Schefter: Rex Ryan insists he did talk with Joneses about DC position, but did NOT interview


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Not a veteran of hiring committees, I take it, then.

In my field, fairly common to ask outsider non-candidates to act as consultants to the hiring committee... eg, to comment on their perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of (a) the institution, (b) the position, and (c) candidates they may have insight into.
Yeah that sounds like Jerrah and Dumb Son. Ask around about their faults.

Risen Star

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You know that... how again???

I must have missed that explanation.

You know that... how again???

Me, I don't know if a one time phone call would be considered billable hours. Possibly. Dunno. If it was paid, I'll go out on the limb and say I'm confident Jerry could have afforded it.

You're allowed to believe what you want to believe (... that's not permission so much as it's just stating an observation, of course). I find it specious logic to pretend (a) we would know about every call that any hiring committee makes... (b) that seeking outsider advice is weird/odd/unprecedented... and (c) that individuals looking for a scoop would never be predisposed to presuming something that, in reality, is a nothing burger.
Once again, thank you for giving me permission to believe what I want to believe.

Am I also allowed to believe it without riff raff getting upset and ranting about meaningless comparisons to their own job?

I know it. I don't believe it. And I know it because you can not provide a single example of it ever happening in the NFL before. Ever.

Now you go. Without the example you can not provide of course.


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Makes a lot more sense...

... that is, that Jerry wanted to know more clearly what one of the Cowboys' fiercest media critics, who happen to be a former DC himself, thought about things.

I hate to break it to you but I'm really tired of every morning opening up this place with a new conspiracy theory if he talked to Jerry on the phone that is an interview some call it a pre interview it's still an interview it's no different than zoom when they get on the phone pick a guys brains talk to him about what he might do if he came here that is interviewing you literally were interviewed.... If it wasn't official it wasn't official but it's still an interview I know people in the sports and local media that are reporters that interview people over the phone...

So can we stop the nonsense besides the fact that most of us do not want him here anyway every morning there's a new conspiracy theory with these coaches first we didn't interview enough people now we're interviewing the wrong people now they're not even called interviews :facepalm: :muttley: o_O :rolleyes:

Oh my God March cannot get here fast enough we should know everything by March we should start doing free agency and the draft prep and just let's get past this ridiculousness....


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Is he saying anything on Get Up about it ?
No because if he doesn't get hired it'll be the second year in a row he was rejected. hes back peddling. it was an interview maybe just a loose one but if they talked, its an interview.


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Media sucks!!! I'd rather look at the newspaper funnies then listen to anything the so called news media whether sports or not have to say about anything. It's not even news anymore...Just BS!
How are you going to find out info about the Cowboys? Telepathy? "The media" is not everyone spewing lies. "The media" has always relied on people using their critical thinking skills in a free society. If one is have to blame yourself. But you also can't pout and declare every source and individual reporting as "sucks".


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Once again, thank you for giving me permission to believe what I want to believe.
Once again, the obtuse response falls flat... it's an observation, not a dictate from a throne.

You try very hard to be that guy, my friend. I'm glad you're here. I just wish you weren't one of the many whose responses are indicative of someone feeling so injured when someone offers thoughts that run counter to your own... intellectual humility is not your enemy, it's your friend. You're as flawed in real life as I am or anyone is... it's okay to admit someone else's thoughts are merited.

That's as far as I'm going to walk down this path with you. I've read nothing more in your comment. You win. I lose. And yeah, I'm also bored with it. Have a good day.
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if he talked to Jerry on the phone that is an interview
I'm just tellin ya. You haven't served on a hiring committee if you really believe that statement. You're wanting something to be black and white, as so often happens in these kinds of discussions, when the fact of the matter is, there is gray.

I cannot tell you Jerry's intent in that conversation. I cannot read his mind. I can only affirm that in the real world not everyone that a hiring committee speaks with is spoken with for hiring purposes, which is consistent in this case with Rex Ryan's claim that it was not an interview. There are reasons... reasons... a hiring committee can have to want to talk to people in the industry whose opinions potentially could be worth hearing out... ie, what we routinely call consulting.

Does Ryan have some ulterior motive for having made that claim? Can't rule it out, but on the other hand, to be fair, we also have to ask if the original reporter had any ulterior motive for having asserted it was an interview?... and then, when we assess based on conventional wisdom which one is more likely than the other...

