In some cases these are kids with a fatal illness. What life lesson do they learn by beating them in a video game? All they have is right now. If winning would make them happy, I let them win in the most subtle way possible. My kids on the other hand get pounded at Madden by me every chance I give them.
Did Red tell the kid it was a moral victory?
Did Red tell the kid it was a moral victory?
It's not about life lessons, necessarily. Accomplishments are just more enjoyable when they're genuine, and if the competition is fair, like it is in a video game with a kid, it's better if the best man wins. He's not going to be sad about losing when he's playing with a Dallas Cowboys, no matter what. But if he actually beats him when they're both trying their best, that's really cool.
Sure, you can patronize him and he might feel the same way. Or he might pick up on it. I remember when I was very little getting angry with my brother and sister (who were both a lot older than I was) for not trying to win. It used to drive me crazy.
Talking down to someone you disagree with is no way to convey information. I know something about this topic (interacting with a child with a fatal disease). I don't appreciate your condescending tone. Do you think "fairness" is a concept that rings true to child with a fatal disease? Think about it from their perspective. What is fair about their circumstances. Innocence with a death sentence and you think they care about your ideas of fairness in competition. Fairness is not a luxury that favors them.
I think doing all you can to let them know you care and will do anything to ease their burden is what's important. I don't see where kicking there butt in a video game accomplishes the bigger picture. I don't recommend making it obvious but I have no issue with throwing a game to see a smile on a child's face. You may have to sell how hard you tried to win but you do it.
Did Red tell the kid it was a moral victory?
I'm going to disagree with your position, and with your characterization of my tone, and just leave this one alone from there, because I get the clear sense something else is going on with you on this topic, and it's not something I want to contribute to if you're speaking from personal experience.
Yes. I believe links18 was referencing that.Chappelle did a whole skit on his show about him playing some dying child and teas talking while blowing him out lol
Besides most kids of the age of yours are probably better than most adults at video games anyway.I never throw games I play with my kids. I offer them tactical advice, explain it, and then I clobber them when I can. If it's a physical contest, I handicap it in some way, but I still try to win despite whatever the handicap is. If they win, I go out of my way to let them know how proud I am. They usually lose, and we talk about how to do better next time.
It wasn't long before they were killing me in video games. And most of the punch-em games (Slugbug, whatever). This year, my 15 year old beat me in a foot race. That one hurt. I still win at chess and kickboxing. Not looking forward to them getting better at that one than I am.
I know personally, I'd do everything I possibly could to beat a kid in any condition at a video game. It's patronizing not to try your best when the field is equal.
This is way over the top and I am sure Idgit didn't mean it how you are taking it.Talking down to someone you disagree with is no way to convey information. I know something about this topic (interacting with a child with a fatal disease). I don't appreciate your condescending tone. Do you think "fairness" is a concept that rings true to child with a fatal disease? Think about it from their perspective. What is fair about their circumstances. Innocence with a death sentence and you think they care about your ideas of fairness in competition. Fairness is not a luxury that favors them.
I think doing all you can to let them know you care and will do anything to ease their burden is what's important. I don't see where kicking there butt in a video game accomplishes the bigger picture. I don't recommend making it obvious but I have no issue with throwing a game to see a smile on a child's face. You may have to sell how hard you tried to win but you do it.
This is way over the top and I am sure Idgit didn't mean it how you are taking it.
I responded before I finished the thread, which is obvious and common. Respect that.I have already apologized to him. We have both already stated we will leave it alone. Please respect that and do the same.
I responded before I finished the thread, which is obvious and common. Respect that.
Yeah, but it's cool when Dallas Cowboys do it. If it had been an Eagle, Commander, or Giant, rant on!!!