scary saints underrated... we better win tommorow!


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the most underrated thing about the saints is their defense. They give up loads of big plays i guess, but not a lot of tds. Theyve held oponents to under 20 the last 5 games (including us of course,) and despite whats been goin on the last two weeks their offense can be unstoppable at times.


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Really wouldn't like seeing them again in the postseason. They have the talent and the coaching advantage IMO.

First things first and that's a win tomorrow night, however. Biggest game of the season and they keep getting bigger. Its great to be in the hunt in late December.


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yea its fun isnt it. gives me a reason to watch games like that giants saints game today.


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TonyS;1255222 said:
Really wouldn't like seeing them again in the postseason. They have the talent and the coaching advantage IMO.

First things first and that's a win tomorrow night, however. Biggest game of the season and they keep getting bigger. Its great to be in the hunt in late December.

If Parcells is as good of a coach as he gets credit for, he better come up with a hell of a gameplan if we play NO in the playoffs. We clearly have the talent advantage, but we got out-coached last game.


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1. Larry Lacewell said the Saints have the 1st or 2nd best talent in the NFC. Maybe Lacewell got something right for once. To you more savvy posters than me: then how did the Saints only get 3 (?) wins last year? Did their QB(s) destroy them last year?

2. If Payton is a genius, did the tumescent Tuna hold him back when he was here, the same as BP might have held back the remarkable regality of Romo?

I've had too much beer tonite to research. Thanks in advance to anyone who's had more beer than me and consequently can better answer these questions.

Yakuza Rich

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I think the Saints are far better on the road than on home. So losing homefield advantage to them doesn't scare me as much as it once did. Problem is that we'll lose the bye week.


Bob Sacamano

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igtmfo;1255423 said:
1. Larry Lacewell said the Saints have the 1st or 2nd best talent in the NFC. Maybe Lacewell got something right for once. To you more savvy posters than me: then how did the Saints only get 3 (?) wins last year? Did their QB(s) destroy them last year?

you answered it right there

igtmfo said:
2. If Payton is a genius, did the tumescent Tuna hold him back when he was here, the same as BP might have held back the remarkable regality of Romo?

BP made Payton scale the O back, plus our line, an immobile QB, and having only 1 WR capable of creating seperation, precluded us from being too diverse on O

Yakuza Rich

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igtmfo;1255423 said:
1. Larry Lacewell said the Saints have the 1st or 2nd best talent in the NFC. Maybe Lacewell got something right for once. To you more savvy posters than me: then how did the Saints only get 3 (?) wins last year? Did their QB(s) destroy them last year?

Yes, Aaron Brooks stunk. Also, they played what? 13 games on the road last season. I think the experience on the road last year has helped them this season, but it killed them last year. And Lacewell getting something right hasn't happened since the early 90's and even that's questionable.

2. If Payton is a genius, did the tumescent Tuna hold him back when he was here, the same as BP might have held back the remarkable regality of Romo?

I don't think so. In preseason Romo looked much better than he did in the 2005 preseason. Also, supposedly Payton wanted to start Romo in 2003. I highly, highly doubt that would've been a good move.



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igtmfo;1255423 said:
1. Larry Lacewell said the Saints have the 1st or 2nd best talent in the NFC. Maybe Lacewell got something right for once. To you more savvy posters than me: then how did the Saints only get 3 (?) wins last year? Did their QB(s) destroy them last year?

2. If Payton is a genius, did the tumescent Tuna hold him back when he was here, the same as BP might have held back the remarkable regality of Romo?

I've had too much beer tonite to research. Thanks in advance to anyone who's had more beer than me and consequently can better answer these questions.

another interesting saints fact is that payton basically cleaned house. They have very few people left over from that 3-13 season. I also don't think we match up well against them. They have a very balanced offense. Some peope say they can't run the ball. I cant say i've seen all their games..but ill say that i havent seen them need to run the ball, and not be able to. I'd much rather see them get knocked off by someone else.


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Romo won that preseason game in 2003 that he was allowed to play in. Remember? he drove the team down to the 1-yard-line, instead of spiking the ball, he got everyone to the line and ran a QB sneak to win the game with like no time remaining. Bill and everybody exulted.

Bill seems to have some dum-ask rules in his mind like: 1. Assistant coaches shouldn't be allowed to speak to the media. 2. Kicking game is the most plus-minus part of the game, but never draft a kicker, but draft a return guy pretty high, but not high enough for Devin Hester. 3. If you have a Pro-Bowl TE, draft another TE in the 2nd round because it will confound defenses. (sorry) 4. Never play a QB that hasn't demonstrated-the-ability-to-win-in-a-regular-season-game unless you are desperate. Sigh, I wish Bill had listened to Payton and been desperate enuf to play Romo then ..


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I'm not saying the following because of sour grapes about our game with them, but................
Don't forget the loss, while contending for a bye-week and home-feild advantage, to the Skins.
Also, the Giants are in complete dissaray. I'll give credit, however grudgingly, where credit is due. Give the Saints their due. But, even with the way we lost to them, I'm not on board this bandwagon just yet. Someone had to win THAT division, a disappointing bunch by all accounts. Let's see what they do in the playoffs...............

