Scariest movie ever seen?

Chief;3641258 said:
We watched The Birds a couple of months ago for family movie night. It unnerves my wife a little, but the kids thought it was kinda funny.

I laughed when the birds were pecking that little slut near to death lol
Antichrist scared the hell out of me, mostly because it made me scared to take my wife somewhere remote and she turns out to be the psycho I always suspected she was!

But yeah, count me among those that doesn't really get scared by "scary" movies. Jumping out and screaming "Boo!" to the audience doesn't count as scary.
TheCount;3641290 said:
Antichrist scared the hell out of me, mostly because it made me scared to take my wife somewhere remote and she turns out to be the psycho I always suspected she was!

Man, what a brutal movie. I won't pretend to understand what Lars von Trier was trying to tell us, but what he was trying to show us came through loud and clear.
Jaws probably scared me more than any other movie cause I was pretty young when I watched it. Still don't like the ocean. But my favorite scary movie of all time is Alien. That is a classic and was very terrifiying in it's day.

I watched "It" when I was about 10 years old with my older brothers. I was scared of storm drains for about 4 years afterwards.
1) The Exorcist: the only way I'll watch that flick is during the day, with the lights on, and NOT alone....seriously

2) The Amityville Horror(the original not the remake): Because it's suppose to be a true story I think is why it gets me.

3) Sleepaway Camp: always freaked me out as a youngster, it has to be because of the herm's face in the final scene. THAT was the scariest part of the movie and the only part I really remember.

*****Also I gotta mention Witchboard. Not even close to one of the scariest Ive ever seen. But that movie brought on the "Ouija"(sp?) Board craze. So my older sis and a cousin bought one at K-Mart. They "played" with it one night in front of me and some other cousins. They were "talking" to a spirit for a while. Asking it questions, etc. Then it kept moving to the "goodbye" part of the board. My cousin asked "why?" over and over. The "spirit" answered back by spelling "MOM" every time she asked. So my sis and cousin finally said "bye" and it stopped. Just as soon as they took their hands off the whatever-you-call-that-thing the phone rang at my parents house and it was my cousin's Mom telling her she needed to get home. Weirld wild stuff.
Yeah Storm of the Century is the movie he's referring to. At the end some people had to pick out marbles or something. It's been years since I seen it so I could be off.
tupperware;3643375 said:
Yeah Storm of the Century is the movie he's referring to. At the end some people had to pick out marbles or something. It's been years since I seen it so I could be off.

Weirding stones :D .

"They were old when the earth was young."

I somehow watched the entire thing (again) just the other night.
AmarilloCowboyFan;3642056 said:
Jaws probably scared me more than any other movie cause I was pretty young when I watched it. Still don't like the ocean. But my favorite scary movie of all time is Alien. That is a classic and was very terrifiying in it's day.


This is me exactly. I haven't seen a movie that has scared me in years. I mean, I can't even recall being scared to watch a movie but Alien was the Bomb back in the day. I'd also have to go with Jaws as well. I lived in Baytown when that movie came out so yeah, I had a bit of fear but I mean, we were in the water everyday so it maybe lasted a week. Alien thou, that was a great flick.
AmarilloCowboyFan;3642056 said:
Jaws probably scared me more than any other movie cause I was pretty young when I watched it. Still don't like the ocean. But my favorite scary movie of all time is Alien. That is a classic and was very terrifiying in it's day.


Agree on both.

Saw Jaws when I was has affected me to this day.

Used to go in the Ocean and wouldn't think about it's all I think about when I go in.

Went to Martha's Vineyard this summer and went to all of the filming locations.

Very exciting to me cause Jaws is one of if not my favorite movie.

I saw Alien when I was 13.

There was such a buzz about it and the local movie theater was making a big deal about not letting kids in without parents.

So me and my friend and his mom and sister went to see it...scared the crap out of me and I still love it.

People have become so desensitized today to films...but when this movie came out it was the bomb.
BrAinPaiNt;3639696 said:
However there was on Stephen King movie that for whatever reason gave me fitful dreams for a couple of nights. Weird because I did not think it was one of his better movies nor did I really find it scary.

Can not even think of the name of it but it was the one where some force was trying to take all of the kids in a town. Think it was made for a TV movie and not one of his regular books.

Think you may be thinking of "Children of the Corn"

One no one has mentioned that when you're a kid will scare you, and that's "Cujo"

I thought "Paranormal Activity" was funny not scary it was so predictable.
When I was a kid, there was a movie that freaked me out pretty good, probably because me, and a bunch of friends would often go camping, and that was "Creature From Black Lake". Sort of a Big Foot, Boggy Creek kind of movie.

After watching that, anytime we went camping, and night fell, you would hear stuff at night, sticks breaking, movement just beyond the darkness, etc., it would remind me of that movie, and have me freaked out.
I watched Disturbia recently. It is the revamped story of the classic Rear Window. There is one scene that actually made me jump. It is early in the movie when the kid and his dad get in the car wreck. I have a thing about car wrecks that kind of gets to me. Screeching tires always gets my hair standing on end. This scene was well done even if the movie as a whole was nothing special.

I love scary movies. I like trying to get myself into the suspense of a scary movie. It doesn't always work, but I try to catch most of them at some point.

I am not into gore or anything, so I don't like movies like Hostel and never was into the Friday the 13th movies.

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