scary saints underrated... we better win tommorow!


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lewpac;1255639 said:
SaintsFan, good for you and your fellow fans...............and I mean that. I don't diss' the Saints or say anything disingenuios about them. It is what it is. If any fan base deserves this, it's you guys. This really even has nothing to do with Katrina and all that. I'm just talking about being a fan all these years. Add Katrina to that and it's a storybook far.
I wish you the best............except for one sticky little problem: I'm a Cowboy fan since 1965.
But I gotta' ask, after all Saints fans have been through, do you really, really believe? Or is there that old familiar feeling based on the past? I'm asking honestly, not trying to instigate anything.

Thanks for the kind works and now to answer your question...
At the start of the 4th quarter in a few games this year, I had a feeling that Saints fans NEVER EXPERIENCE. We knew that the game was won and the other team knew it. Usually we are on the edge of our seats the whole game (which makes for some great games) but now that we have blown 7 teams out, it's nice not to have to sweat out the forth quarter.

As I posted before, everybody thinks so much of the Saints offense but the Saints defense has only allowed 12.6 points in the last 5 games and we have blown out 4 out of 5 including you guys. In a way, I'm kind of glad we lost to Washington because we would have had to win 9 games to get to the Superbowl and now we only have to win 5. Washington took us down a peg and we needed it.

Dallas may have better players than the Saints, but we just don't make stupid mistakes. We don't allow many sacks and we don't make stupid penalties. We are always in a position to win and players off the bench always seem to rise to the occasion. It has been a truley amazing year.

Even if we don't get to the Superbowl, it was a great ride.


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Can't argue with any of that.........
Like I said, it is what it is, and nobody can take anything away from New Orleans this year.
If they DO win it all this year, or even the NFC, noone could cry "foul", "luck", or "unfair". They're better positioned than most to be a legit NFC champ.
Good luck................unless it's against Dallas!!!


Kane Ala
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igtmfo;1255553 said:
Romo won that preseason game in 2003 that he was allowed to play in. Remember? he drove the team down to the 1-yard-line, instead of spiking the ball, he got everyone to the line and ran a QB sneak to win the game with like no time remaining. Bill and everybody exulted.

Bill seems to have some dum-ask rules in his mind like: 1. Assistant coaches shouldn't be allowed to speak to the media. 2. Kicking game is the most plus-minus part of the game, but never draft a kicker, but draft a return guy pretty high, but not high enough for Devin Hester. 3. If you have a Pro-Bowl TE, draft another TE in the 2nd round because it will confound defenses. (sorry) 4. Never play a QB that hasn't demonstrated-the-ability-to-win-in-a-regular-season-game unless you are desperate. Sigh, I wish Bill had listened to Payton and been desperate enuf to play Romo then ..

I understand some of those but they are all hindsight except for a few. You can argue draft choices and the like but you should put all the right things on one side of a piece of paper and the cons the other.

If a team is winning then there must be more on the con side.

I say everyone gets things wrong. How can you make all the right calls including the draft.

Fasano came for a coach and high power program and Bill obviously thought a lot of him. You can't name a lot of rookies that come in a play right away for Bill. Hester was a miss but hindsight. Yada yada.

Those were good points but on the whole we have a HOF coach who still coaches like he belongs in it.

We have a team thought to be super bowl capable for the first time in years. And we've generally lived up to the hype.

Your opinion and others are just as important as mine. My opinion is the
Parcell and Zimmer haters should take a rest for now. I think we'll play better in the and you'll start seeing it more against Philly.

As long as we can play our game and not fall behind two scores by turnovers and such then we can run on them and pass on them. There blitz can't hurt us as before. Our defense will have more problems with Garcia, but will score more than they will.

In the playoffs we will play better against NO.

So chill and be thankful we're not 5-11 any more.