And him posting a farewell note consitutes taking the high road and telling those who don't like him that they can "bite me", albeit with a smiley... ok. I admit I could not resist the temptation to post to his diatribe about jumping from the rooftop, in effect pleading for people to post their pleas for him to stay... otherwise he would not have come back 8 hours later like he did.
Maybe if you saw what he posted about this place over on DCC you would think differently about him... No, I don't like him, no, I don't respect him because all he has ever done on here is post the most outlandish crap just so he could get a reaction... and that my friends, is childish.
Like I said before, I don't put anyone on ignore because that is the root word of ignorant, and no one will ever accuse me of being ignorant and be able to back it up.
I for one, am glad he's gone. Don't let the doorknob hit ya where the dog shoulda bit ya.