Snyder didn't learn the first time - that this "Maddenistic" method of acquiring FAs wasn't the best way to go about building a team - what makes you even halfway confident he'll learn if this really does blow up in their faces?
Because nothing hurts worse then knowing you could have an SB contender, but having to tear it apart because of mistakes you made. For all Snyder is knocked, he's really just an overzealous Skins fan. He has taken a step back since Gibbs got here...problem is his hands should never have been in the GM role ever.
I've noticed one difference, at least between the Skins and Broncos. The Broncos have some contracts, which by releasing them somehow, provide enormous cap relief, so that cutting just a few players, provides almost all the cap relief they need. The Skins, because of all the pushing back, and restructuring they have to do, every year just to sneak under the cap, have no contracts that would provide similar relief.
The problem with getting free agents who have performed elsewhere and signing them to multi-year if they don't perform for you, or are problems in the locker room, when and if you release them the team takes a big cap hit. Trading Coles for Moss has helped us immensely but gave us a 9 Million cap hit for this year which is basically half of our deficit.
Trouble is, I don't think Gibbs really understands yet what a huge factor the salary cap has become. I remember hearing something when he first was hired, when he said that he didn't think the cap was a big deal. That it was overrated, or something like that. Well, hopefully he's learning from this. As of now, it's just a scare, but it's a scare that should really educate the Commanders.