Chocolate Lab

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A good quarterback and a good coach are about 90% of the championship equation, and the Saints have both.

But as for today's game, I wasn't that impressed. The Giants cracked, imploded, and just plain quit at the end. They've got major problems. So I wouldn't take today as THE indicator that the Saints are unbeatable.


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Chocolate Lab;1255568 said:
But as for today's game, I wasn't that impressed. The Giants cracked, imploded, and just plain quit at the end. They've got major problems. So I wouldn't take today as THE indicator that the Saints are unbeatable.

I agree with this. The Giants imploded (again!) today. The Saints played well...but the Giants never pressed them with any offense after their first drive.


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lewpac;1255556 said:
I'm not saying the following because of sour grapes about our game with them, but................
Don't forget the loss, while contending for a bye-week and home-feild advantage, to the Skins.
Also, the Giants are in complete dissaray. I'll give credit, however grudgingly, where credit is due. Give the Saints their due. But, even with the way we lost to them, I'm not on board this bandwagon just yet. Someone had to win THAT division, a disappointing bunch by all accounts. Let's see what they do in the playoffs...............

i agree that their division bites..but look at their record against our division. 3-1, and the loss last week is starting to look more like a fluke then their win against us. Look at the point differential in their wins. We underestimated them the first time. Lets not make that mistake again :)


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Yakuza Rich;1255494 said:
I think the Saints are far better on the road than on home. So losing homefield advantage to them doesn't scare me as much as it once did. Problem is that we'll lose the bye week.

If you thought Saints fans were loud in Dallas, you've never been to the dome. Most of the time when other teams are on 3rd down, you can scream at the top of your lungs and the person next to you can't understand what you are saying. It is nuts.


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Chocolate Lab;1255568 said:
A good quarterback and a good coach are about 90% of the championship equation, and the Saints have both.

But as for today's game, I wasn't that impressed. The Giants cracked, imploded, and just plain quit at the end. They've got major problems. So I wouldn't take today as THE indicator that the Saints are unbeatable.

I couldn't agree more. They reminded me of TO.


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Yeah, good points. But the Saints ain't going to sneak up on ANYBODY as of now, especially Dallas.
I think my deal with them is probably the same with millions of people. They're the Saints. They carry alot of bad baggage and until a drastic thing happens like, say, and NFC Championship game, 40 years and a bad rap just doesn't vanish in one season. I know, I know, in this time of free agency, salary cap and parity, anyone can jell and get hot for a year (Tampa Bay?). My mind knows this, but history and my heart still see's "The Saints". The Lions, Cardinals and Browns also, I won't believe it until I see it........the complete, season ending story. 'Till then, I just can't bring myself to believe.


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lewpac;1255616 said:
Yeah, good points. But the Saints ain't going to sneak up on ANYBODY as of now, especially Dallas.
I think my deal with them is probably the same with millions of people. They're the Saints. They carry alot of bad baggage and until a drastic thing happens like, say, and NFC Championship game, 40 years and a bad rap just doesn't vanish in one season. I know, I know, in this time of free agency, salary cap and parity, anyone can jell and get hot for a year (Tampa Bay?). My mind knows this, but history and my heart still see's "The Saints". The Lions, Cardinals and Browns also, I won't believe it until I see it........the complete, season ending story. 'Till then, I just can't bring myself to believe.

After reading that I had to pinch myself. :D ......... Again.


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SaintsFan, good for you and your fellow fans...............and I mean that. I don't diss' the Saints or say anything disingenuios about them. It is what it is. If any fan base deserves this, it's you guys. This really even has nothing to do with Katrina and all that. I'm just talking about being a fan all these years. Add Katrina to that and it's a storybook far.
I wish you the best............except for one sticky little problem: I'm a Cowboy fan since 1965.
But I gotta' ask, after all Saints fans have been through, do you really, really believe? Or is there that old familiar feeling based on the past? I'm asking honestly, not trying to instigate anything.


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lewpac;1255639 said:
SaintsFan, good for you and your fellow fans...............and I mean that. I don't diss' the Saints or say anything disingenuios about them. It is what it is. If any fan base deserves this, it's you guys. This really even has nothing to do with Katrina and all that. I'm just talking about being a fan all these years. Add Katrina to that and it's a storybook far.
I wish you the best............except for one sticky little problem: I'm a Cowboy fan since 1965.
But I gotta' ask, after all Saints fans have been through, do you really, really believe? Or is there that old familiar feeling based on the past? I'm asking honestly, not trying to instigate anything.

Im no saints fan but the league has changed. The teams that are traditional greats havent done much of anything in a very long time. I would imagine saints fans have every reason to believe if we do. Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith, and coach johnson aint gonna help us now. History means nothing in the world of salary caps and free agency. Teams like the cowboys, raiders, and giants are fighting for the same scraps as everyone else now. The advantage of the powerhouse big market teams is gone forever.