Setting Aside Politics A Bit

The on field product is simply not that good any more. The owners have taken most of the defense out of the game. Parity is killing the sport along with Free Agency and far too much money and greed. People aren't fools. Teams can't keep fan favourites. Players and owners only interested in self promotion. Money..Money...Money.
Parity has been a goal of the NFL for a very long time. The on-the-field product is subject to free market forces. Market forces will tell the owners what needs to change and they will either respond accordingly or face the backlash they are seeing now. They will eventually make the proper corrections. As for your claim that the NFL is too greedy, MLB and the NBA is greedier than the NFL so I see no merit in that sentiment. There is nothing wrong with making money.
You can cite polls and statistics all you want. The overwhelming majority of people tuning out is because of politics. It's undeniable and undebatable.
I don't know a single person that's boycotting for any other reason and I know many.
Go ahead and tell me I'm wrong while I literally laugh at you.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I am asking you to provide the data to support your assertion.

Otherwise, you're simply treating a pet theory as fact; you have to know that, right?
Ratings fall after reaching an all-time high. it's inevitable. For the NFL, it's football saturation - you have NFL football on 3 nights a week now, an entire cable network, brand tie-ins, and fantasy sports. The very things to expand the league's visibility in society and lead to its growth are now contributing to its fatigue as we've reached a tipping point.

I'm sure some people have stopped watching due to the protest, but that number pales in comparison to the numbers tuning out due to the other reasons.

Fantasy football has attributed to ratings drop.
It backfired on them.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I am asking you to provide the data to support your assertion.

Otherwise, you're simply treating a pet theory as fact; you have to know that, right?
My data is what I know to be a fact. Go ask 100 people why they boycott and you will see for yourself.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I am asking you to provide the data to support your assertion.

Otherwise, you're simply treating a pet theory as fact; you have to know that, right?
Meanwhile Goldenstate lost it's season opener and I'm laughing at you too. PS I'm Boycotting the NFL so stuff that in your pipe and smoke it, fool. :laugh::lmao::lmao2:
Meanwhile Goldenstate lost it's season opener and I'm laughing at you too. PS I'm Boycotting the NFL so stuff that in your pipe and smoke it, fool. :laugh::lmao::lmao2:

Meanwhile, you’re on a message board talking about your fake boycott. Way to show’em!

PS, I’ve been laughing at you since you informed us you “graduated” from homeschool.

Reasons for ratings decline:


Still early in season

Cowboys not playing in prime time every week

Anthem protests

In that order.
Reasons for ratings decline:


Still early in season

Cowboys not playing in prime time every week

Anthem protests

In that order.

Actually, I think you left the biggest reason off.......screaming. It's crazy how much of that is going now vs 5-10 years ago. Good example ....the site Reddit allowed me to watch Sunday game with pretty much the quality as the local network. Not to mention viewership on mobile phones but IMO I doubt Anthem protest is impacting ratings........numbers to small
Actually, I think you left the biggest reason off.......screaming. It's crazy how much of that is going now vs 5-10 years ago. Good example ....the site Reddit allowed me to watch Sunday game with pretty much the quality as the local network. Not to mention viewership on mobile phones but IMO I doubt Anthem protest is impacting ratings........numbers to small

Well, sure, I guess I didn't realize screaming at my TV had an impact on ratings.
I don't know a single person that's boycotting the NFL.
alot would'nt call it a boycott...........but the protests gave them a reason to do something else on a nice fall day instead of being couch potatoes, spending big money on Stadium tickets.............they found out there is life outside of being a football junkie..........

The NFL had them on the hook for a decade, but they got off.......the protesting was the slack in the line and they threw the hook
I think there are many reasons why the NFL is struggling to maintain its viewership and pointing to any specific one as the largest impact is not being very realistic. I can list many reasons off the top of my head why fewer people are watching the NFL (in no particular order) ..

  • The quality of the NFL in terms of product (team competitiveness) has declined with many teams in perpetual "rebuild" mode.
  • The lack of young superstar quarterbacks to replace the retiring superstar quarterbacks. Yes, there are good young quarterbacks, but none of them are proving to be superstar level beyond 1-2 years, and even then, just being good does not mean "superstar". Maybe Prescott, Wentz, Goff, Watson, etc. will turn into the Bradys, Mannings, and Rodgers of tomorrow, but for now, they are just good quarterbacks.
  • A lot more TV options on Sundays than in the past. Netflix and other streaming services are now available 24/7 which means a Sunday afternoon can be dominated by non-NFL/sports media consumption. In the past, NFL fans controlled their TVs on NFL Sunday afternoons because there was really nothing else on worthy of watching beyond old movies, TV show reruns and documentaries. Now, there's plenty to watch whenever you want.
  • Fewer people are going to church these days which is impacting the ritual of going to church, eating Sunday lunch and football for the rest of the day.
  • Having more games on TV every week by adding Thursday games has diluted the uniqueness of NFL games.
  • Having Monday night games on a paid-for TV channel (ESPN) as more and more people cut the cord from cable and satellite TV services.
  • Showing half of Thursday night games on a paid-for TV channel (NFL Network) as more and more people cut the cord from cable and satellite TV services.
  • MLB teams with long standing histories and huge fan followings such as the Cubs, Yankees, Dodgers, Red Sox, etc. fighting for and making the post season in baseball.
  • Player protests that originally focused on kneeling during the National Anthem has offended many people. While many have switched to a more supported kneel-before-the-anthem protest, many fans are not separating them after the fact as their actions still remind them that those players were kneeling during the anthem previously.
  • The rising costs of NFL game tickets increasing each year for most teams.
  • The rising costs of NFL merchandise increasing each year for most teams.
  • The rising cost of NFL Sunday Ticket increasing each year.
  • The NFL turning into criminal prosecutors by going after popular players year after year, month after month, in court.
  • The quality of refereeing in the NFL continuing to decline despite mistakes that are clearly identified by fans and sports commentators with HD TV and high frame rate video.
  • The lack of consistent penalty calling and enforcement depending on which team of referees you get, while fans being told the right call was made, and then the opposite ruling is made the next week and again said to be correct.
  • Constant changes to the game by the NFL to make it more competitive such as shorter kickoffs, longer extra points, new overtime rules, etc. moves the game further away from the one most grew up watching.
  • The constant effort to make the game safer for players at the expense of removing hard hits causing fewer turn overs and game changing plays.
  • The increased protection of players who may or may not have suffered concussions helping to remove more and more players from games.
.. and those are just the ones I thought of while writing this.

