Screw Baseball and no SNF *Merge*

Dallas;1733706 said:
I guess I gotta start watching Dexter. Can someone fill me in on a quick summary as to what the main story is w/ Dexter?

You should buy or download the first season. There were only like 12 episodes or so.

Great show.
Dallas;1733724 said:
Sweet !! Thanks for that. Ill be tuning in. Sounds great.

unfortunately, showtime doesn't have season 1 on demand anymore. you can watch episode 1 here:
(click on episode 1 part 1/3)

to see if you like it. think they have a couple more episodes, but not all
Wolfpack;1733661 said:
No question. Baseball=yawn.
At least you guys don't live here in new yuck, that is all they talk about up here, baseball, it sucks! No wonder both football teams moved to New Jersey.:laugh2:
baseball is awesome some of u guys are haters! but yea i like football better but there is no reason to hate on baseball
theogt;1733654 said:
Give me my Sunday Night Football.

Baseball sucks.

Great thread! Baseball is horrible. I was thinking the same thing. NFL did baseball a favor by not playing tonight. Trust me, any NFL team would have drawn a better rating than baseball. Let's hope it is a sweep and we don't have to hear anything about baseball for months....
theogt;1733654 said:
Give me my Sunday Night Football.

Baseball sucks.


Baseball is almost as boring to watch as Golf.

I'd rather watch Soccer for jeebus sake.
What? You guys aren't watching the Lost Book of Nostradamus on the History Channel? :)

Yeah, it's sad but I can't even watch baseball if it's the World Series. Just far too slow for me.
TheSkaven;1733883 said:
What? You guys aren't watching the Lost Book of Nostradamus on the History Channel? :)

Yeah, it's sad but I can't even watch baseball if it's the World Series. Just far too slow for me.

Preach it Skaven!! PREACH IT !!
the NFL is #1 and not just with the majoity, but with me too..there are some of us who do like was awesome when I was a kid, but due to free agency and having WAY too many teams, it just isnt the same

I think their biggest problem today is they cant get compelling matchups in the postseason anymore, especially in the World Series

UppityCracker2;1733700 said:
Somebody probably asked this already, but why isn't there a SNF game?

Because they don't want to humiliate MLB by destroying the World Series in the ratings. As it is, the Southern Miss game will probably run neck and neck with it.
TheSkaven;1733883 said:
What? You guys aren't watching the Lost Book of Nostradamus on the History Channel? :)

Yeah, it's sad but I can't even watch baseball if it's the World Series. Just far too slow for me.

Dec 21, 2012 and it's all over. :eek:
Was the 2012 thing based off a Nostradamus prediction? I know that date as the time when the Mayan solar calender ends also. I always figured they just decided to stop there...

If its any consolation, the Bourne Supremacy is on NBC...
theogt;1733654 said:
Give me my Sunday Night Football.

Baseball sucks.

I haven't watched baseball since the 1994 strike and have ZERO interest in it. I don't know who's playing and I don't care who's playing. Baseball is boring and is not even a real sport IMO. It is more like golf than anything else. I would rather watch the World's Strongest Man competitions or women's Billiards than Baseball.

I totally agree, baseball sucks!

I want my friggin Sunday Night Football!
Any Romo predictions by that dude Nostradamus? When will he take us Cowboy fans to the promised land?
ninja;1733993 said:
Any Romo predictions by that dude Nostradamus? When will he take us Cowboy fans to the promised land?

December 21, 2012... oh wait... :eek:

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