Sorry, the media guy desiring to break a story is so much more likely the one whose assertion ought to be considered suspicious. The gravity of his report is strengthened if the conversation can be construed as Ryan being a candidate, as opposed to just some people getting together to talk about what priorities others see as important to value highest, or similar. Rex Ryan is under no palpable extant duress that would give us reason to believe he's lying. Doesn't endanger his job at ESPN to have interviewed for a coaching position, though again... gray area... who knows.. yes, there conceivably could be something we don't know about.

That's my attempt at a lucid, sober, balanced take. Dismiss it at your leisure, but unsolicited advice, give yourself the benefit of, at least, a legit argument with yourself a little first.


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I'm just tellin ya. You haven't served on a hiring committee if you really believe that statement. You're wanting something to be black and white, as so often happens in these kinds of discussions, when the fact of the matter is, there is gray.

I cannot tell you Jerry's intent in that conversation. I cannot read his mind. I can only affirm that in the real world not everyone that a hiring committee speaks with is spoken with for hiring purposes, which is consistent in this case with Rex Ryan's claim that it was not an interview. There are reasons... reasons... a hiring committee can have to want to talk to people in the industry whose opinions potentially could be worth hearing out... ie, what we routinely call consulting.

Does Ryan have some ulterior motive for having made that claim? Can't rule it out, but on the other hand, to be fair, we also have to ask if the original reporter had any ulterior motive for having asserted it was an interview?... and then, when we assess based on conventional wisdom which one is more likely than the other...

Sorry, the media guy desiring to break a story is so much more likely the one whose assertion ought to be considered presumption. Rex Ryan is under no palpable extant duress that would give us reason to believe he's lying. Doesn't endanger his job at ESPN to have interviewed for a coaching position, though again... gray area... who knows.. yes, there conceivably could be something we don't know about.

That's my attempt at a lucid, sober, balanced take. Dismiss it at your leisure, but unsolicited advice, give yourself the benefit of, at least, a legit argument with yourself a little first.
And I'm telling you that having a phone conversation about the job you can call it a pre interview you can call it a soft interview you can call it a taking the temperature type interview it is in fact an interview... It's no different than the zoom that they did with Zimmer and Zimmer seems to be a front runner and he didn't come in in person... You're right I can believe what I wanna believe but we also read these stories and then we get to have our own opinion on what they meant and I'm telling you, it's an interview... Regardless of how official or how hot of a candidate he might have been it's still an interview maybe he doesn't feel like it's an interview but it's an interview....


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It’s hard to believe that a front office run with such proactive precision and excellence like ours would have any communication breakdowns.


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And I'm telling you that having a phone conversation about the job you can call it a pre interview you can call it a soft interview you can call it a taking the temperature type interview it is in fact an interview
I stand by what I said. You're at minimum wrong to claim omniscience. Short of having cams and mics, no one here has the level of insight you'd have to have to be so black and white. You're probably wrong on the rest. But, that, at minimum.

Done. No more interest in this merry-go-round with you, either... but enjoy your day.


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so basically Jerry wasn't considering him but talked to him.

I interview with Jerry when he hired garrett. I keep yelling ##### Jerry, now I'm interviewing with Jerry because of the qb crap. I'm still yelling ### #### Jerry.
"I interviewed"


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I stand by what I said. You're at minimum wrong to claim omniscience. Short of having cams and mics, no one here has the level of insight you'd have to have to be so black and white. You're probably wrong on the rest. But, that, at minimum.

Done. No more interest in this merry-go-round with you, either... but enjoy your day.


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Rex Ryan's defenses were known for toughness...but he is not current on present patterns in the current schemes being used now.


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Rex would fit in real nice in Jerry World. Until he clashes with the lead clown. I think Rex would be great for about 1-2 years then the act will be old.


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How are you going to find out info about the Cowboys? Telepathy? "The media" is not everyone spewing lies. "The media" has always relied on people using their critical thinking skills in a free society. If one is have to blame yourself. But you also can't pout and declare every source and individual reporting as "sucks".
My opinion.... News media as a whole suck!! Just mouth pieces for those in charge. Back in the day...Walter Conkrite-Dan Rather??? These guys now are just political or sport mouth pieces. Stephen A -Skip- even Fisher.. Clowns IMO. Biggest stories of the century they won't cover- national news. But lead story at times " what color under wear Britney Spears is wearing"...Yea...real news there :facepalm: You want real stories...try to find and research on your own....Sports news can be verified...after all the brainless rumors...national news is way harder to get facts but you can...How does the old saying go...believe 10 percent of what you hear -90 percent of what you see...In sports it's all guessing and rumors until it hits the fan. Anybody guess in here for DC is just as good as any guy out there reporting now. IMHO
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