Before someone chimes in with their agenda flag waving like mad, I listed these as objectively as I could. I do not agree with all of them and most of them have had no impact on my NFL my viewing habits. These are just things I have heard people complaining about either in conversations or throughout the internet and while one or two may not be enough to impact someone's viewing habits, I am sure the more boxes that get checked on this list will eventually start to make that impact for many people and likely already have.

Great list.

I think as the population and race makeup of the country shifts in age levels the viewing shifts also.
Ratings were already falling for a variety of reasons but this protest has only made it worse. But of course Goodell is a great Commish because he makes the league money.:rolleyes:

And he will be known for losing them money also if the non viewing trend continues... Especially since we still see players taking knees, and his " community outreach" initiative falling apart.
Ratings were already falling for a variety of reasons but this protest has only made it worse. But of course Goodell is a great Commish because he makes the league money.:rolleyes:

I don't think the protests have made it worse. The decline in viewership from 2015 to 2016 was greater than the decline from 2016 to 2017.
I think there are many reasons why the NFL is struggling to maintain its viewership and pointing to any specific one as the largest impact is not being very realistic. I can list many reasons off the top of my head why fewer people are watching the NFL (in no particular order) ..

  • The quality of the NFL in terms of product (team competitiveness) has declined with many teams in perpetual "rebuild" mode.
  • The lack of young superstar quarterbacks to replace the retiring superstar quarterbacks. Yes, there are good young quarterbacks, but none of them are proving to be superstar level beyond 1-2 years, and even then, just being good does not mean "superstar". Maybe Prescott, Wentz, Goff, Watson, etc. will turn into the Bradys, Mannings, and Rodgers of tomorrow, but for now, they are just good quarterbacks.
  • A lot more TV options on Sundays than in the past. Netflix and other streaming services are now available 24/7 which means a Sunday afternoon can be dominated by non-NFL/sports media consumption. In the past, NFL fans controlled their TVs on NFL Sunday afternoons because there was really nothing else on worthy of watching beyond old movies, TV show reruns and documentaries. Now, there's plenty to watch whenever you want.
  • Fewer people are going to church these days which is impacting the ritual of going to church, eating Sunday lunch and football for the rest of the day.
  • Having more games on TV every week by adding Thursday games has diluted the uniqueness of NFL games.
  • Having Monday night games on a paid-for TV channel (ESPN) as more and more people cut the cord from cable and satellite TV services.
  • Showing half of Thursday night games on a paid-for TV channel (NFL Network) as more and more people cut the cord from cable and satellite TV services.
  • MLB teams with long standing histories and huge fan followings such as the Cubs, Yankees, Dodgers, Red Sox, etc. fighting for and making the post season in baseball.
  • Player protests that originally focused on kneeling during the National Anthem has offended many people. While many have switched to a more supported kneel-before-the-anthem protest, many fans are not separating them after the fact as their actions still remind them that those players were kneeling during the anthem previously.
  • The rising costs of NFL game tickets increasing each year for most teams.
  • The rising costs of NFL merchandise increasing each year for most teams.
  • The rising cost of NFL Sunday Ticket increasing each year.
  • The NFL turning into criminal prosecutors by going after popular players year after year, month after month, in court.
  • The quality of refereeing in the NFL continuing to decline despite mistakes that are clearly identified by fans and sports commentators with HD TV and high frame rate video.
  • The lack of consistent penalty calling and enforcement depending on which team of referees you get, while fans being told the right call was made, and then the opposite ruling is made the next week and again said to be correct.
  • Constant changes to the game by the NFL to make it more competitive such as shorter kickoffs, longer extra points, new overtime rules, etc. moves the game further away from the one most grew up watching.
  • The constant effort to make the game safer for players at the expense of removing hard hits causing fewer turn overs and game changing plays.
  • The increased protection of players who may or may not have suffered concussions helping to remove more and more players from games.
.. and those are just the ones I thought of while writing this.

Before someone chimes in with their agenda flag waving like mad, I listed these as objectively as I could. I do not agree with all of them and most of them have had no impact on my NFL my viewing habits. These are just things I have heard people complaining about either in conversations or throughout the internet and while one or two may not be enough to impact someone's viewing habits, I am sure the more boxes that get checked on this list will eventually start to make that impact for many people and likely already have.

Well said. I am a die hard football fan. I get fed up with a lot of things about the NFL in the moment, but I usually just let it go.

The two Dez catches (non catches) really piss me off but I can even let them go. But this protest stuff has put a bad taste in my mouth in a way that nothing else has. It's poison to the NFL. If it bugs me that bad it must be more influential to the casual football fan.

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