Schottenheimer on Dak: He's gonna play elite level football

1st game, Dak plays lights out. Almost at an elite level.
2nd game, Dak plays well the 1st quarter. But not great either. Throws a pick 6 2nd quarter. An injury revealed in the 2nd half. Out for 4 to 6 weeks. Then put on IR. Put for the year.

Spin….Dak was playing at an elite level before his Injury.
What is elite level football?

Is it being the best bus driver?
Is it having great stats?

Alex Smith was a great bus driver, great stats, and yet two teams shipped him out once they found a guy with the wow factor.
Dak can play at an elite level. The problem is getting him to sustain it at an elite level opposite good teams and most importantly. In the playoffs.
How many games has Dak come back to win after being down 10 or more points at any point in the game? Elite and Dak should never go in the same sentence…ever!

He's gonna play elite level UFL football, Anyone can talk and say that something can be this way, but the reality is that we all know that Dak-ancer will continue being the same, because no one can guarantee that he will not get injured again, since he gets injured without being touched, but his game is still inept. If Josh Allen cannot achieve more than what he has shown, do you think Dallas can achieve more being an average QB?


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