with that mental image... :banghead:

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